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Things that make me appreciate the B&C Chaos Forum.


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Inspired by a brush with sheer madness.


No one here has argued with me for an entire day that Lorgar could bring down the Imperium on his own.


What do you love about the Chaos Forum and it's posters here? Obviously not to badmouth other forums, of course, so no naming names.

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The variety and support.


These are the two main reasons. Yes, it is generally agreed that we do not have the greatest codex (and no this is not cue for any rules discussion) but members are sharing their love for Chaos in so many ways that it helps remind me what attracted me when I first saw Realms of Chaos "Slaves to Darkness" all those years ago. Character.


As for support, well. The amount of tips and tricks members here share for modelling and even list building is what keeps me coming back.

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I like the fact that I can send Forte a random rules question so I don't make a thread with a stupid question, and he just answers as best he can, no complaint about me wasteing his time with a dumb question. I also like the fact that, for being chaos guys, your all really laid back. Not the norm for my other armies area, which is one reason I come here more.

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Wow, a lot of really solid replies really quickly.


The injection of something positive was much needed....granted, I was equally insane for debating with someone who thought the Word bearers legion could take down the imperium single handedly for entire day.

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I like the fact that I can send Forte a random rules question, no complaint about me wasteing his time with a dumb question.

The abuse I give him, your the last person who would be wasting his time... Though he would have more time for himself if he stopped shaving his legs.

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Wow, a lot of really solid replies really quickly.


The injection of something positive was much needed....granted, I was equally insane for debating with someone who thought the Word bearers legion could take down the imperium single handedly for entire day.

If the Word Bearers could do that, why didn't/havn't they?? They had problems whooping the Ultramarines with help from the World Eaters... As a Word Bearer that makes me a sad panda :(

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Because here you can find discussions on anything Chaos, you will find painting blogs, old fluff discussions, the author of Talon of Horus :) and you know his just a big a fan as you are for everything Chaos.


Lord Lee.


PS Does anyone know if Aaron Dembski Bowden plays Black Legion, if so does anyone have pictures.

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On the Word Bearers, I'd argue that they couldn't do it by themselves, but I'd also argue that without them spending 40 years laying the groundwork for the Heresy, ot woul have failed without them.


On topic, Murderer's Call, ETL Chaos Forum(although the dancing gave me nightmares), CoC, the newer, happier members like Loesh, and a few other things, mostly the sheer creative imagination this forum can pull off when it wants too. Like Tenebris' Inspirational Fridays.


The only way it can keep getting better is to keep pushing out all of the negative commiserating. We know the clouds are gray. So instead let us soar above them and bathe in the sunlight while we phosphex the planet below. :D

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Wow, a lot of really solid replies really quickly.

The injection of something positive was much needed....granted, I was equally insane for debating with someone who thought the Word bearers legion could take down the imperium single handedly for entire day.

If the Word Bearers could do that, why didn't/havn't they?? They had problems whooping the Ultramarines with help from the World Eaters... As a Word Bearer that makes me a sad panda sad.png

The argument was that Chaos doesn't win because it never wants to.

And at one point said that Lorgar could convert all the Grey Knights and Black Templars by disguising himself as the Emperor.


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Wow, a lot of really solid replies really quickly.

The injection of something positive was much needed....granted, I was equally insane for debating with someone who thought the Word bearers legion could take down the imperium single handedly for entire day.

If the Word Bearers could do that, why didn't/havn't they?? They had problems whooping the Ultramarines with help from the World Eaters... As a Word Bearer that makes me a sad panda sad.png

The argument was that Chaos doesn't win because it never wants to.

And at one point said that Lorgar could convert all the Grey Knights and Black Templars by disguising himself as the Emperor.


erm, no... lol

considering the emperor is a dried up rasen at the moment who would loose a 500 meter sprint to stephen hawking, cant see them mistaking Lorgar for him biggrin.png

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Golden light, radiance, masquerading as his reincarnation is basically what I got in response to that.


Although i'm fairly sure Lorgar would rather dunk his face into a vat of acid then be mistaken for the Emperor anymore.


Also: May as well add something positive besides griping. I also too, like ADBs posts when he isn't busy, it brings perspective.

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I'v yet to actually use it.


Then again, i'm the kind of person who's been arguing for a day with a guy convinced that single Daemon Primarchs could handle the Grey Knights and Black Templars combined on his own.

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I love the amount of crazy painting and modelling coming out of this forum. It's always inspiring. Look at the last etl, truly amazing stuff and it makes me wish I had more time for modelling but uni and kids are taking up the vast majority of my time. I try to check in every now and then.


Also that ADB posts here is awesome!

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I like the fact that I can send Forte a random rules question, no complaint about me wasteing his time with a dumb question.

The abuse I give him, your the last person who would be wasting his time... Though he would have more time for himself if he stopped shaving his legs.

End of the day, I'm still a member too.

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He's been around the park. He has a rightly justified fear that if he ever picks an army that he writes about, the Tumblr and Warseer clans will persecute him to no end.


That said, once upon a time, he had an army called the Aphotican Oath. It has its own colorful history and at three different points, it hailed from the Black, the Night Lords and the Word Bearers. But currently he is fiddling with the Blood Angels last I heard.

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