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Veteran Sergeant's and their Loadouts

Luca Pacioli

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Hi all,


Yet another fluff question from me (thanks for all the help with my other questions!). I was wondering, firstly; if there is a specific benefit for having a veteran Sergeant over a normal one in terms of rules (I'm mainly interested in the fluff aspect but thought I'd ask) and secondly:


What loadouts do people choose to run their vet sergeants/sergeants with? Does this change depending on squad (i.e. Tactical/assault/devastator)?


You may be able to guess that I've never played the game before but enjoy the modelling/hobby side!



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Also in the current codex, Blood Angels cannot have non-veteran Sgts. I assume, we will get the option in the new codex, so you might want to either magnetize the helmets, or leave them helmetless (as ridiculous as that is).


I would take

ASM - Power Sword, meltabomb

Dev - unupgraded

Tac - unupgraded or pistol version of whatever special weapon the squad has.


Magnets are a good idea for the arms as well.

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Current BA codex does not allow for taking Sergeants.  As for upgrades, it's quite clearcut for some, not so much for others.  For example, my preferences:


Tacticals: I would take Combi-plasma because I feel doubletapping for S7 AP2 is the best bang for the buck for a generalist shooty unit, but Storm Bolter is also a good option.

Devastators: I would take nothing because nothing synergizes with SM heavy weapons.

ASM: I try to benefit from the A2 on the Sergeant here as much as I can, so I usually go for a Thunder Hammer or Plasma Pistol and Power Sword.  Expensive? Yes, but if you're going to get a job done, do it right. :)

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Cheers guys! Magnetisation is obviously the way forward.


Quixus: are veterans given a gifferent helmet colour? I though gold was for honour guard? Or is it that the honour guard is chosen from veterans so has gold helmets because they're vets?


appiah5: no cal for dual lighning claws?


Also, is it possible for us to have a veteran wield a chain axe, or is that something reserved for our brethren scum??

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Quixus: are veterans given a gifferent helmet colour? I though gold was for honour guard? Or is it that the honour guard is chosen from veterans so has gold helmets because they're vets?

Honour Guard and Veteran Sgts. have gold helmets because they are vets. See C:BA p. 71. Honour Guard sometimes even have gold armor (p. 67).

Also, is it possible for us to have a veteran wield a chain axe, or is that something reserved for our brethren scum??

Since the chain axes have gotten their own stats and are no longer normal CCWs, they are for the filthy traitors only.

[rant]Argh, a several centimeters thick slab of metal with a motor can be swung as gracefully as a well balanced sword, but a power field generator suddenly makes an axe unwieldy.

And a 7 foot killing machine hitting you with a chainsword is no worse than one hitting you with a fist. censored.gif GW[/rant]

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Just a thought... Should terminators have gold helmets too?! Surely they're vets aswell...


Quixus: I can see why the frustration there! I was thinking of one of my vets having a chain axe as a memento of a vanquished chaos Lord... With the requisite purity seals etc of course!

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Just a thought... Should terminators have gold helmets too?! Surely they're vets aswell...



Terminators have red helmets and black power fists (almost typed power gloves :p) for.... reasons? 


It's just the way it is, unlike Ultras for example and their white helmets. 


Or did they change that again?

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Regarding the original question I actually posted a thread about this very subject in the tactica forums. 




It's not really about assault squad sergeants, they are a special case, but I'm sure you can find something helpful.

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my favourite load outs for vet sarges is two infernos pistols in a 5 man group with another melta gun in a drop pod.... 140 points... it's extremely good. also, 2 hand flamers and a flamer aint bad.


If you run all jump pack assault marines a lightning claw storm shield and melta bomb is pretty expensive, but the moment that shield saves against ap3 or better, it's paid for itself. also, load outs like that almost make the sanguinors bonus stat thing worth it

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I paint the jump pack gold on sergeants, so they are easier to spot. Usually give them a flesh helmet. As for loadout there alot of good options. I really like them naked with a stormshield if joined by Dante so i dont have to get powerclawed/fisted by other stuff, but there is alot of good options. The dual pistol infernus/plasma has the best look imo :)

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