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The Case for Blood Angel Bikers


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The Blood Angels community has a lot of antipathy towards bikers, but I have to admit that I don't quite understand it. I thought I'd post my case for Blood Angels bikers and see what kinds of responses I get.



  • Durability: Bikers are already more durable than most marines (T5). This combines very nicely with the Feel No Pain that the squad can easily come by by giving a priest a bike and having him ride along. Now, not only do most weapons wound 1/6th less often, but only S 10 guns are going to double you out and eliminate your 5+ FNP save. That's a squad that will be very hard to eliminate.
  • Speed & Range: Because they are Relentless, but armed with twin-linked boltguns, a biker squad combines the best qualities of a tactical squad and an assault squad. They can zip around the board - keeping pace with Fast elements like Baal predators or land speeders - harassing the enemy at range, or getting closer to deliver a punishing salvo, then charging into combat. Speaking of combat...
  • Biggest Bully: Bikers are often described as a "bully unit." That is, they will die in combat against a dedicated assault unit, but are able to tie up or kill off most things that aren't already really good in combat. Bikers accompanied by a priest, however, combine some of the best advantages of the Blood Angels: enhanced durability (see above) lets them tie up an important unit for longer), Hammer of Wrath at I 10 combines nicely with the +1 S in the first round of combat from Furious Charge (I know the Hammer of Wrath hits would still be S 4 - the idea is that it's also an effect that would help the bikers to win their fight quickly).



  • Non-Scoring: The only liability I can see in Blood Angels bikers is that unlike other power armor armies, we have no way to make them scoring... however, in 7th edition this isn't a big deal. Everything is scoring. The only thing they can't do is deny points to anyone else on the same objective. With their speed and range, however, they could easily contribute in Turns 1 through 4, then zip off to hold an objective on the last turn (whenever that turns out to be).
  • Cost: Yeah, they're pricey. No real way around that. However, I think the costs are justified.


So... what do you think?

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I think the Blood Angel Bikers might fall into a weird area where there's a lot of apathy because Codex Marines/Dark Angels "do it better."  With the ability to make them objective secured and use the white scar chapter tactic I mean.


This isn't a good reason mind you - I agree with your assessment that it might be good to use them. I think someone over on a blog called 3++ used them in an army to pretty good effect. They just fall into more a support role. Also people assume bikes are going to be good at assault - the truth is they're like any other Space Marine unit, they're shooty, twin linked bolters and a fast delivery method for special weapons (that is with the SM codex, I cant remember what bikes get in the BA one.)  Like a tactical squad, if they're going to assault, or get assaulted it better be by something weakened significantly and not a dedicated assault thingy.


The only reason I assume people don't play them is cost, and putting other things "better" in lists. Like Scouting Baal Predators, which contend for that fast attack slot. My thought is you might water down your choices a bit -  one bike squad and 2 Baal predators... most of the time I feel like I want two of a unit, to have some backup redundancy, if that makes sense.. (2 bikes, 2 predators, 2 land speeders) just having 1 hanging out there feels like its more of a target.. if that makes sense.



just my thoughts I haven't played with the BA codex in a while..  I think bikes are a good solid harassy/shooty unit - pretty vicious with the additional survivability in the BA codex.

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Isn't pretty much any unit useful if you disregard points? msn-wink.gif

3 bikers with 2 meltas cost more than 2 MM attack bikes. That's one wound less and no possibilities for wound juggling like you have with MM attack bikes.

Half melta range in exchange for one additional bolter shot. To reach the maximum distance of the regular melta you will put yourself in range of just about any weapon or for that matter a counter charge.

With the current price I'd rather go for the scout bikers. Infiltrating bikes can really mess with your opponent smile.png

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Timely, since I've been thinking about this the last few days.  I'm really thinking that allied WS biker units would be the better because of their chapter tactics.  I may be tempted into buying a box of bikes tonight (currently only have one MM attack bike) and not fully assembling until the new codex hits.

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Probably they'd be better, yeah. And they could bring a White Scars captain on a bike, so that's an 11 man Troops choice, and all you need to include from your allied contingent... though you'll probably bring a White Scars stormtalon or stunter for cheap AA...


Bah. I like the Allies rule, but I'm not going to start a chapter I don't find interesting just to win a few games.

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Played bikers a few times. With priest tagging along and 1 time with power sword and power axe captain in tow.


Like already mentioned theyre terrible in combat (essentialy tactical with T5) who are overpriced.


The models are nice though :) red bikes look neat. The problem is that other units can do what they can do (weapon wise) for less points and do it more easily.


If you just want to annoy your opponent with T5 FnP bikers though.... Yea we can do that :p

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I am taking the advice on this thread and thinking about scout bikers. Astartes grenade launchers look pretty cool, and the twin-linked on the boltguns eliminates a lot of the pain of BS 3, and the jink save helps to eliminate some of the pain of 4+ armor. Really, they look like a pretty solid unit. I'll have to get some.

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