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Chaos Considerations.


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Man I've done this a lot....

Lately I found that I've been doing 'interest' pieces. I only paint what interests me. Right now I'm in a phase where a small, characterful army suits my mood. For example, these are the latest figs I have painted:




This stuff takes me forever to do. One thing I have figured out is the red stuff is killing me timewise. I can't seem to get a fig done in under.... 2-3 weeks. This is far too long, and the result is it's killing my motivation.

But I have 2 big orders of Chaos stuff that came in. I even started painting (red!) Warp Talons. Way too much detail. I estimate it will take me about 3 months to finish 8 of them.

This is actually worse than my previous Chaos army (which I loved), the Red Corsairs. Especially since I am play Huron as I think he should be played (Conferring Infiltrate onto squads he joins - I've been through that a zillion times but the I'm totally getting off point here.) So I got all this stuff in, and have NO idea what to build or what legion/chapter to go with it...


I've come to figure a point I am realizing is it might be time for me to find something totally different.... no more red armies (if you've seen my Blood Pact, World Eaters, Red Corsairs, AND Crimson Slaughter, you know what I mean.)

Truthfully I haven't been able to commit to a full Chaos army since my Iron Warriors. I would leave the REALLY finished figs alone, but I could repaint the Warp Talons (in early stages of reds).

I started the Dark Apostle as well. I know he's hated, and looked at as crud, especially with the Helcult formation in the mix now anyway.

So my thoughts are to go with something very different for me. As forewarning, Chaos wise I NEED to thrive on background. Nothing motivates like a good read.... Secondly, as long as there's some juicy background for me to chew on, I'd like to try a colour scheme that is cool, but not black.... enough of the fire reds, crimson reds, etc.

I came to the following ideas:

- Night Lords (I haven't been drawn to them because they appear to be selfish murderers, and their Primarch appears to be a lunatic. Am I off base on that? I admit I have read nearly none of their novels, and only seen snippets of them in Horus Heresy stuff, and when I read Dark Angel stuff.

I've only painted 2 nightlords in my life, and I can only find a pic of one of them, the Raptor. This was done eons ago:


I don't really have a feel for the army though. Raptors and bikes is all that comes to mind.

And Deathguard. I have avoided Deathguard since my last run with them in the tournament scene quite a while ago.

Deathguard kind of have a limited background in the Horus Books. Most flashes of them just involve Mortarion kind of doing his stinky thing, lurking in the background on behalf of Horus. They have a unique scheme. You see different Death Guard looking armies everywhere. Here was my last take on them:


I miss this guy. Krozus just about won me a tournament catching several people off guard. ;) He'd move like a beast and behead a lot of loyalists as they'd react all stunned to his massive movements (remember the golden days of Chaos?)


My Sorcerer Sepsis created a lot of foul smells in his heyday.

Speaking of foul smells, here's the 'light my fart' gang.


So yea, I've done Death guard but this must be... about 10 years ago? I dunno, 5+ for sure. I've never used Deathguard in its current incarnation.....

I'd love to try Typhus with those figs no one uses... for a body guard. (3 of them) and Zombies sound fun, no need for helcults. The army seems to have the best mark. And I've not used Plague Marines in 6th or 7th edition.

Though I have to admit, I prefer a much cleaner painting style lately.

Finally, I like the scheme of 1K sons, but I own none. I don't really know where I'd go with the army. Same with Alpha Legion. I mean what are they? I don't even know how 'chaosy' I consider them.

Anyway, I had to flesh this out. Think about it because I've really disappointed myself in my latest chaos efforts. It's really bugged me as I am the last of my crew to still play chaos... they've all left the game, or quit Chaos. I still think it's the most characterful army in the game.

My issue is getting worse as I now have this ugly smattering of half painted stuff from about 4 Chapters/Legions now and I am very anal about that stuff... (I've never been a fan of rainbow armies!)

