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Are you guys hoping for Grav and Stormtalons?


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The Ba are more or less a codex chapter so fluff wise it makes sense.


On the tabletop Centurions will make a great fire support unit for the assault elements in the army. I simply think it would boost BA's power levels greatly as nice unit combinations could be made using the unique characters in the codex.

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Some Chapters have a propensity to use different equipment and tactics over others, some items simply fall out of favour and remain in the armoury (hence the lack of rules in a Codex). It also makes sense fluffwise for us not to use them.


Centurions do not fit with the aesthetic that Blood Angels currently have. We also already have more than adequate options for laying down covering fire for our assault elements and besides, the majority of combinations can be achieved through allies and we all know that allies equate to more sales for Games Workshop.

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I agree that grav centurions are a little out of place, but then again BA have played differently in every edition and codex.


Still wish that I could take grav. Against monsters it's very helpful, like a plasma that always wounds on 2+/3+ and can't kill the wielder. Things like the NDK and WK will cease to be a problem. It would also be a very welcome addition to any assault sergeant or character in pistol form. 

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I agree that grav centurions are a little out of place, but then again BA have played differently in every edition and codex.


Still wish that I could take grav. Against monsters it's very helpful, like a plasma that always wounds on 2+/3+ and can't kill the wielder. Things like the NDK and WK will cease to be a problem. It would also be a very welcome addition to any assault sergeant or character in pistol form. 


Yeah. Centurions can stay but I wouldn't say no to grav weaponry in general. They are extremely useful. 

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I want stormtalons (or something similar) very badly. I hate that if I want to bring non-static anti-air, I have to bring 200+ points of stormraven. Don't get me wrong, I like stormravens. I've got one, and it's tons of fun. But... let's say I want to bring a land raider. Let's say I don't want to bother with transports at all. Let's say I want to build a list without a stormraven. That's really hard to do with only one anti-air option that's not an aegis defense line, and those are neat, but they don't match the way I (or most folks) play Blood Angels.


I don't much care if we get grav. I agree that our covering fire options are adequate; what we need is a boost to our assault troops to make them more viable. I mean, if GW were to say "ElectricPaladin, would you like grav weapons for your Blood Angels?" I'd say "ok, sure, why not?" But if they said "would you rather have grav weapons or this shiny new special rule that will give your assault troops +1 Initiative in some circumstances?" I'd go assault bonus every time.

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Stormtalons are really excellent. I have two to field in the stormwing formation, but even on their own (when I'm feeling down and running Iron Hands instead of BA) they're quite powerful.


I think Grav or some other new weapon would be very helpful to BA. SW got the new helfrost cannons on their fliers, which are pretty great, and I find that single-shot meltas and multi-meltas don't do enough to combat the high toughness, multi-wound models out there (wraith knights, thunder wolves, nurgle spawn, big bugs, etc.).

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Kind of not hoping for them, but I could understand fluff wise why they would get them being 'codex adherent' and all. Would I use them? Nah, prob not the centurians as they are pretty fugly. Maybe the Talon though.


I don't think we will get much I'm the way of new things though guys

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I hope we'll never see the centurions in our codex(probably wish un-listing, but hey). BA have way too much style for that. I'd rather have the Land Speeder Storm as a dedicated transport for scouts, the Stormtalon and some beefed-up sanguinary guard. I want to field them again with pride and put fear in my enemies!! Other than that, our elite slot is already cramped up with lots of good units.

Wouldn't mind to get access to grav weapons, as long as we won't see the centurions. yucky.gif


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I expect grav-guns and pistols, just because they're in the shared Tactical/Sternguard/Vanguard kits. 


I don't expect Centurions to make it in.


If BA get a second flyer, I think it will be a new one. They didn't re-use the Stormtalon for the other Marine codexes.


Yes, but... Dark Angels use a lot of those kits, too, and I don't believe that they got grav. Unless they did. I don't really understand or care about Dark Angels, so my information is potentially bad.


