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Nurgle Chosen - Weapon choices

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So for the Call I'm gonna do a unit of 7 Chosen and I cant make up my mind on how to equip them, any Nurgle players have killer units that work well for them? 


Most of my army is shooting based, the only assault units I have are 7 Possessed and 5 Raptors, would an assaulty unit be worth it? 

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I see your point Jeske but I have already made my Vow for the call, and I usually play with opponents who are fluff gamers over whats 'good' to use, we go by the rule of cool, it doesnt matter if the unit is a strong one game wise as long as it looks brutal and is fluffy. 

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I sometimes play with 9 MoK Chosen, led by Khârn. They're not terrible by a long shot but that's the wrong mark for you, plus you need a delivery for them. If I was you I'd take 3 or 4 special weapons - melta/flamer/plasma (each has their merits) and an odd power axe or maul.


Should look good and can still be given a job. I'd deffo give them a Rhino too though.

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The new LatD book from forgeworld might make them viable with that Spartan 25 model transport. put 20 chosen in it with a sorcerer and 2 chaos lords (allied detachment) and that is a lot of attacks on the charge out of that assault vehicle. CS codex with preferred enemy I'd probably put 4 flamers in there have belakor fly behind with invisibilty would be kinda funny but impractical.

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well brutal is impossible, because chosen are a horrible assault unit .

What did you say? 



So for the Call I'm gonna do a unit of 7 Chosen and I cant make up my mind on how to equip them, any Nurgle players have killer units that work well for them? 


Most of my army is shooting based, the only assault units I have are 7 Possessed and 5 Raptors, would an assaulty unit be worth it? 

Plasma Chosen are very useful, I field a unit of them in most of my games. They make substantial mid-range support when deployed and maneuvered properly. Do note the extra toughness does not protect you from gets hot. I suggest equipping them for combat against light infantry to take advantage of the high toughness: Power Swords and Power Mauls. 


I look forward to seeing the purification. 

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4 flamers, lightning claw, combi flamer. Rhino with combi flamer. Not efficient by any means but a good utility unit and good fun to use. Additionally I believe the new Forge World book will offer you some vehicle upgrade options for your rhino such as outflank or feel no pain etc. It's gonna open up some fun modelling and gaming options.
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well brutal is impossible, because chosen are a horrible assault unit .

What did you say? 




He is right...chosen are pretty sub par as an assault unit. To give any chosen a power weapon or fist you've just spend the same pts cost as a terminator (more for a fist), but with the protection of just +3 save, 1 wound-so each time one chosen goes down, you're losing a lot for not a whole lot of gain. With plasma guns or other special weapons you can at least have your chosen in a good position doing damage with some guns, in an assault they just probably won't last long once they come up against another assault oriented unit. 


I'm sure Jeske can add more, that's just my take. 

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Chosen are pretty sub par as an assault unit. To give any chosen a power weapon or fist you've just spend the same pts cost as a terminator (more for a fist), but with the protection of just +3 save, 1 wound-so each time one chosen goes down, you're losing a lot for not a whole lot of gain. With plasma guns or other special weapons you can at least have your chosen in a good position doing damage with some guns, in an assault they just probably won't last long once they come up against another assault oriented unit.

They are not, they simply have different utility as compared to terminators. Chosen are capable of many, many, more attacks than a Terminator squad (without having to pay for additional specialist weapons). Furthermore, they can Sweeping Advance a tried and true tactic against large squads of enemy infantry; Necrons in particular are susceptible to this. Finally, perhaps most importantly, they have grenades. Our Landraiders do not have Frag-assault launchers meaning assaulting an entrenched opponent in cover is an ugly prospect when your supermen are striking last against light infantry. Though I do agree, they are not an anti-anti-hoard unit, they are an anti-hoard unit.

Plasma-chosen have their own uses, primarily as ranged support against enemy elites and light vehicles. They fulfill the roll that assault chosen cannot, which is to kill or weaken expensive deathstars. They are not as effective against massed light infantry which is where most chosen variants excel, hence the disparity.

What did you say?

why did hear gollum when i read that?


So for the Call I'm gonna do a unit of 7 Chosen and I cant make up my mind on how to equip them, any Nurgle players have killer units that work well for them?

Most of my army is shooting based, the only assault units I have are 7 Possessed and 5 Raptors, would an assaulty unit be worth it?

The Mark of Nurgle, being a toughness based Mark, finds the most use against light-weaponry/light-infantry whose stat lines are quickly revealed to be barely sufficient to pierce the high toughness. I would suggest a combination of special weapons and close combat weapons - primarily flamers and powermauls - so as to take full advantage of the Chosen's abilities in assault. Four flame Templates and four powermauls are a threatening prospect for xenos and light infantry (4+ saves or lower). Though beware Space Marines.

