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How to use IA13 to build a better list?


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Has anybody here built a Forge World Sicaran? How is the fit of parts? I still have nightmares with the fit of the Mk IIB LR kit that thing is a real pain with big gaps and fit issues. It can be solved but it takes a lot of time and effort sadly.

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I have the book :)


Well as much as a Nurgling like me despises Slaaneshi followers, I have in fact thought of a rather interesting tactic for Noise Marines using the new IA13:




Karybidis Assault Pod with Dirge Caster

lots of tooled up noise marines

armoury relics



You see, Karybidis guarantees you will be in the enemy deployment and able to charge turn two unless it gets taken out on entry by interceptor shots (somewhat unlikely, but could happen). Fill said Karybidis with noise marines tooled up with sonic blisters or close combat weapons depending on preference.


Karybidis using guidance lands right in the middle of a juicy target and burns them with S6 blast whilst protecting your boys through being in hover mode. It then fires huge amounts of dakka from its 5 missile pods at anything that might be a threat. Turn two, the noise marines jump out and proceed to Bolter the living daylights out of anything that moves or nasty doom siren charge.


Here's the interesting part, some of the relics synergise really well with NM. I don't remember the names off the top of my head, but options include squads with icon of excess gaining extra combat resolution, models nearby getting FNP (if you don't want icon), and the option to make the Karybidis weapons pinning, or increase dirge caster range by another 6 inches. Given that NM are I5, potential tactic could be to combine big range dirge caster with doom siren close combat squads (tau) or perhaps pinning missiles with salvo weapons (huge numbers of shots), daring people to charge you with your sirens and i5.


I am still refining the idea, and welcome to suggestion, just think it could be more hilarious than using the more reliable, but slower Spartan.

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Pouring Combi-Plasma Terminators out of the Kharybids while dropping Mayhem Pack can also be fun.


I've already been doing it with IA Apoc.




Edit - Anyone know if the Renegade Elites with Hotshots get Deep Strike (like Scions)?

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Do any of these vehicles have "Relic of the Armory" special rules? I'd really want to get 2 Sicarans and Fire Raptors with Malefic Ammo, but I wouldn't want to be forced to take 2 or so Warpsmiths =/


Edit: I guess taking 2 of each would cause me to need at least 1 Allied Detachment or go Unbound, but would that rule apply to the army or each detachment?


Relic Predator


Fire Raptor



Infernus Dread


  To get more than one relic you need either: Abaddon, warpsmith or a sorcerer with malefic daemonology.

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Has anybody here built a Forge World Sicaran? How is the fit of parts? I still have nightmares with the fit of the Mk IIB LR kit that thing is a real pain with big gaps and fit issues. It can be solved but it takes a lot of time and effort sadly.


Busy building one now.  Its amazing. 

Question for those with the book- did the Raptor get nerfed a little in terms of the OP cannons it had?  

The chaos version used to shoot out 4 twin AC shots each turret.  I'm expecting it to be brought in line with the loyalist one.  

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Question for those with the book- did the Raptor get nerfed a little in terms of the OP cannons it had?  

The chaos version used to shoot out 4 twin AC shots each turret.  I'm expecting it to be brought in line with the loyalist one.  



Well you can still get two twin Reaper AC's (replacing the Heavy Bolters in the ball turrets) like you could before. Only now you can give them Malefic ammo at a steep price though.

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Question for those with the book- did the Raptor get nerfed a little in terms of the OP cannons it had?  

The chaos version used to shoot out 4 twin AC shots each turret.  I'm expecting it to be brought in line with the loyalist one.  



Well you can still get two twin Reaper AC's (replacing the Heavy Bolters in the ball turrets) like you could before. Only now you can give them Malefic ammo at a steep price though.



They used to fire four twin linked shots each side.  (total 8 shots).


Is that still same? Or is it now 2 shots each side (total 4 shots)

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It is exactly the same as before (8 shots, 4 each side), except that you can buy rending for the side cannons now and pay a plasma gun to get non-ordnance anti-infantry missiles. So it is better than before. The loyalist one gets POTMS and useful anti-tank missiles though.

