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Brothers all

Tiberius Cato

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Hail Brothers!

I thought it better to have a thread in the fanfic section for all the XI legion stuff that I'll be doing and leaving the WIP forum for just that, WIP stuff.

Now, I had gone back and forth with multiple ideas, the most worked out one was with Aztec culture. But after a bit, I really didn't enjoy it and it felt a bit forced. So now I bring you a new beginning to my iteration of the forgotten XI legion. Here I will post the story of my legion, and when I get some money for my FW purchase I have planned the XI legion will become manifest, I can't say as of yet when they will see tabletop, but there will be models.


Anyways, here's the start of my fluff. Enjoy!


The council room was filled with representatives from all regions of Kimona, they bickered amongst themselves whilst they waited for the last member of the senate to arrive. Mand'alour the Greatest, as he was now known, entered the room and all fell silent. The giant was clad in his ceremonnial war plate, it was a deep blue plate gilded with gold and featured a red stripe that divided the field of blue and a single white star sat on his left pectoral plate.


He was truly a sight to behold. Mand' alour eyed the assembled cast of representatives, the majority were pitiful whelps who were raised amongst the rich and pampered. He took his seat at the helm of the senate, front and center upon a marble throne.


"I assume you all know why I've called this emergency senate meeting, gentlemen. So let us get straight into business." Mand' alour cleared his throat. "A massive vessel has appeared in orbit, they have hailed us in our tongue, yet we do not recognise them. They wish to send an envoy to meet with me and I intend to appease them."


The room immediately exploded into chatter, a senator stood up amongst the crowd "You wish to meet with "friendly" foreigners alone, Mand'alour? How can you so readily endanger your life and be prepared to invite those who may seek to conquer our world?"


Mand' alour rose to his feet. "Fool, you care only for your own life. It is not hard to see that you paid your way out of service during the wars of unification. Your walk, and your appearance are great indicators of such. If they truly wished to conquer us they would have brought more than a single battleship to the fore. Now, I will not meet them solo. I will be accompanied by a group of my guard and by Commander Rashad Al-Saheem. He served me well during the unification, he readily betrayed his fellow Taurons to bring about the order and sanctity of the Mando Empire. I know it was a hard decision for him, but it only proved his loyalty to me. You delay my meeting senator, I did not call this meeting for filibuster. Action is to be taken and I will meet with the envoy. You all are dismissed."


The senator's faced turned a bright red, he clearly was not accustomed to be made to look a fool. The congress filed out of the room, and men clad in armour entered.


"Greetings, Rashad. Have you returned the hails?"

"I have, my lord. They wish to meet us in an hour."

"Excellent, contact them and tell them to land at the port near the Palace of Mand'alour"

"Right away, sir."


Rashad and the men accompanying him left. Mand'alour sat in the council room in solitude. After a few moments he rose from his seat and made his way to the door and turned out the lights.

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It was raining hard, thunder crackled in the distance and lightning flashed periodically. This was Mand'alour's favorite time of year. This was when the battles during Kimona's unification had been the most gritty and satisfying.


Rain, the great equaliser.


The raindrops assailed Mand'alour's close-cropped scalp, he looked up at the vessel descending from the clouds. It was obvious that it was designed for war, and it was glorious. The craft was resplendent in gold and bore all manners of lightning bolts and eagle symbols.


It touched down on the landing pad with a mighty thud, the engines roar growing quieter until the whispered into rest. Mechanical servos whirred and whined as the forward ramp declined, once it fully opened a squad of 10 men clad in grey armour filed out. Behind them came their commander. He bore the same grey armour, but it bore many badges and he had a crest upon his helm. Even more soldiers appeared from the vessel, though they bore different armour, they were clad in yellow and polished white armour.


There were a great many heavily armoured soldiers, whoever they were accompanying must be of great importance. Mand'alour's thoughts were confirmed shortly after. Two giants stepped out onto the landing pad, one in golden armour with a great many eagles on it, and the other wearing pelts and bearing a large eye on his torso. They did not wear helmets and both looked quite intense and unrelenting.


Yet still, another man appeared. He was much larger than the previous two men, he wore golden armour resplendent in all the symbols the craft he arrived in bore. Mand'alour felt power radiate from him.


