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1) Can the IA13 Kharybdis take Terminators?

2) Anyone considering using it that way?


I must admit, the lack of reliable DS for Chaos termies is one of my completely non-qualified irritations with the current Chaos codices. I'm eyeing this option. That and I have a pathological terminator addiction.

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While it costs as much as a Land Raider Phobos + Power Weapon, it can Carry 10 Terminators and act as a flyer afterwards. Something the Phobos and equivalents can't do. 


The only competition in terms of delivering amount of units (namely terminators in this case) is the Spartan and it costs EVEN MORE than the Kharybdis. Granted its neigh invulnerable if you can give it : Armored Ceramite and Flare Shields, among other things.


Personally, if you're playing in a 2k+ games and can justify the cost (you probably can) then, go for it. The only drawback is the physical cost.

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1) Can the IA13 Kharybdis take Terminators?

2) Anyone considering using it that way?


I must admit, the lack of reliable DS for Chaos termies is one of my completely non-qualified irritations with the current Chaos codices. I'm eyeing this option. That and I have a pathological terminator addiction.

For me, if you're going to transport your Terminators in a Land Raider, it would be better to give them the Assault Claw for just 30 more points. A drop pod with 5HPs and 5 Storm Missile Launchers, DS mitigation and jink, even though it doesn't have any AT weapons it will certainly get your Termies where they need to be, and up to 10 of them at that! Though I probably wouldn't do this below 2000 points.

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But they won't carry 10 terminators to an objective turn 1.


8 nurgle termies + typhus and abaddon to the face!!!!



yeah and then what[that is considering your not playing against tau or an army that runs tau as ally or has skyfire/interceptors]. If you unload with the terminators[with 1 turn down time] you destroy[if your opponent is static] one unit or claim one objective. For roughly 500+pts. at the same time the same points of MSU rhinos are on 2-3 objectives. Even if two get obliterated you still get the same effect.


And let us not forget that the reaction of the termi unit is a rather slow one[even if their transport somehow survives for the to re embark].

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And for heavy interceptor you DS turn 1 into Hover mode, and disembark turn 2. There's no 1 size fits all solution tactically- the flexibility of disembarking or not disembarking is what you pay the extra points for.


I realize it is expensive, but at least to shakeup the meta as a 1-2 punch a Kharybdis of terminators+a multimelta mayhem pack should have a brief flash in the sun. I have everything except the Kharybdis for that.

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Nothing in the Drop Pod rules preventing you from disembarking on the turn it lands? Though I may be missing something.




A unit that Deep Strikes via Drop Pod may not assault in the turn it arrives. In the case of the Chaos Kharybdis, unlike other Drop Pods, it is not immobile. However, after it has landed it is treated as a Flyer with Hover mode (which starts off hovering after it has arrived from Deep Strike
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But really the Kharybdis (Assault Claw is easier for me to remember tongue.png ) is not much more expensive than a Land Raider, it has weaker armor but 1 more HP and it can jink. I'd think that the Assault Claw would be a much more viable option than a Land Raider, Spartan or even just DSing.

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