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How to use IA13 to build a better list?


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Oh yes, one interesting thing I noticed that I don't think has been mentioned is that if you embark your 'Technomancer' (abaddon, warpsmith or sorc with malefic) in a transport with Daemonic Possession you may choose to roll/not roll to see if the vehicle eats someone every turn (rather than having to), if you roll and the vehicle eats someone, you get to pick whom it consumes, rather than it being determined randomly.

Did someone just tell me to Possess a Spartan with 23 cultists, an Apostle, and a Warpsmith? 


Also, tell me more about this renegade elite infantry. I've been toying with the idea of renegade stormtroopers for some time and want to make some conversions using cultist, WHFB Dark Elf, and Elysian bits. 

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Couple of ways to represent storm troopers, first are disciples - they're an elite slot, BS4 standard otherwise work like an imp guard squad's options, one special, one heavy weapons team up to 10 dudes. They roll 4+ 2d6 drop the lowest to determine their leadership.


In troops there's also a veteran unit, BS 3 1 special per 5 can take options similar to guard vets (carapace armour or scout or tank hunters etc.) If you take the Bloody handed reaver demagogue you can select an additional option for some points that gives them BS 4, hotshot lasguns and 1 hotshot volleygun (S4 AP3 salvo 2/4) per 5. As written this does not stop you taking the other options, so if you want 4+ save dudes with hotshot lasguns, volleyguns and a couple of plasma guns you can totally do that thing. They can end up with crappy leadership however, so best take an enforcer for the squad to keep them in line.

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R&H purchase Spawn in units of 3, they cannot take any marks or anything and cannot take extra models (I think). The plus side is where a unit of 3 spawn in CSM army is the same cost as 6 plasma guns, 3 Spawn cost 5 melta guns and a flamer. Best of all if your command squad takes Covenant of Tzeentch you can take 3 as Non-compulsory troops choices (so Spawn with Objective secured!)


What I'm thinking of doing (when I can think more about it) it loading up on Artillery for my Iron Warriors by using a double primary detachment or allied detachment. 5 Wyverns or Griffons (who are dirt cheap) is amazing for a single HS choice.

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