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Helmet for Helmetless models?


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When I was thinking of doing a conversion for Abaddon I was actually wondering the same thing - unfortunately there doesn't seem (at least through a cursory google search) to be that many people willing to give the Big-A a helmet; I think the topknot is kind of a big identifier.


That said, I always pictured him wearing something like the helmet Zhufor (from Forgeworld) wears - a regular terminator helmet with heavy modification and detailing to be the most impressive and cause the greatest intimidation. Either that or maybe something closer to a Warrior of Chaos Helmet - more "knightly" and regal looking, a parody of his previously noble standing.


Regarding other characters, I'm not sure. One would assume they would have helmets (if only because it would be a necessity in any void conflict) but if they're not wearing a helmet originally usually that's a big part of what makes them unique. I guess just roll with whatever helmet you feel suits the character best?

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I imagine the Warmaster is protected by the four Gods, but I would imagine some have clear masks with rebreathers a bit like SWAT gasmasks.


I would expect if unhelmed characters used helmets they would either be just standard helmets for need rather than part of their equipment or fancy looking helmets that mirror previous squads they belonged to like Abaddon and the Justaerin?http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad165/Liamgregg1988/Justaerin_Termi_zpsd1630036.jpg

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He could just put on a breathing mask that some of the helmetless marines wear, which wouldn't get in the way of his topknot. 


IIf I recall correctly, that's called a osmotic... something-or-other (don't have my copy of 3rd with me right now, sorry), but yeah... this, or the Zhufor-type thing.


As for Fabulous Bill, I'd imagine just a standard run-of-the-mill helmet, because really, he's not all that special.


As for Lucy the Easily Beat (seriously, people beat him ALL THE TIME), he'd have something suitably ornate, maybe with replicas of his facial scars.

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