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Starting a campaign, need advice!


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Hey all!


I've got some people in my local group psyched about a campaign. 


We all start at 500 points and play at least three matches and after a couple of months we add another 300 points and so forth. 


The thing is you're not allowed to swap out any units, what you start with is what you'll end up with among other things at 2000 points.


I find it hard to write a list at 500 points, keeping it viable at just 500 points and at the same time having use of the units in the later campaign.


  • Librarian (153pts)

    And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Pysker

    Epistolary - lvl 2

    • Power Armour

      Force axe, Frag and Krak grenades, Jump Pack (Descent of Angels), Storm Bolter

Troops (195pts)
  • Assault Squad (110pts)

    And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Descent of Angels, Red Thirst

    4x Assault Marines, Frag and Krak grenades, Jump Packs, Meltagun

    • Assault Sergeant

      Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

  • Scout Squad (85pts)

    And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Red Thirst, Scout

    3x Bolter, Frag and Krak grenades, Missile Launcher, 4x Scouts

    • Scout Sergeant

      Bolter, Combat Blade

Fast Attack (150pts)
  • Land Speeder Squadron (150pts)

    Deep Strike

    • Land Speeder

      Assault cannon, Heavy Bolter

    • Land Speeder

      Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter               


It's allowed to swap out weapons and equipment in the units aswell as add more members in the unit. 


Will this work?





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Protecting the librarian with 5 guys...will see him die.


I think you're spending too much on the libby. Lvl2 isnt needed at this point level, and he costs too much. I'd go with plain libby and a jump pack. What spells are you going for?


I'd also drop one of the speeders to make the assault marines up to 10 men.


If you want to be mean:



5 assault marines

5 assault marines

MM Attack bike. (or equipment on the asm)



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I'd definitely invest in some sternguard (maybe with combi flamers) They are amazing and will toast anything you're likely to come up against at this point level (flamers to ruin the day of any ork / guard players you may be coming up against)

Also with the libby, if he's got a storm bolter why not give him a power fist instead of an axe to make sure he can kill vehicles?

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Also with the libby, if he's got a storm bolter why not give him a power fist instead of an axe to make sure he can kill vehicles?

As librarians cannot take power fists?


Drop the storm bolter and keep the bolt pistol. You lose 1x S4AP5 shot at 24", but gain 1x S5 AP2 attack in combat.


Dante may be too expensive at this level.


Meph is ok as he can eat squads on his own, and is pretty survivable, but Dante is only T4. A single lascannon can ruin his day. He would need a squad to babysit him.


At this level, I would be tempted to go with a reclusiarch. You get combat rerolls without having to play with warp charge. You also get an extra wound and 4+ invulnerable.It's a more expensive option, though, but he may be able to take on small squads on his own.


170 reclusiarch, pack, power fist

225 10 ASM, 2x melta, serge, power axe

100 2xMM attack bikes




The other option is MSU builds.


100 Librarian

130 5 asm, melta, razorback, TL Hbolters

150 5 asm, melta, razorback, TL Hlascannon

120 2 Landspeeders, 2xheavy bolters each


(I think that's right, I rarely use speeders!)

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So you all advice against Mephiston? 


I don't.


Mephiston (roll on biomancy and personal warlord traits for extra punch and survivability)

2 * assault squad with flamer in razorback (your choice of heavy flamers or heavy bolters)


500 on the dot


As you go up in points add fire support and eventually a transport for Mephiston (storm raven), then more mobile scoring units.

It's all models I doubt you'll regret buying and building unless the new codex seriously changes the way we play. 

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I advise for mephiston also, but it really depends on your local meta-game.


If this is a campaign, and you have Meph showing up to every game (as you cant change him out) then:


1) Your opponents will hate playing you

2) As their armies expand, they will focus on adding units to kill meph, meaning you may lose some enjoyment.


Meph if you want to win. Reclusiarch is less competetive, but you can make him your own, and carve out his legend o nteh battlefield.

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Seems awesome.


Perhaps get a meltagun instead of 2 flamers though? Against vehicles i can't do jack.


You have Mephiston and krak grenades, that should tie you over until the points go up. Just one melta is way too unreliable for anti AV duty.  

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