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How Do You Like Your HQs?


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Hey swappee - stay outta this thread unless you want to be spoiled on what you've got coming to you!



So, as you can tell, this thread is about the terminator chaos lord I'm building my my (not-so) secret santa swap partner. I'm not a chaos player, and I'm not sure what to do. What do you all like on your terminator lords? What are the best options? Which ones are sub-par and nobody uses them? I want to make sure that the model I make is usable, as well as awsome!


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Ugh. I hate magnetizing infantry. It's so fiddly and makes it next to impossible to get a good pose.


It sounds like if I don't want to magnetize, the most flexible option would be some kinda combi - probably melta, though I might go with plasma as it's more versatile - and a power weapon, which can be fielded as either generic or as one of the relic weapons available in the codex. Or, alternately, a combination of two open-hand weapons, like power fist, chain fist, or power claw.


I'll toss these ideas around, look at the codex, and see how hard the kit really is to magnetize when I get my hands on it. I've got to admit that the idea of handing my partner a "full service" kit with every option, all of them attractively painted and magnetized, appeals to my generous side...

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If you're not keen on magnetising then why not try double-pinning?

A single pin would work for weapons such as a bolter (the left hand holding it in place) but for an arm use two pins. That would prevent arms from drooping (though I think most magnets are strong enough to prevent that too).

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We're talking about the Teminator Lord, right? So magnetizing the shoulders should not impact the pose negatively at all, quite the contrary. I just magnetized Marine sized models. You have to be careful not to apply too much pressure when drilling, but it's not extremely difficult (turorials can be found on youtube). But at the end of the day it's your decision, of course.

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Does it need to be a termie lord?  A Crimson Slaughter lord on a bike with horns and a daemon sword is a possible alternative he might not have. 


He's already got a biker lord. I thought about doing a jump pack lord, but as far as I can tell nobody on your side of the aisle uses raptors or warp thingies.

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No. Cool models but far from being points effective sad.png

Yeah, and while my partner has explicitly stated that he's more interested in a cool model than the best possible model, rules wise, I take it as a matter of personal pride that he be comfortable putting it on the table, both from a quality perspective and from a wargear perspective.

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One other thing I would add is that to really get the most out of a beatstick HQ choice, you need a delivery system. Having read the rules for the Hand, I agree it's well worth the points - he'll laugh at Land Raiders, Knights, and anything that doesn't explicitly have Eternal Warrior. However if he's just trumping around on his feet he'll never get into combat with anything that's got even a smidgen of self-preservation instinct. I would look at finding Hashec a suitable means of transport that A) adds something overall to your list and B ) can be relied upon to transport him where you need without random vagaries of chance. (This means deep strike is out) I'd suggest looking at some of the LR variants in IA13 or even a Dreadclaw proxy for now.
Bottom line - it's always better to make sure your entire army synergises well together (and not shirk on upgrades for units that need it) than to sink points into a beatstick HQ that may or may not have an impact on the game.

This ^. It's the whole reason Abbaddon is hardly ever seen on the tabletop- monstrous powerful and expensive but never had a very efficient way of getting into combat... Until now (IA13).

Crimson Slaughter build would be Blade of relentless, slaughterers horns, demonheart, Sugih of corruption and your favourite mark.

As for regular chaos, why not consider the murdersword? I know the default is to go for the black mace but hear me out. The murder sword is really powerful when ever you are in base contact with the target- not in a challenge. So move up a generic sergeant /champ to take the Challenge with the opponent warlord. Meanwhile your man is S8 instant deathing all the targets cronies. You can then step up and use on the warlord. The psychological factor is immense- your enemy will pour hideous amounts of firepower into your Lord to stop you (protecting the rest of your force) or will keep his precious snowflake at arms length (and therefore usually useless).

I think all choas codexes can make really powerful lords- it's mobility that is the problem

taken from another thread, but here me and Arkhan are discussing the merits and possible loadouts of chaos terminator lords

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