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Playing with outdated rules?


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As some may have noticed in other threads, my initial enthusiasm for the new IA13 diminished sharply after I had time to look it through more properly. My biggest frustration came from having high hopes that the Proteus (amongst others) would get some cool new rules that made it a serious contender with the bog standard (and to be honest, pretty bad) Chaos Land Raider.


Sadly FW really dropped the ball on that one, removing all the useful rules for almost no point drop while giving it an extremely expensive upgrade with rules that are plain bad. If the upgrade was free I would maybe trade the lost transport space for it (though I don't think so), but paying 2 powerfists for it is just stupid.

However, w40k is supposed to be fun, and so I tried to find a new approach to this dilemma. I still have the previous rules, and though they are bad, they at least give the vehicle some purpose (it's nice if you have lots of reserves).


So I was thinking, why not play with the old rules instead? And then I come to the crux of my pondering. How much would you dislike someone proposing this? I mean, to me at least it's a sort of special case. For the same points (+meltagun) I get a standard LR with assault ramp, and the only reason why you would buy a LR is because of the assault ramp, so the Proteus is now in the same spot as Deathspitters on Cernifexes were in relation to Devourers using the previous Nid codex. (For those not familiar, you had two gun where one had more shots and higher S, yet they had the same cost in points).


So, how cheesy is it to ask an opponent this; "Can I use the previous rules for this unit, since I would never use this unit with the current rules?"

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Tournament play...Not a chance.


With friends however, just talk it over with them. If it's all gaming for fun (which is why pretty much everyone gets into gaming in the first place) then they shouldn't have a problem. If it seems too powerful in the first few games then find a middle ground. That what House Rules are anyway.

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Tournament play...Not a chance.


With friends however, just talk it over with them. If it's all gaming for fun (which is why pretty much everyone gets into gaming in the first place) then they shouldn't have a problem. If it seems too powerful in the first few games then find a middle ground. That what House Rules are anyway.


Yeah, of course. In this particular case the old rules were found to be pretty underpowered after a few games, so I got kinda upset when the new rules turned out to be a pretty huge nerf of the old weak ones. This especially when the loyalists get to keep the old better ones and get PotMS for the cost of a meltagun. Like if the Defiler lost fleet and went up 20 pts come the next codex.




Figured out an even simpler solution which I think most would be fine with. Count-as. My Proteus counts-as a normal Chaos Land Raider. Problem solved.

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Like if the Defiler lost fleet and went up 20 pts come the next codex.

Well it didn't  lose fleet,  but on the other hand itwent up 100pts so it is just as bad.


As to house rule. The same thing as always works. higher status in the gaming community will let you do more things. In tournaments it is  a no go. But as you said it yourself the old rules were weak[for the chaos contemptors too], so I don't know if people would mind[that is if they accept FW, if they don't it would be hard to explain anything to them].

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