"Greetings, friends. I bid thee welcome to Kimona, home of the Mando' ate. I am Mand'alour, ruler of this world and commander of her mighty armies."


The giant man stepped forward, the lesser giants at his sides.


"Greetings, my son, the Imperium of Man comes to Kimona. I am accompanied by Horus Lupercal, and by Rogal Dorn." Both men nodded as their name was mentioned. "As for myself, I am the Emperor of Mankind."


"Well met, Emperor. May I request you and your ensemble follow me and my envoy to the Hall of Heroes? We have prepared a feast to celebrate this meeting."


"I'm afraid I must decline, I have matters of great importance to attend to. But Horus and Dorn here shall attend your feast, as will their men who are gathered here. Now I must return to my vessel, I bid thee farewell. We will meet again quite soon, my son"


He called him son again, this confused Mand'alour. He had never met this man, yet was shown familial affection. Odd.


"Very well, I look forward to our next meeting. Farewell, father."


That last word left his lips with uncertainty. Mand'alour turned to the other two men as the Emperor returned to the vessel.


"Now gentlemen, if you would follow me, this is a time of celebration."

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Interesting. Whether be design or by accident, I am reminded of Star Wars and their Mandalorians with a splash of democracy thrown in. I also like it that Mand'alour still has to struggle against his government despite being four times their height, adds conflict and it's something other Primarchs have struggled with. 


I also like how he doesn't quite realize he's the Emperor's son. For some Primarchs, the connection was obvious and apparent. Others like Corax and Angron, it takes a bit to sink in.


And that was one short visit from daddy. That's not a complaint because, as an writer, I realize that the Emperor is a very dangerous character to write and sometimes the best way to handle him is to invite him in for a moment then kick him out the front door. It's not unprecedented either. We don't actually know if Angron spent any personal time with the Emperor. 


Looking forward to reading more.

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The Mandalorians aspect is indeed by design, I'm looking at trying to incorporate the diversity of American culture (I.e. people from many nations and creeds under one banner) and the lifestyle of the Mandalorians which actually fits with the American bit. The Mandalorians don't care who or what you are, as long as you adhere to their six tenets.


The bit with the Emperor was a bit too short for my liking, but it felt right to do so. The big E is a busy man, and he has many worlds to bring under his banner.


The democracy bit I liked a bit too. After all, the president still has to deal with congress even though he is arguably one of the most powerful men in the world.


I envision that this will carry on into the legion, there will be a Mournival-esque council that accompanies the primarch and lobbies their opinions to him. Mand'alour will however be a warrior first and foremost, as such diplomatic relations will not be all too common. That is not to say he isn't charismatic though, but likely not to the extant that Horus is though.


Now I should stop writing before I give away any of my planned additions and suprises.


Cheers and thanks for reading!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The doors of the Hall of Heroes opened, before Manda'lour and his party stood a grand museum of the past glories and relics of Kimona's past warriors. Walls were adorned with banners and golden sconces and bust of each leader to precede Manda'lour. One would think that the Mando'ate knew nothing but war.


The party had walked through the museum and eventually had stopped at another pair of doors. Manda'lour opened both, and before him was a large banquet room. The tables were filled with food and drink. Cornucopias brimming with various fruits dotted each table, and many dishes consisting of native game and livestock sat prepared for the impending feast.


"We have arrived, my friends! Let us feast upon the glorious meal that has been prepared for our consumption, this is a time of celebration; drink up and eat to your heart's desire!"


Horus and Dorn had sent their men ahead of them, and Manda'lour the same.


Horus spoke first "You have my sincerest thanks, brother. This is truly a feast for the ages. But, we have matters we must discuss." "Ofcourse, Horus. And discuss we shall, but that can wait for a more appropriate time. Please, eat and partake in the feast. When we have all had our fill we can talk, it is not wise to debate on an empty stomach!" Manda'lour slapped Horus on the shoulder and both men smiled. Dorn starred on in a brooding manner. With a nod he turned and walked towards the tables.


"After you, friend" Manda'lour stepped to the side and made a gesture for Horus to enter first" "Very well, let us feast!"


The two men walked to the tables and the feast had begun.