So if you've actually read this, thanks for putting up with the blabbing. I hope to figure this out because I have literally hundreds of dollars of chaos sitting in front of me unpainted, and hundreds more that I could repaint, but instead I just freeze when I see it all, unsure of what to do... surge forward with something, or try something new.

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I've got a couple of ideas rolling around in my head. I guess I was in a way apologizing for my crappy Crimson Slaughter thread, which took weeks to accomplish but had little to show for. 


I wonder how well pure World Eaters would work in 7th Maelstrom (which is all we actually play now, and love it.) I used to play it when it didn't really work that well. That might be a 'cheap'  out because I have a lot of pre-done Berzerkers that probably fall beneath the look I would paint them as now, but nonetheless it's an idea.


I may try some new paint schemes. Stripping paint.... I've never had much luck with that on plastics. I have enough stuff, that I may not have to for a while. 

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I've got a couple of ideas rolling around in my head. I guess I was in a way apologizing for my crappy Crimson Slaughter thread, which took weeks to accomplish but had little to show for.


I wonder how well pure World Eaters would work in 7th Maelstrom (which is all we actually play now, and love it.) I used to play it when it didn't really work that well. That might be a 'cheap' out because I have a lot of pre-done Berzerkers that probably fall beneath the look I would paint them as now, but nonetheless it's an idea.


I may try some new paint schemes. Stripping paint.... I've never had much luck with that on plastics. I have enough stuff, that I may not have to for a while.

It would probably do ok if you use quite a few rhinos and other vehicles. Tbh its mainly due to Maelstrom missons that even tho i want to make more noise marines i need to get more rhinos first

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Honestly, I've found about the same success with Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle. Tzeentch is the next I'll try, as they looked hardest. In maelstrom khorne is pretty strong.


So if you don't want to do red, I think it basically leaves 1kSons and IronWarriors.


There is always the other option, but don't do it too well cause I'm going to do it soon- an oath broken or forsaken warband.

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Maybe worth buying armour 13 & have a look through some of the warband from the book by Forge World?  Seem to be a lot of cool things & some good background.


I rememeber your Death Guard army as well, was a good few years ago.


I have half a mind to do a Pyre army, but orange scares me.



My best friend collected them back in 3.5 era.  Was a really cool army & shame he sold them on to get models for his Eldar - his main 40k army.

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I wouldn't want to touch orange personally... The only 'warband' I've really bought into was Red Corsairs simply because I bought into Huron's personality of cultivating the next generation of throne haters. Other than that I did previously say I liked the Crimson Slaughter.   But other than that my inspiration has been legion-esque. 


I was pretty sure to follow Black Legion for a while, but that supplement is pretty bad. I mean 90% (maybe more?) of the wargear is just bad. The only thing I can get out of it is chosen as troops for specialized terror units... mass melta/plasma, a good CC unit perhaps. I think the math supports they are better than Khorne Berzerkers. But the black is kind of meh... Abaddon is fairly useless without even Belial's ability to compliment him. 


It's too bad I've done so many red armies. I'm really happy with how my Crimson Slaughter look, just labour intensive. Black Legion I could probably cut paint time down by... 30% per fig, and more so on vehicles.... 


Anyway thanks to a friend I have other army considerations on the table which are... xenos so I can't really go into detail. We'll see if I can do some test figs before deciding.

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What about Noise Marines?

You can go wild on them with a totally unique paint scheme and still adhere to the fluff. Imho Slaaneshi armies support the wides palette of colours due to their inherent craziness. Also Noise Marines are among our best units and can do shooting and stabbing equally well. 


Just an idea. Listen to the voices any you too shall embrace She who thirsts...



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How about Word Bearers ?



Just kidding.

Cool stuff. How about Black Legion or some Emperor Children (or a colourfull offshot warband from those) ? Or moveto metallic schemes, such as the Iron Warriors ?

