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Things that make me appreciate the B&C Chaos Forum.


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I like the fact that I can send Forte a random rules question, no complaint about me wasteing his time with a dumb question.

The abuse I give him, your the last person who would be wasting his time... Though he would have more time for himself if he stopped shaving his legs.
End of the day, I'm still a member too.

One of us....

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The general attitude  that "your view on chaos/insert legion name here/daemons is just as valid as mine".


I think this is easily the strongest point in the B&Cs favor actually, it's an attitude that allows for understanding and is a cornerstone of intellectual discussion on any subject. That said i'd add the stipulation of 'Within reason' at the end, things that are too crazy get pointed out fairly quickly and deconstructed by a group of people who know their fluff pretty well, but otherwise things tend to be pretty good. 

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PS Does anyone know if Aaron Dembski Bowden plays Black Legion, if so does anyone have pictures.


Aaron did have a topic many year ago (2008-2010?) where he was thinking about starting a Black Legion force & asking the best way to paint the models.

I don't think it still about with tidy up the forum.  I'll check later today see if I can find the topic.


I think Aaron should take part in Call of Chaos with Black Legion force & more so since the release of Talon of Hours novel :D


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I think it's even more glorious knowing how much it's changed: from separate forums where it was basically bitter people complaining and producing very little, to now one cohesive forum that actively encourages and constructively criticises approaches to the hobby, from tactics, to lists, to painting and modelling. That alone makes all those disparate memories fade, which is great. Appreciate that we still don't always get on, and we do often tread proverbial water, and we recognise that things aren't perfect: but we make the best of a bad hand, we come together as we should to achieve victory, and it's pleasing to see.

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Things that make me appreciate the Chaos forum:


- The ETL/Call of Chaos. Literally the only reason I have anything painted to a decent standard, and the community spirit on display is quite frankly astounding.


- Sensible moderators who are also active members of the forum. I love the idea of the Inspirational Friday, even if there hasn't been one that grabbed me yet.


- The other posters. Everyone has their head screwed on right, there's no arbitrary bickering and most if not all the negativity has drained away. It's a different place to a year ago. I know I can ask a question and no matter how dense or obscure it may be, someone will know the answer.



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Why I love the Chaos forums. Because much like the traitor legions and renegades in fluff every single one of us has his/her own idea of what Chaos is, and at the end of the day we join together to kill anything and anyone which smells loyalist or xeno. When the killing is done we return to our favorite sport, fratricide... that one never gets old... and betrayal... and power-mongering... and deceit... you know... the classics. 


PS: I also love the Chaos boards because I have a whole legion of minions devoted to Chaos which I can unleash on the other boards. And usually they even come on top with their arguments. I bet the practice here on Chaos serves at something... mwahaha 


I have praised you enough my minions, now go forth and rip some loyalists... this I demand!

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Things that make me appreciate the Chaos forum:


- Sensible moderators who are also active members of the forum. I love the idea of the Inspirational Friday, even if there hasn't been one that grabbed me yet.



Where? Oh yeah. Insane Psychopath. (I did chuckle at your comment by the way).

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It has been great seen the change & I feel the Chaos area has became a great heaven as it where for us to escape from the Imperial much like the famous Eye of Terror.


In all honesty.  I'm not sure how Minigun felt?  But the negativity was soul destroying & just lower your moral.  It just really brought you down & it was sort of the last thing you needed.  It not what the hobby about.
We've all got a lot going on in our lives, some good, some bad.  I've found the hobby a good way to just to get your own space, get some games, paint some cool models, banter against your friends as something goes wrong for them in there game like a unit of Bloodcrusher losing combat to Grots?


With the forum, thing is we all have different aspect we enjoy about the Games Workshop hobby & the forum allow us to talk to like minded people about those parts.

We've seen a good range of topics - from the Legion community topic, tactical topics, discussion on people view on Chaos & the Chaos gods.


Also with the start of Call of Chaos, I'm really looking forward to see how everyone get on & general to see a lot of cool models.  I've loss count amount times I've seen some great models that given me a idea for a current army I'm working on or got me to start a brand new army, as that the side of the hobby I enjoy the most is building & converting.


