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Iron Warriors


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So I'm going about starting my 4th redition of my beloved 4th Legion. I plan on keeping this one as it has such a perfect beginning, I have long since sold the others. I plan on using this rendition of the army to start with a Heresy edition of them, then expand in to both a Chaos version and a Space Marines version. Those are both long term though.


So to start, here is my test model:








I like the GW decals for the Legion emblem, so I'll probably use them over the molded FW pads, and over free handing them.


I am going to start with a heavy armor army, as I always loved the "other" part of the Legions specialty of massed tanks, ala Tallarn. I went with Mars pattern tanks to conserve some funds. Once my FW arrives and I get everything assembled I'll get the beginning pictures up.

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Sooooo I got some pretty pre-paint, but assembled, models for your viewing pleasure. I'm still waiting for my FW order to show up, so this is just a couple characters and some GW tanks.


Master of Signals:




Apocathary: (I will most likely swap the chain sword out and make him a Centurian Primaris Medicae)




Tanks! (All mars pattern, but with twin linked bolters instead of storm bolters.)




Tops come off for interior painting, and to put the tracks on after I paint them separate.




I will probably get started on one of the tanks with in the next week or so. I need to find away to squeeze it in around all my other projects.

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Got a little done on my test vehicle. Top is pretty much done for basic colors. I'll need to do weather and all that jazz once I get the tracks and bottom done. Taking my time on these.





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Got some more work on the Vindicator done.








I need to mask off the chevrons, done some more details and highlighting, then do weathering still. Plus whatever decals I decide to add.


On the plus side I should be getting my FW stuff tomorrow, so I'll have a lot of assembly to do. Happy Happy assembly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vindicator is pretty much finished. All that is left is if I decided to add any decals or markings. I'm pretty happy with the weathering, it was my first time work with weathering powders and working up to such a muddy finish.









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