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Iron Warriors. That's funny... I guess even though I've been here a long time it's stupid of me to assume anyone would actually know this out side of IP, but I've actually done 3 iterations of Iron Warrior armies totaling thousands and thousands of points worth of painted points.  


Last December I forced myself to sell off large portions of my army, keeping only minor pieces, and incomplete units. I have a 'new' breed of Iron Warriors that incorporates large chunks of Iron Hands (metal though) bitz. I forced myself to move on....


I believe Perturabo is one of my favorite Primarchs. The Iron Warrior method of war is pretty groovy. The way that they are a -part- of Chaos is also something I liked about them. (I think he just hated dad more than Chaos. And just sees Dad as big fat phony and Chaos is a usable asset.)


In part I think that's what drew me to Crimson Slaughter. They think the Imperium is full of poop, but are reluctant allies of Chaos, but as time passes they do enjoy the benefits membership offers. 


I was saying this to someone else... in my case, if I can push through... 1200 points-ish of painted Crimson Slaughter, I think I can do it. I need a cool fig to centre my future efforts on. I will start, and finish..... Krannon. If that doesn't get the juices flowing, I am going to throw away all ideas of a red scheme, because I can't think of a more appealing (red) army for me right now. 


Stage 2 - If I succeed with Krannon will be a squad.... probably Possessed since they are unique, and troops. Possessed and a rhino retouch (I have some half finished WE Rhinos)

Stage 2 - If I fail to get through Krannon with any appetite for CS will be to go to 'Legion' of something in... blues probably. (I've had my fill of greens with my 2 years of Dark Angels).


We'll see. I can't think of a better offer to make myself right now. My Black Legion failed horribly because I wasn't impressed enough by the figs and the codex really feels like the worst supplement in the game to me (sorry if that offends anyone... just a personal opinion.) 


Thanks for putting up with my babbling. I'll try to commit to Krannon. If he gets done, I'll post him up in my Crimson Slaughter thread. Then I'll decide if that gets me going enough to continue. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

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Prot - Few people said about your own warband.  Rememeber there are a few Legions who go off into there own warband, there own colour, there still Legion in bloodline.  But they go off on there own goals. 
See the recent IW background from Armour 13 or in the Night Lord novel Void Stalker by ADB when the Night Lords gather, it talk about those in diffrent colours.


Or as said a while back, having both Black Legion & your Crimson Slaughter force would be really cool.  Not just as allies, but in the future it give you more chose when it come to gaming & in the long run you get two armies out of it?  When you posted up both models, I though they work really well together.  It'll also allow you to use some of the FW Khorne Bezerker models you done a while back as well.


If your looking for idea - see Midnight Runner & some great conversion he done useing the Dark Vengance models




Also check the resrouce topic Forte has pinned, see few of the army logs & check out the commuinty topics our memebers have posted in here.  Lot of idea going about.

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What about Noise Marines?

You can go wild on them with a totally unique paint scheme and still adhere to the fluff. Imho Slaaneshi armies support the wides palette of colours due to their inherent craziness. Also Noise Marines are among our best units and can do shooting and stabbing equally well.


Just an idea. Listen to the voices any you too shall embrace She who thirsts...



And there is my whole reason for painting Slaanesh marines. No one can say your scheme is wrong. So far I've none of the models have had exactly the same scheme. Yes, the main colour has been turquoise but other than that it's a mix. And my Noise Marines are going to be hard work as I plan to treat parts of the armour like separate canvases.

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What about doing your own warband with their own unique paint scheme

Yes, yes, and thrice yes. If you're not keen to do a known one then get creative. There's nothing to say you can't and used to be encouraged.
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Or as said a while back, having both Black Legion & your Crimson Slaughter force would be really cool. Not just as allies, but in the future it give you more chose when it come to gaming & in the long run you get two armies out of it? When you posted up both models, I though they work really well together. It'll also allow you to use some of the FW Khorne Bezerker models you done a while back as well.

