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Ork question

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We played a 4 player game last night, table split down middle, 750 points. 2 people each half against each other.


One of my mates was playing the orks.


He had a warboss with mega armour 2+, invulnerable 5+, lucky stick and was in a unit with a pain boy.


He tabled the other guy .... without losing a model !!!!


That warboss with the lucky stick was absorbing everything. Can you tell me if this us correct?


2+ fail, reroll.

If failed again, feel no pain 4+

If fail, reroll.


Maths on that are you have to hit that warboss 128 times to be sure to wound. (Unless you have AP2 of course).


Is that REALLY correct?

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What the OP describes is not a reroll of a reroll but a reroll on the armour save and a reroll on the FNP roll. Da Lucky Stikk however does not allow to reroll FNP rolls. Only To Hit, To Wound and Saves. Also if three rerolls in the same turn are failures, the model is immediately removed from play.


Additionally Ork FNP from the Pain Boy is 5+ because of the lack of a number.


I think your opponent should read his codex again.


I don't know how the Waaghboss can absorb everything. Saves are taken by the nearest model. He can't always be the nearest one.

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  On 10/18/2014 at 4:48 PM, Quixus said:

First of all there are three types of saves armour, cover an invulnerability. FNP is not one of them. Secondly FNP only occurs once a wound is caused i.e. after a failed save, so it cannot be a save, because you only get one save.

It IS a save, but it is not a Save. The rule actually says that, more or less.


It is a save in that it can actually save a model from loosing a Wound. It is not a Save because it is not part of the big 3 and can take affect if they fail.

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what do you mean 3 times? Did he fail then re-roll 3 times on the same wound? Failing that - why didnt you use AP2 weaponry on him, or since he was in mega armour (being slow n purposeful) just stay away/avoid him...?


And as said above - he can only tank if he is the closest model AND if you CONTINUALLY SHOOT AT HIS UNIT.


If you were struggling that badly where was the manouvrability in your army to change the point of attack, where were your heavy weapons that were AP2 and what was up with your target priority for shooting so that you got sucked into wasting so much ineffective shooting at him?


Then we can get round to discussing the lucky stick (in the tactica thread though).

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ive fought a guy with a lucky stick super warboss and one of my chapter masters soloed him and the entire ard boy squad he was in, orbital to clean out chaff and soled him in 1 round of a challenge because 3 wounds with just a 5+ fnp vs my thunder hammer is a joke of a fight.

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  On 10/20/2014 at 8:28 AM, Leonaides said:

what do you mean 3 times? Did he fail then re-roll 3 times on the same wound? Failing that - why didnt you use AP2 weaponry on him, or since he was in mega armour (being slow n purposeful) just stay away/avoid him...?


And as said above - he can only tank if he is the closest model AND if you CONTINUALLY SHOOT AT HIS UNIT.


If you were struggling that badly where was the manouvrability in your army to change the point of attack, where were your heavy weapons that were AP2 and what was up with your target priority for shooting so that you got sucked into wasting so much ineffective shooting at him?


Then we can get round to discussing the lucky stick (in the tactica thread though).

I'm grey knights. So only ap 2 are hammers, which are on my justicars, which were promptly challenged out lol. And I whittled the squads down to a handful (there was 2 or 3 big blobs running at me). But they did the same, and obviously grey knights have a tiny footprint on a good day.

I still won the game mind! But if it went on an extra turn or 2 I wouldn't have

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One of the Ork warboss traits allows him to reroll a failed save a turn. Theoretically the pain boy allows the fnp save.

I think there might have been a slight misunderstanding of the rules. Plus there is a rather large draw back to the lucky stick. It can cause wounds if it's used and then fails (i forget exactly what the conditions are I think it's if you fail a save after the 3rd reroll then you suffer instant death)

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