Manda'lour's servants ran to and fro to keep up with the warriors who demanded more to drink, the finest of wines and hardest of liquors were served to all who requested it. Men were chugging their drinks and being generally boisterous. Laughter filled the room as men told stories. This was truly a feast.


Horus, Dorn and Manda'lour sat at the head of the table, away from the chaos.


"Manda'lour, it is plain to see that you do not yet comprehend your true status in the galaxy." Manda'lour's face quickly turned to a a confused expression.

"What do you mean? I am high ruler of an interstellar empire, I have over a hundred worlds at my command. I have more power than one may shake a stick at."

"Excuse me? What does that expression mean?"

"Never mind it, Horus. The point of the matter is that I am no mere man. My power is undeniable, my legacy will be known for eons to come."


"Careful, brother. Do not let your pride get to your head, lest you become a second Fulgrim!"

This made Dorn chuckle

"Now, I meant no offense. But here is the fact of the matter: You are the son of the Emperor, beloved by all, and as his son you are to lead one of his legions, whom are composed of the very same geneseed that resides in you."


"What? You mean to tell me this man I've never met in my life is my father? And without prior knowledge of my skills and abilities, I am to be appointed as a commander of a legion?"


"Yes, indeed. See those men in solid grey armour down there? Those are men of your legion. The one in the heavily plated armour is the current commander, Marcus Aquila. He has led your legion to many victories, and brought much glory to the eleventh."


"What shall become of him?"


"You may do with him as you please, perhaps he shall serve as an auxilliary a preside over a great portion of your legion?"


"We shall see. Shall I be able to bring along warriors with me?"


"Yes, but few will survive augmentation. We can make them into demi-astartes, but the resources to do such are so costly that we recommend your most trusted fellow be submitted to the process."


"Very well, I shall gather those whom shall undergo the standard rites of initiation, and my most trusted captain shall undergo operation.

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  • 2 months later...

Mand'alour overlooked his mustered troops, the entirety of his legion, each and every man bore off-white armour. The legions time of being known solely as the XIth Legion was done, now they would be known to all as the Sons of Kimona. Mand'alour had chosen this name to pay homage to the world that had sheltered him in his youth.


It was truly a sight to behold. The entirety of the XIth legion and it's armory were mustered in the courtyard of Mand'alour's palace, standing straight and unflinching. Mand'alour felt a body approach him from behind. He turned to face the newcomer.


"Ah! Rashad, how are you adjusting to your new physique? You're a fair bit taller now but still not even half as tall as I!" Both men laughed. "I am holding up well, old friend. I trust I am not late to see you being put in charge of this fine collection of warriors." "Not at all, friend! There is still twenty clicks left before ceremonies begin, but I feel it will be brief. These men seem to be quite intense and... blunt, but that shall change in time."




Fanfare blared loudly in the courtyard, all manners of remembrancers and Imperial officials were present for the ceremony. The entire XIth legion was assembled and every man faced directly ahead. Marcus Aquila appear on the balcony overlooking the legion. He wore off-white armour, like the other legionaries, but he had his facemask painted red with a red stripe extending from his brow line to the bottom of his helmet, and he painted his entire right arm red. His armour was heavily fortified in the front and less so in the rear, he bore a magnificient red cape aswell.


Marcus drew his bolt pistol and fired a round into the air. The fanfare immediately stopped and silence filled the air.


"Greetings, my brethren,Imperials, and Kimonans alike. We are gathered here on this day to witness the coronation of your leader, Mand'alour the Greatest, as the head of the Eleventh Legio Astartes. He is one of twenty sons of the Emperor of Mankind, whom is beloved by all, and it is his right by birth as our gene-father to lead." He paused for a moment. "He will become death incarnate, provided with a vast array of weapons to smite his enemies and bring glory to the Imperium of Man. His name shall become legendary amongst the stars, and all will know his wrath." The legionaries below let forth cheering and shouting, the collective force of their yells culminating in a deafening chorus of cheer. Marcus clicked into the channel that was connected to the speakers in the courtyard. "Now, brothers, I present you with our most glorious primarch; Mand'alour the Greatest, Builder of Empires, Scourge of the Xenos, the Siege Lord, Master of Arms, and above all else, Glorious Son of the beloved Emperor of Mankind!"


