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Another mold release thread...

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Im having an issue with the mold release from FW, and am looking for guidance.

I ordered a good amount of minis from FW not so long ago and have been cleaning and washing them all as is common knowledge.


But there is some minis I've been having trouble with, I've washed them a good five times now in various degrees of temperature and different concentrations of washing up liquid to water. But they still have that sheen to them and any primer I give them flakes off even after 24 hours of drying.

I'm using Vallejo grey spray primer which is supposed to work on resin and is solvent based so that should not be an issue.


What is going on with this warp craft?!

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Yeah, this happens sometimes and it's not just a ForgeWorld thing. One resin base manufacturer that I've used in the past seems to suffer greatly from this.


The only thing that I've seen that helps with this is to apply a layer of Purity Seal before hitting the model with a primer / undercoat. It does appear to help the primer stick to the model. However I've had a couple of incidents (with the resin bases mentioned above) where even this doesn't completely solve the issue and paint starts to peel away from a couple of places.


I've often wondered whether a spray of Fairy Power Spray (or whatever you use to remove paint from second hand models) would also be good for removing mold relase fluid, but have never got round to it and experimented.

Are you just washing it, or have you tried scrubbing it with an old toothbrush?


If that doesn't help, I think sometimes it's not mould release, just the way the resin set with a glossy finish. I've occasionally had components that paint was still beading on even after scrubbing them with Swarfega. The only cure for that is roughing up the surface slightly with glass paper (don't worry - the primer should even it out again to a smooth finish).

You may have what is known as "sweating" Resin. What it comes down to is an improperly mixed/made batch of resin.


If doing what M_R_Parker doesn't alleviate the problem, the only other way to fix this would be to ring up Forgeworld and try to get a replacement.


The easiest way to tell if it is "sweating" is if you can wipe of the sheen and if you let it sit/dry after a wash that the sheen returns.

I've often wondered whether a spray of Fairy Power Spray (or whatever you use to remove paint from second hand models) would also be good for removing mold relase fluid, but have never got round to it and experimented.


It does work. I use Simple Green (which I understand is hard to come by for those across the pond). I put my FW and other resin bits in a yogurt cup, pour in enough Simple Green to cover the parts, and let it sit for a few days. Granted, I lineup parts for my projects before the prior one is done, so that is less waiting time on my end. But it's removed the release agent 100% every time thus far. A scrub with a soft brush under cool water finishes the process.

Thanks for the tips guys, I was thinking of going with very fine grit sandpaper but the issue is that the things that has most of this release agent is a set of lascannons for a heavy support squad and they have so many nooks and crannies...




I've often wondered whether a spray of Fairy Power Spray (or whatever you use to remove paint from second hand models) would also be good for removing mold relase fluid, but have never got round to it and experimented.


It does work. I use Simple Green (which I understand is hard to come by for those across the pond). I put my FW and other resin bits in a yogurt cup, pour in enough Simple Green to cover the parts, and let it sit for a few days. Granted, I lineup parts for my projects before the prior one is done, so that is less waiting time on my end. But it's removed the release agent 100% every time thus far. A scrub with a soft brush under cool water finishes the process.



Great idea with the paint stripper, I will be trying that.


By the way ShinyRhino I was able to find simple green online quite easy and I can even get it delivered to my adress with no problems.

What kind do you use? I found several different ones; some concentrated ones, some natural ones and some dilluted ones...

With the method your mentioning I would like to get as close a product as possible.

Thanks for the tips guys, I was thinking of going with very fine grit sandpaper but the issue is that the things that has most of this release agent is a set of lascannons for a heavy support squad and they have so many nooks and crannies...




I've often wondered whether a spray of Fairy Power Spray (or whatever you use to remove paint from second hand models) would also be good for removing mold relase fluid, but have never got round to it and experimented.


It does work. I use Simple Green (which I understand is hard to come by for those across the pond). I put my FW and other resin bits in a yogurt cup, pour in enough Simple Green to cover the parts, and let it sit for a few days. Granted, I lineup parts for my projects before the prior one is done, so that is less waiting time on my end. But it's removed the release agent 100% every time thus far. A scrub with a soft brush under cool water finishes the process.



Great idea with the paint stripper, I will be trying that.


By the way ShinyRhino I was able to find simple green online quite easy and I can even get it delivered to my adress with no problems.

What kind do you use? I found several different ones; some concentrated ones, some natural ones and some dilluted ones...

With the method your mentioning I would like to get as close a product as possible.


I use the Simple Green Concentrated Cleaner.



You can reuse it dozens of times when undiluted. I'm currently reusing a jar that I've used to strip models in the past. Works just fine to remove mold release.


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