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Biker HQs


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Greetings... brothers.


I'm currently getting together a little project that's to be gifted to a frater, but as I've never played  Blood Angels (or against them for that matter) I'm looking for a bit of advice.  Mainly on kitting them out.  As it's supposed to be secret-ish the details are within the spoiler.



So the wishlist, so to speak, was a biker HQ.  Captain w/ Lance, Chaplain, Librarian, or Apothecary (Also noted was cheap point cost).  As I have no Apothecary bitz around at the moment I think for now I'm going to leave that option right out.  However,  with what's available to me now the others sound completely do-able.  Heck, I could probably do all three.


What sort of upgrades, if any, should be considered for such characters?  Such as does the Sorc need an Axe?  Can the bolters be upgraded into anything?  Or would going out and nabbing some Apothecary bits help out a brother more then any of the other options? Etc.


And thank you guys for your time I'm actually rather excited to see how well I can turn out painting loyalists for a change.  That aren't SW of course.



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Well, it depends. BA bike commanders or commanders in general are rather weak since they can't take artificer armor or can't be eternal warriors. If I were to make one however, I would go with a hammer and a shield. Depending on the enemy I might opt to change the weapon but a storm shield is a must. Chaplains can only get a powerfist as an upgrade and librarians can get none so it is a bit easier. You might want to acquire some apothecary bits since sanguinary priests are always useful. Priests can get every close combat weapon available but they can get a bit pricey considering the bike upgrade is 35 points on its own. Cutting the story short I would go with:


Bike captain with a thunder hammer and a storm shield. Magnetize the hammer arm and make a lightning claw option.

Bike chaplain with a power fist. You might also want to magnetize this but it is a 15 pts upgrade so you might just as well fix it and be done with it.

Bike priest with a chainsword. He is 85 points without any upgrades but he is there to give the rest of his squad furious charge and fnp anyway.

Bike librarian with an axe. I run mine with axes but I have other models with staffs and swords. Depending on the enemy the loadout changes. Again, magnetizing is the way to go. 


Bolters are just bolters. No upgrades there.


Hope this helps. I don't use bikes since they are really expensive and we don't have grav weapons or special rules to make them more survivable/useful but from a modeling standpoint they can be made to look gorgeous. 


Make sure to post some pics after you are done with them!

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This is something I want one day as I'm one of those daft buggers who wants every option for his Blood Angels. My current plan is a full squad of bikes (with Attack Bike) to which I will attach a Sanguinary Priest and a HQ. The HQ will be interchangeable (i.e. magnetised) and will be on an Imperial Jetbike :p


Weaponry I'm not too sure about yet. My Bike Sergeant has a Power Sword but I'm tempted to switch this out for a Power Lance. I have a Grey Knights' box to which I'll be getting the bits for my Librarian (probably a Force Stave) and the Chaplain has just his Crozius for the moment. I was thinking of giving my Captain the Lightning Claw & Power Fist combo, but I think I might have a cheaper option at hand too (I.e. Power Lance and Power Axe).


Of course this is all subject to what our new Codex brings.

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I'm personally really fond of the idea of a Reclusiarch on a Bike with a Power Fist.  3+/4++ T5 with S8 AP2 attacks is yummy.  Modelling him riding a bike with a crozius and a Power Fist would be doubly awesome, A crozius clenched in the power fist.. I need to do this......

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