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[2000pts] - Blood Angels - Fast


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Here's a 2000 point Blood Angels list I've come up with based on stuff I've got plus stuff I plan to get that I think will work with what I have. Comments and criticism most welcome!


+++ Blood Angels Fast (2000pts) +++


+ HQ + (250pts)


* Mephiston, Lord of Death (250pts)



+ Elites + (105pts)


* Sanguinary Priests (105pts)

Brother Corbulo



+ Troops + (990pts)


* Assault Squad (220pts)

9x Assault Marines, Flamer, Meltagun, Retain Jump Packs

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Death Company (440pts)

10x Bolt Pistol, 10x Chainsword, 10x Death Company Marine, Land Raider Redeemer



* Scout Squad (100pts)

Missile Launcher, 3x Sniper Rifle

* 4x Scouts

4x Camo Cloaks

* Veteran Sergeant

Camo Cloak, Sniper Rifle



* Tactical Squad (230pts)

Flamer, Heavy Bolter, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Combi Plasma



+ Fast Attack + (455pts)


* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters, Twin Linked Assault Cannon



* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters, Twin Linked Assault Cannon



* Bike Squadron (165pts)

3x Space Marine Biker, Veteran Sergeant

* Attack Bike




+ Heavy Support + (200pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (200pts)

Twin Linked Lascannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta

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I think, two meltaguns or two flamers would work better.

I was thinking about splitting them into combat squad - melta gun goes with 5 marines for tank hunting and flamer goes with 4 marines plus sarge for anti infantry. But maybe it's best to keep them as a 10-man unit with two of the same weapon. Maybe the flamers as I've got melta on the attack bike and Raven.


What do you think about the rest of the list?

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you would have gotten more hits if you'd posted in the Army List forum

you'd do well to check there too.


ASM squad should have both specials the same - purpose over versatility

DC need something to break armour/take on something monstrous, so a hammer or two. If points are an issue, drop a DC marine or two

3 MMAB >> 3 Bikes + 1 MMAB

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Hi Paul, thanks for your feedback. I have re-posted in the list sub-forum (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298110-2000pts-blood-angels-fast/)


Regarding your specific comments...

I guess I could choose either 2x flamers or 2x meltas depending on the opponent.

Maybe a power maul or two for the DC so initiative is not impaired?

As for the attack bikes maybe I should do away with that unit altogether and use land speeders instead (partly because I have one painted already :P)

Then again, Baal Preds are sort of like land speeders with more armour, being Fast, so maybe a third one of them and some extra ASM or a Vindicator..?

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Well, if you are using minimum squads in razors the goal is that they dont need to exit the razor. I keep them cheap, usually add a meltagun maybe an infernus pistol. If they end up in combat, I probably lost. The DC and either DC dread or Imperial Knight do combat.
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You need chaplain for DC. And bike squad is not as good as you think.


Your bike squad is165 points and it is same with two hammer and 1 chaplain for DC.


Missile for scout? when you shooting vehicle, 4 sniper rifles are useless.


Power weapon for ASM seargent is not bad. But is so, you'd better change flamer to meltagun, and divide it.

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How about this?


+++ Blood Angels Fast v2 (2000pts) +++


+ HQ + (250pts)


* Mephiston, Lord of Death (250pts)

(In Stormraven)



+ Elites + (255pts)


* Chaplain (105pts)

Melta Bombs

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol

(Rides with DC in LR)



* Sanguinary Priests (150pts)

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

(1 in each Razorback with AS squad)



+ Troops + (1005pts)


* Assault Squad (170pts)

4x Assault Marines

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad (170pts)

4x Assault Marines

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad (170pts)

4x Assault Marines

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Death Company (485pts)

10x Bolt Pistol, 8x Chainsword, 10x Death Company Marines, Power Sword, Thunder Hammer

Land Raider Redeemer



+ Fast Attack + (290pts)


* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters, Twin Linked Assault Cannon



* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters, Twin Linked Assault Cannon



+ Heavy Support + (200pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (200pts)

Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta

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Greetings LutherMax,


The first issue that I find with your new list is the Sanguinary Priests - 3 is beyond overkill. With 3 5 man Assault Squads being more or less the sole beneficiaries, I just don't see the value in protecting them with so many other uses for those points.


Regarding the Razorback squads, they're missing special weapons. I tend to find meltas my preference, but flamers are solid depending on what you play against. Chances are that these guys aren't going to be in many big fights, you may even want to drop the power weapons. I like running my Razorback squads as super cheap objective grabbers since ASM don't fare that well these days anyway.


Have you considered bolters on the DC? It could add a bit of versatility and 10 DC + a Chaplain are going to wipe out damn near anything, anyway.


With the points you freed up, consider some multimelta attack bikes. They'll be great every game. I also swear by Furiosos in drop pods, but they're fairy immobile once deployed - if you want fast mobility across the board, they may not be your thing.

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Cool, thanks James!


@ skyst, the idea behind the priests is that they'll each take the remaining slot inside a Razorback, and each join one of the three assault squads. I imagine one or more of the Razorbacks will get popped at some point and I want some protection for that squad once they're exposed. Also the WS5 of the priest will give them a bit of extra clout if they get into combat. I may move the power weapons to the priests in fact as someone suggested on another forum.


I do actually have meltaguns for each ASM squad (or rather I have paid for them, forgot to list them above). I think that will be enough anti-tank without needing the bikes. If I wanted more I'd probably go with melta land speeders – I just prefer them to attack bikes.


Could go bolters on the DC but I think the extra attack afforded by two CC weapons is important. The Preds and Razorbacks should provide the ranged fire.

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