If your looking for idea - see Midnight Runner & some great conversion he done useing the Dark Vengance models


Also check the resrouce topic Forte has pinned, see few of the army logs & check out the commuinty topics our memebers have posted in here. Lot of idea going about.

- While I probably won't do my own warband... (I've just never been able to make it last longer than a squad or initial concept) I do like the idea of a multi faceted Crimson / Black Legion force. I won't like though, it's probably too big a project for me right now. I feel like I have to complete something... anything.

What about Noise Marines?

You can go wild on them with a totally unique paint scheme and still adhere to the fluff. Imho Slaaneshi armies support the wides palette of colours due to their inherent craziness. Also Noise Marines are among our best units and can do shooting and stabbing equally well.

Just an idea. Listen to the voices any you too shall embrace She who thirsts...


And there is my whole reason for painting Slaanesh marines. No one can say your scheme is wrong. So far I've none of the models have had exactly the same scheme. Yes, the main colour has been turquoise but other than that it's a mix. And my Noise Marines are going to be hard work as I plan to treat parts of the armour like separate canvases.

This is VERY TEMPTING! Ironic? perhaps... I always liked the Emperor's Children. Even way back... like 10 years ago when people (mostly) labelled them as guitar waving, pot smoking hippies. I always saw them as seeking martial prowess. Perfection in a blade, that sort of thing.

Thankfully Graham McNeil and a few of the other authors did go that direction (and most of the followers turned out to be pot smoking hippies). Lucius annoyed me, but drew me in as well... moreso than the primarch Fulgrim.

But there's one problem I have with this concept.....

I want to do NMs mainly to do what my possessed arent doing, its just I hate having models, pms, laying around when I have so many.

^This gets me too. I have a LOT of red primed chaos. So now I feel a bit trapped by it all. I can't see stripping the plastics.... I tried it once, it didn't go well. I guess I'm so lazy, and frustrated at my incompletion of Chaos that I take the 'easier' route by just picking a red army...

I actually find I hate assembling stuff. I love painting, but hate getting it together.

In the meantime I'm about 65% done Krannon the Relentless. Very labour intensive fig. And probably a good thing I decided to do him. He's been sitting on my table staring at me for months. Maybe now he'll stop talking to me....

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Or as said a while back, having both Black Legion & your Crimson Slaughter force would be really cool.  Not just as allies, but in the future it give you more chose when it come to gaming & in the long run you get two armies out of it?  When you posted up both models, I though they work really well together.  It'll also allow you to use some of the FW Khorne Bezerker models you done a while back as well.


If your looking for idea - see Midnight Runner & some great conversion he done useing the Dark Vengance models




Also check the resrouce topic Forte has pinned, see few of the army logs & check out the commuinty topics our memebers have posted in here.  Lot of idea going about.


- While I probably won't do my own warband... (I've just never been able to make it last longer than a squad or initial concept) I do like the idea of a multi faceted Crimson / Black Legion force. I won't like though, it's probably too big a project for me right now. I feel like I have to complete something... anything.






That fair enough.  Just to ask what do you like seen in a Legion or warband & what colour do you like painting?  You've had your IWs, Death Guards, Black Legion & Crimson Slaughter, as well as Red Corsairs.  Also can't forget about your World Eater.

Maybe look that one that will give you somthing new to try out on painting & converting front?


Best thing to do have a look around the army log link in the resourse (sp) area & also check out Call of Chaos.  Maybe test paint a few idea on a single model before full committing.

I know my future aim to collect all 9 Legion & a few warband like Crimson Slaughter & a Fallen Angels force.

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Sorry to hear that you're struggling with the Crimson Slaughter, the models you've shown so far have been inspiring to say the least!


If you're looking for a Legion force, have you considered Alpha Legion? It's a completely different paint scheme and you would have total freedom in how they look, how mutated they are and how they operate. It would also give you the chance to use some Forge World stuff to mix it up if you wanted.


Also, needless to say but I'll say it anyways, I can't wait to see your Krannon!

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