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Proxy GUO? OMG it's huge (Glottkin)

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A half-daemon doesn't seem like it makes a whole lot of sense with the way daemons exist and all. Half-daemon-prince I could see more easily (still a pretty weird thing to bang, but if that's what you're into...) Then again, I think daemon metaphysics are different in WHFB, so. 


Idk, it would work better imo if he was said to be born of a Great Unclean One and a witch - the wiggle room gives people a great (if weird) discussion topic, that kind of origin rumour is still one hell of a personal brand for the guy in-universe, and people who are enthused about the idea one way or the other can make up their own minds as to the "truth" of it. The concrete canonicity is what strikes me as kind of odd.


On a subject not related to fornicating with pus daemons, I hope we get more pics of this mini soon. I want to check out its booty see what it looks like from behind and what the overall shape of it is (not dissimilat to a GUO, from the looks of it)

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A half-daemon doesn't seem like it makes a whole lot of sense with the way daemons exist and all. Half-daemon-prince I could see more easily (still a pretty weird thing to bang, but if that's what you're into...) Then again, I think daemon metaphysics are different in WHFB, so. 


Idk, it would work better imo if he was said to be born of a Great Unclean One and a witch - the wiggle room gives people a great (if weird) discussion topic, that kind of origin rumour is still one hell of a personal brand for the guy in-universe, and people who are enthused about the idea one way or the other can make up their own minds as to the "truth" of it. The concrete canonicity is what strikes me as kind of odd.


On a subject not related to fornicating with pus daemons, I hope we get more pics of this mini soon. I want to check out its booty see what it looks like from behind and what the overall shape of it is (not dissimilat to a GUO, from the looks of it)


I don't think Half-daemons are actually new to either 40k or Fantasy, but their exact origins are up in the air. The man in question seems to see it as a personal brand though, as he aspires to becoming a full daemon of nurgle.


Also: Why would you want to discuss anything else?

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Are there Possessed in WHFB? Would that be how his origin story works (not sure why we're putting so much thought into the practicalities of this tongue.png )

He's not possessed though, he's literally half daemon, there's not another entity inside him.

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