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Bainblade + knight - how to deal with?

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So, on Saturday I will be taking on my local stores cheese monger. He takes a bainblade, imperial knight and then either marines or guard to make it up to 1500. I plan on using my Iron Warriors, to prove to him that he isnt all he thinks he is I will just use a standard/fluffy list. I was just wondering if anyone out there has any tips for making this a little easier? Thanks in advance 


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Be-lakor, cast invisibility on a unit of bikers with meltas, and powerfists get up close and shoot, then assault them. Be'lakor *might* be able to take on the knight in combat after it loses a few HP, but he should be able to take on the baneblade.


They both suffer from not being able to bring their full might against something they can only fire snapshots against (due to all the blast weapons).


Also, deepstriking obliterators, on the opposite side of the knight to the bikers (to give him a hard choice on where to put the ion shield) or bring mutilators in close to the baneblade.


Autocannon havocs will likely be low on his target priority, but can potentially strip a few hull points from the knight, when they dont have to deal with the ion shield (or are knights 13/12/12?).

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Also, deepstriking obliterators, on the opposite side of the knight to the bikers (to give him a hard choice on where to put the ion shield) or bring mutilators in close to the baneblade.




I was also going to suggest using deep striking Obliterators. 

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The invisible Be'lakor (with Armourbane) is more than capable of dealing with the knight. Make sure you charge it though. The other day I had a Daemon Prince instant-killed by a charging knight's impact hit at S10. That hits automatically, so invisibility won't do the trick if you let it charge you.


If you're playing IW and have a lot of daemon engines, max Maulerfiends would probably be worth considering as well?

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Autocannon havocs will likely be low on his target priority, but can potentially strip a few hull points from the knight, when they dont have to deal with the ion shield (or are knights 13/12/12?).


They are, meaning I doubt autocannons will do much against a knight. Lascannons would be a much better investment. 


I've found with knights, you just have to force him to make a choice with the ion shield by having anti tank units on multiple sides. Be very careful though with what you send to take down the knight, it has a threat range of roughly 18" and most things it charges won't last. I'd say your best bet is probably lacannons havocs, oblits and bikers because any tank won't last long to the baneblade. 

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Deepstriking combi-melta terminators actually may shine in this situation, being that the meltas can easily down a knight in one round of shooting. Meltas are, in my opinion, definitely the best readily-available weapon to deal with knights, with the added D6 to pen and being ap1, you can really get those "Explodes!" results to add up and strip the knight to death (Magic Mike style). Terminators with combi-meltas, deep striking in, seem like a cheap option to get rid of those knights.

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As noted above, Fiends are your best units here in my not-so-humble opinion. Lasher Tendrils on a couple to strip the Knights attacks, then roll in with the melta cutters.


 Or put a 'Brute Murderpack behind him and tear it up.


 **Edit** I don't know if it still applies or not, but under the Escalation rules set, if your oppo has a Super Heavy and you don't, you can roll on the Traits table in Escalation for your Warlord Trait. Can occasionally be useful.

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Three maulerfiends. Jump on one target. Eliminate. Rest of force will be meltas and powerfist armed csm in rhinos. Flying daemon prince. Some meltas armed dreadnoughts. Possibly a meltas and powerfist packed terminator squad?


Should have lots of points for all this.


Lots of targets. Everything can threaten his superheavies.


Good luck.

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Also, deepstriking obliterators, on the opposite side of the knight to the bikers (to give him a hard choice on where to put the ion shield) or bring mutilators in close to the baneblade.




I was also going to suggest using deep striking Obliterators. 



After trying Oblits, Terminators with Combi-Melta, Maulerfiends, Raptors with Melta, Helbrute Mayhem Pack, Las Preds, etc.;


I've found that Oblits are certainly the best option. 4 to 5 Oblits for each Super Heavy is about the right number but even if you only drop 3 each, you'll still do damage. If you Deep Strike too far away - use Multi-Melta. If you land closer - use Twin Melta.


Maulerfiend is otherwise good against the Baneblade but it will lose to the Knight.

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