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Clarification on shooting heavy/etc. weapons and charging

Ovidius Incertus

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Perhaps I am overlooking something, but I've looked this over several times and haven't found an answer in the rules.


If a model shoots with heavy/salvo/rapid fire, it may not charge, absent Relentless or Slow and Purposeful.


Although I don't have the BRB with me, I believe the entry says the firing model cannot charge, not the unit.  Correct me if I'm wrong, though.


So my question is this, if one model in a unit fires the aforementioned weapons, can the rest of the unit still assault?


Say a heavy bolter brother in a tactical squad fires but the bolter brothers only shoot one shot; can they charge while HB guy cannot?


If so, how is this resolved, since it would likely pull the model out of coherency after the charge?

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Also I would like to add that you can't choose to fire only 1 round out of the boltgun and still charge. The weapons is rapid fire so therefore you can't charge if you use it. But all tacts get a bolt pistol in thier gear so just declare you are using hte bolt pistols and then you can fire and charge. Its technically symantics since the only difference in stat line is the distance. But we have all faced THAT guy.

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Also I would like to add that you can't choose to fire only 1 round out of the boltgun and still charge. The weapons is rapid fire so therefore you can't charge if you use it. But all tacts get a bolt pistol in thier gear so just declare you are using hte bolt pistols and then you can fire and charge. Its technically symantics since the only difference in stat line is the distance. But we have all faced THAT guy.

I think he WAS referencing the Bolt Pistol shot, actually. The bolter was only referencing what type of model was being used, i.e. a Marine carrying a Boltgun in a Tactical or Devastator squad as opposed to one carrying a Special or Heavy Weapon. Consider that a Boltgun in a Pistol's range MUST fire twice if it fires at all.

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