It's true that every Space Marine codex gets their own flyer... except that nowadays everyone gets the stormraven, so the matter is not so cut-and-dried. Dark Angels have their own dual-kit flyer and don't get stormtalons or stormravens. The Grey Knights get the stormraven, but no other flyers. Codex marines get the stormraven and the stormtalon. Blood Angels... I think it's up in the air. Stormtalons? Their own fighter? Nothing? It could be any of the above.

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Yes, but... Dark Angels use a lot of those kits, too, and I don't believe that they got grav. Unless they did. I don't really understand or care about Dark Angels, so my information is potentially bad.

Dark Angels haven't been updated since they were released. If they get grav, it will be in the next version of their codex.


It's true that every Space Marine codex gets their own flyer... except that nowadays everyone gets the stormraven, so the matter is not so cut-and-dried. Dark Angels have their own dual-kit flyer and don't get stormtalons or stormravens. The Grey Knights get the stormraven, but no other flyers. Codex marines get the stormraven and the stormtalon. Blood Angels... I think it's up in the air. Stormtalons? Their own fighter? Nothing? It could be any of the above.


The Stormraven was released as a Blood Angels/Grey Knights kit, and rolled into the single best-selling army across all GW's ranges at the first available opportunity. It's not really any precedent for the reverse happening - adding a £50 kit to Codex Space Marines is an obvious instant sales win. Dark Angels and Space Wolves never got it.


Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Grey Knights have all been updated since the Stormtalon was released and it hasn't made it into any other book yet. My bet is new flyer or nothing.

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I don't care either way about grav weapons becoming available to us, meltas and flamers feel more BA. I care very much if the price of their presence in the armoury is Centurions.The codex boys can keep every single suit as far as I'm concerned.

Storm Talon wuld be a fair trade after the Storm Raven, but if they could give us something of our own that looks like the Nephilim Fighter while keeping the Talon's weapon options, that would be nice.

You know what I'd really like? Frag weapons and/or astartes grenade launchers. The frag cannon is too good for its only platform to be the Furioso.

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I don't see BA getting grav or Centurions. You might see grav pistols as an option for Vanguard Vets, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it. Hand flamers and melta pistols are already BA-exclusive, I think grav will remain SM exclusive.

I do think the BA will end up with either the Stormtalon or the Hunter/Stalker. I also think it would be appropriate for BA to get access to Heavy Chainswords, which pretty much no one else has yet.

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I also think it would be appropriate for BA to get access to Heavy Chainswords, which pretty much no one else has yet.


Oh my goodness, this, a thousand times this.


Hang the grav weapons and Storm Talon, close combat weaponry that allows assault marines to actually pack a punch once the few ragged survivors of the enemy's guns get in close would be lovely.

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I honestly find it easier to believe they'd release dedicated Blood Angels Tactical and Veteran Squad kits than not give BA grav. Their business is model-driven. If they're selling you that box, they're going to let you use the bits that come with it.


I dunno. That's like saying that anything given to standard Space Marines is automatically available to specialized Chapters published after the most recent SM dex. If that were the case, Space Wolves would have grav weaponry, as every one of their kits is fully compatible with basic Marine kits.

Of course, all of the Space Wolf troop boxes were doubled in content instead of requiring you to buy a Tactical Squad to complete a full unit. That does lend weight to the idea that they'll simply double the contents of the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes. But it also opens up the possibility that they'll simply wipe Vanguard and Sternguard from BA entirely.

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Three words: Death. Company. Centurions.


But I digress, I think we'll get our own nifty flyer in addition to the ones vanilla get. Hopefully it will be some sort of transport too and closer to the power of the Wolf flyers rather than the DA ones.


I think a unique drop pod option could be fluffy, not sure what though.


In terms of grav I think we'll get them yes as there is no reason not too I find.

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I hope we'll never see the centurions in our codex(probably wish un-listing, but hey). BA have way too much style for that. I'd rather have the Land Speeder Storm as a dedicated transport for scouts, the Stormtalon and some beefed-up sanguinary guard. I want to field them again with pride and put fear in my enemies!! Other than that, our elite slot is already cramped up with lots of good units.

Wouldn't mind to get access to grav weapons, as long as we won't see the centurions. yucky.gif


Pretty much this.

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