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Things that make me appreciate the B&C Chaos Forum.


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Expanding on the previous posts, I tend to find that more then other forums there's a nice balance of opinions here. Some folks like to play Chaos because Chaos is evil and they love it completely, others like Chaos because they find the traitor legions sympathetic but feel they are going about things in a terribly misguided way, I tend to be in the group of people that feel that Chaos is Humankinds last chance at redemption, and that the Cthulhu-esque mad gods are a better alternative then the inhumane thing on the Golden Throne and the Imperiums conquest of the galaxy.


I am also *extremely* legion focused, but there's a lot of people here into renegades, or legions mixing to an extreme, or chapters declared traitor and fighting with Chaos out of necessity. The range of opinions is wide, and from people who seem to have their heads on right, and it provides very solid discussion.

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It's an outstanding contrast of character that is completely opposite of the Imperial Chapters. Unfortunately, that lies the problem, Chaos is so large it takes longer to cover wider areas.


Unfortunately it's a faction that suffers from team b syndrome when it comes to gaming, the background can be mint depending on whose opinion you like more.

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In addition to before, without lie or artifice: No one on this forum has yet to claim that every single thing that happened in Warhammer has gone exactly according to the Chaos Gods plans and they have not once ever failed to do anything.


By the Dark Gods, I have allowed the blackest form of Fanboyism into the Machine Spirit of my computer, I must seek out a Heretek to have this thing purged....

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In addition to before, without lie or artifice: No one on this forum has yet to claim that every single thing that happened in Warhammer has gone exactly according to the Chaos Gods plans and they have not once ever failed to do anything.


By the Dark Gods, I have allowed the blackest form of Fanboyism into the Machine Spirit of my computer, I must seek out a Heretek to have this thing purged....


You must kneel before the machine, clap your hands before your chest twice. You must then use a Sacred Zippo to light two soywax candles, and intone the sacred chant: "I am sorry". Next, you must anoint the screen with the sacred cleanser. The next stage is to use one of the holy matches to ignite the tip of an incence stick, before extinquishing it with your fingertips. The pain will remind you not to err again. Next, you must take care to wipe the cleansing agent off the screen with a dry cloth. Pause again and speak the sacred chant. Place one digit upon the activation stud and hold it down for a slow count of ten. Clap twice, and make the sign of the cog, before invoking the name of the god. Finally, depress the activation stud and release it immediately. Hold vigil until the sacred computer has awoken and the Hourglass of Eternity has disappeared.


Thank the Omnissiah and your patron.


Thus finishes the ritual of cleansing.

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