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It is exactly the same as before, except that you can buy rending for the side cannons now and pay a plasma gun to get non-ordnance anti-infantry missiles. So it is better than before. The loyalist one gets POTMS and useful anti-tank missiles though.



Wait....what O_O  

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Surely its more points now though?!! Like, it puts out the megabolter shots AND 8 twinlinked S7 shots?! And 4x s8 AP2 ordnance shots? ? O_o



combined with hellblades / talons, stormeagles, thunderhawks, dreadclaws, karybi BIGGER DREADCLAW and if you are feeling kinky, blightdrones, heldrake or allied renegade valkyrie - Chaos Air is now a thing.

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But ordnance missiles makes everything else shoot snapshots, is it just me that doesn't see the point of them?


Yeah, you're limited to one a turn really, and even then you would have to snap shoot the bolt cannon. The ball cannons however do not have to snap fire if you use the ordnance missiles, so they're not completely useless. I would still upgrade to its new anti-infantry missiles though and use them and the bolt cannon against large squads and aim the ball cannons at light to medium vehicles.

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But ordnance missiles makes everything else shoot snapshots, is it just me that doesn't see the point of them?


that was last edition. only non-vehicle models have downsides (can't move, no other weapons) firing ordinance now.


ignore my partial wisdom from p.41 and proceed to lament the stupidity of ordinance weapons fired by vehicles as written on p. 73 :(

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But ordnance missiles makes everything else shoot snapshots, is it just me that doesn't see the point of them?

that was last edition. only non-vehicle models have downsides (can't move, no other weapons) firing ordinance now.

ignore my partial wisdom from p.41 and proceed to lament the stupidity of ordinance weapons fired by vehicles as written on p. 73 sad.png

Incorrect I'm afraid, vehicles still snap shot other weapons when firing ordnance, what they can do that other models can't is snap fire non-blast ordnance weapons (for example if they have moved at cruising speed, or have already fired an ordnance weapon that shooting phase (so a fire raptor could fire one missile at full BS, then snap fire the other 3).

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Do any of these vehicles have "Relic of the Armory" special rules? I'd really want to get 2 Sicarans and Fire Raptors with Malefic Ammo, but I wouldn't want to be forced to take 2 or so Warpsmiths =/

Edit: I guess taking 2 of each would cause me to need at least 1 Allied Detachment or go Unbound, but would that rule apply to the army or each detachment?

Relic Predator


Fire Raptor



Infernus Dread

To get more than one relic you need either: Abaddon, warpsmith or a sorcerer with malefic daemonology.

Boo... Well at least you can get them with a character besides a Warpsmith. This gives me the reason to go ahead and get my Abaddon count-as then! biggrin.png

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What do people make of the Hell Blade? I've always liked the model and I'm tempted to get one. 6 S7 AP4 twin linked rending shots seems pretty good for its fairly low points cost. Although BS3 and the fact it's made out of tissue paper and hope make me wonder if it'll be worth it.

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What do people make of the Hell Blade? I've always liked the model and I'm tempted to get one. 6 S7 AP4 twin linked rending shots seems pretty good for its fairly low points cost. Although BS3 and the fact it's made out of tissue paper and hope make me wonder if it'll be worth it.


I got one and used it a few times with the old rules. It was fragile but definitely usable with the old rules, picking off small stuff, stripping hull points and just being a nuisance.

Don't ever give it daemonic possession though. If it gets shot by stuff that might penetrate it, you will want to jink, and as if you fail your junk rolls you are most likely dead anyway so possession never has a chance to kick in. It's like buying extra armour for open-topped Sentinels, plain silly.


The new rules makes it have 50% more shots for the same cost, and it also gains Rending. I think it is probably the biggest winner in the 'new-rules-lottery' this time around.

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I think the hellblade is great rules wise.  I think the competitve way would be 2 and the bomber, or just plain up 3 of the smaller craft.


Expensive, yes,


fragile, yes


Killy...  Oh yes!   I play chaos like in BFG - offense over defense and aggressive.

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