It also great seen how helpful our members are.  Regardless if someone is a veteran of the long war who collected Chaos for a number of years or brand new to the hobby having just pick up Dark Vengeance or just someone looking for a new army & like the look of Chaos Marines.

Like wise, even though a few member might not agree on something.  In no way it is a bad thing.  I think the Night Lord topic on there 1st Company saw a few different views, but it was a really great discussion, everyone had great point from what I saw & made the topic really great to read.

Dragonlover - What type of Friday topic would you like to see in the future?

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Not a clue mate. It may just be that because nothing's lined up with my own personal hobby timeline yet, I've not been pulled in. I've got the next year planned out (ish).


Ooh, that said, after the Call finishes something to do with building an independent character would be sweet. I've got a Sorcerer to build, but I want to paint him in the ETL.



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Not a clue mate. It may just be that because nothing's lined up with my own personal hobby timeline yet, I've not been pulled in. I've got the next year planned out (ish).


Ooh, that said, after the Call finishes something to do with building an independent character would be sweet. I've got a Sorcerer to build, but I want to paint him in the ETL.




I've got something planned in the future that'll start just after Call of Chaos.

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Things that make me appreciate the Chaos forum: - The ETL/Call of Chaos. Literally the only reason I have anything painted to a decent standard, and the community spirit on display is quite frankly astounding. - Sensible moderators who are also active members of the forum. I love the idea of the Inspirational Friday, even if there hasn't been one that grabbed me yet. - The other posters. Everyone has their head screwed on right, there's no arbitrary bickering and most if not all the negativity has drained away. It's a different place to a year ago. I know I can ask a question and no matter how dense or obscure it may be, someone will know the answer. Dragonlover

Dragonlover has articulated my thoughts better than I could.

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It has been great seen the change & I feel the Chaos area has became a great heaven as it where for us to escape from the Imperial much like the famous Eye of Terror.


This is what our forum should be called, seeing as I came here originally to escape the bickering in the GK area, and I figured that I would turn my usless PA GKs into chaos ;)

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I like the fact that there is so much creativity over here be that painting, converting or even threads like 'making noise marines scream' which took a left field look at making the CSM book work despite the rest of the web saying 'nope nothing here in this cursed book' ;)

Oh and the fact that it appears every single collector and gamer from the VIIIth legion seems to hang around these boards, no clue who caused that to happen? tongue.png

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PS Does anyone know if Aaron Dembski Bowden plays Black Legion, if so does anyone have pictures.



Plays Blood Angels, no?

EVERYONE plays blood angels!.....actually that includes me :D  Both chaos and Loyalist variants

Have you got some pictures for inspiration?


Lord Lee.

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PS Does anyone know if Aaron Dembski Bowden plays Black Legion, if so does anyone have pictures.

Plays Blood Angels, no?

EVERYONE plays blood angels!.....actually that includes me biggrin.png Both chaos and Loyalist variants

Have you got some pictures for inspiration?

Lord Lee.


Been a while since an update but I took a break from CSM when nids dropped to get some work on them done, but I hope to have the whole army finished by christmas

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PS Does anyone know if Aaron Dembski Bowden plays Black Legion, if so does anyone have pictures.

Plays Blood Angels, no?

EVERYONE plays blood angels!.....actually that includes me biggrin.png Both chaos and Loyalist variants

hahaha well I'm gonna be painting up a "renegade" one here pretty soon. Though I think the Knights of Blood are still loyal to the throne of lies.

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For the longest time, I stayed out of the Chaos forums because it just seemed to be one giant bitch fest about the codex, or the armchair generals telling everyone else they're idiots because they want to use X unit instead of Y. As an old timer, I can't say I haven't been a little guilty of the former, having lived through the glory days of 3rd Ed Chaos, but it definitely seems a much nicer place to visit these days.


I really like that Chaos inspires some of the creative conversions and the new Legion/group specific threads are a great way for similar interests to be shared.

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