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[jeske] Terminators are also a bad assault unit. [/jeske]


If you're putting them in a rhino, I don't think making them a dedicated assault unit is a very good idea. Plasma seems like it would be, though. Combi-weapons could alo be pretty useful, or a mix of the two. You might also consider flamers if you want a strong anti-horde unit. Since you're going for rule of cool, though, why worry..? Pull out all the stops and give them big rusty, spiky halberds or something.

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It's always target/opponent dependent. Chosen perform a turbocharged version of assault against the targets that other marines do well against, but suffer against the same targets that other marines suffer against.


Running as combat support with a character is OK, as is running wild through GEQ and vehicle armies.


Special spamming is good, though Havocs can come in cheaper (I think)


I love my Chosen squads, but they have to move and hit just right or they will be killed like regular marines and their point loss will hurt badly.

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Chosen are pretty sub par as an assault unit. To give any chosen a power weapon or fist you've just spend the same pts cost as a terminator (more for a fist), but with the protection of just +3 save, 1 wound-so each time one chosen goes down, you're losing a lot for not a whole lot of gain. With plasma guns or other special weapons you can at least have your chosen in a good position doing damage with some guns, in an assault they just probably won't last long once they come up against another assault oriented unit. 



They are not, they simply have different utility as compared to terminators. Chosen are capable of many, many, more attacks than a Terminator squad (without having to pay for additional specialist weapons). Furthermore, they can Sweeping Advance a tried and true tactic against large squads of enemy infantry; Necrons in particular are susceptible to this. Finally, perhaps most importantly, they have grenades. Our Landraiders do not have Frag-assault launchers meaning assaulting an entrenched opponent in cover is an ugly prospect when your supermen are striking last against light infantry. Though I do agree, they are not an anti-anti-hoard unit, they are an anti-hoard unit. 


Plasma-chosen have their own uses, primarily as ranged support against enemy elites and light vehicles. They fulfill the roll that assault chosen cannot, which is to kill or weaken expensive deathstars. They are not as effective against massed light infantry which is where most chosen variants excel, hence the disparity. 



That's a fair point, defiantly true chosen can easily get a pretty high attack output, I was just saying (which I didn't specific) when it comes to more assault vs assault combats, or when fighting MEQ chosen are not all that great given it's rather costly to give them specialist weapons. Against hordes though you can't go wrong with their high attack output. 

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That's a fair point, defiantly true chosen can easily get a pretty high attack output, I was just saying (which I didn't specific) when it comes to more assault vs assault combats, or when fighting MEQ chosen are not all that great given it's rather costly to give them specialist weapons. Against hordes though you can't go wrong with their high attack output. 



It's always target/opponent dependent. Chosen perform a turbocharged version of assault against the targets that other marines do well against, but suffer against the same targets that other marines suffer against.


Running as combat support with a character is OK, as is running wild through GEQ and vehicle armies.


Special spamming is good, though Havocs can come in cheaper (I think)


I love my Chosen squads, but they have to move and hit just right or they will be killed like regular marines and their point loss will hurt badly.

Exactly. Which is much the reason why I run chosen, they are excellent slaughterers. Thus far I have fought against a wide array of Imperial Guard, Tau, and spacemarines with many, many tactical squads. Chosen specialize in infantry killing, but struggle against more durable assault units such as Terminators and stormshield equipped vanguard veterans. Certainly Havocs are equally capable of applying massed specialist firepower as chosen are, but they cannot bring power weapons to the fore. The specialist weapons are merely a means of aiding the chosen in accomplishing their goals whether it be to break open a transport or thin our a large hoard. 


I am not arguing that they are better than terminators at what terminators do, I am arguing chosen are better than terminators at what chosen do. Everything has its purpose, it is much like comparing Mutilators and Obliterators. Apples and Oranges ladies and gentlemen. 

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What do you generally give your squads, and how do you actually get them into combat in one piece? My problem with melee chosen has always been that they die just as easily to shooting as regular CSM while costing more than twice as much, so it seems like they'd need an asault transport..?

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What do you generally give your squads, and how do you actually get them into combat in one piece? My problem with melee chosen has always been that they die just as easily to shooting as regular CSM while costing more than twice as much, so it seems like they'd need an asault transport..?

Correct. Assault chosen have little reason to embark inside of a rhino, save when they are equipped solely with special weapons. I find Chaos Landraiders multi-functionality to be phenomenal and the inclusion of Dirge Casters and Dozer Blades mandatory. 


However, mark of khorne does provide counter attack. Against enemy assault armies a minimum sized unit armed with flamers and power mauls with the mark of khorne could be placed in a rhino with the understanding that even if the transport were destroyed and they assaulted they would still make a tough prospect for opponents. 

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