Mand'alour stepped forth into the light, his newly crafted mark III power armour shining brilliantly in the sun.


"Greetings, my legion. It is with great honour that I stand here before you on this day. I shall do my best to bring much glory to our legion, no foe shall stand in our path, lest they desire to be massacred on our march to glory!"

Cheers bellowed out from the assembled legion. Marcus then spoke "Now, let us commence with the transfer of command." He unclasped the cape from his armour "I, Marcus Aquila, commander of the eleventh legio astartes, hereby stepdown from my position. I do so to make way for our true leader, Mand'alour the Greatest, who shall lead our legion to glory in the name of the Emperor of Man. It is with great expectation and faith that I pass this symbol of office to Mand'alour." He clasped the cape on Mand'alour's armour "May his service be composed of the essence of legends, and his deeds unnumerable."


Marcus put his fist over his heart and knelt before Mand'alour. The legion below erupted into all manners of cheer, drastically louder than they've been thus far. Men fired rounds into the air and artillery blasted off empty rounds.


The Eleventh legion had just entered a new era. Mand'alour was eager to prove himself to his new brethren. The Sons of Kimona were ready to show the galaxy their might.

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"his bolt pistol and fired a round into the air. The fanfare immediately stopped..."


Well, that's one way to do it.

Direct and to the point! Nothing silences the masses quite as efficiently as rounds being fired off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chaos ran rampant on the battlefield, the World Eaters were tearing bloody swaths through the enemy lines. They attacked with relentless fury, charging into enemy firing lines while the XI provided covering fire. Manda'lour watched in awe of the XII's recklessness. Man after man was barraged with plasma salvo during the berseker charges, yet no warrior fell. How could his brother send his men so carelessly into the breach?


Nonetheless, the Sons of Kimona were able to advance behind the heels of the XII. In less than an hour the combined might of the XI and XII legions pushed the Shaldrak back to their citadel. The citadels defenses had proven to be immune to the brutish assaults of Angron's men, but there was a fatal flaw to it's design; the courtyard was not enclosed.


"Vox master! patch me through to the Fist of Mando!" Roared Manda'lour over the symphony of gun fire. "Right away, my lord!" With the push of a few buttons the vox master connected Manda'lour's to Marcus Aquila aboard the Fist of Mando. "Marcus, send the Hammer of Dawn upon our foe! I want drop pod bombardment on the following coordinates: Alpha Eight Two Nine, Charlie Seven One Four!" "First company will be notified to prepare for drop, I will send word when the assault is en route."


Manda'lour clicked into the command vox channel. "All men fall back, the Hammer of Dawn is preparing to strike while the steel is hot!" Manda'lour switched to his and Angron's private channel "Brother, pull your men back, I have called for a drop pod assault on the citadel!" The response was immediate "Retreat is for cowards! Blood will be spilt! The World Eaters will claim glory, whelp!" The channel immediately cut off.


Manda'lour's men had all fallen back, the XII were still throwing bodies and melta charges relentlessly at the walls.


"Hammer of Dawn prepped and ready to drop, sir. Drop assault will begin in t-minus twenty." Marcus's voice announced over the vox. Manda'lour looked upon the members of the XII with pity, they would likely lose many men in the impending assault. A series of booms erupted from the heavens. The Hammer was striking.


A drop pod thundered into the ramparts of the citadel, taking World Eaters and Shaldrak defenders alike. The pod doors fired open and Cataphracti emerged from it, resplendent in golden armour. The Emperor's light had arrived on Thirty - Eight Ninteen. Five more pods slammed into the ground, one smashing a squad of World Eaters in it's wake whilst the others landed in the courtyard of the citadel. The Hammer of Dawn was quick to engage the defenders; charging fortefications with combi-weapon fire. The World Eaters joined in on the assault with unshaken resolve. They had lost atleast four squads in the initial assault.


Five more pods hit the the ground inside the citadel. The Hammer of Dawn was overwhelming the Shaldrak, volley after volley proving useless against the assault.


"Sons of Kimona, join the charge! Victory is in our grasp!" Manda'lour strapped on his helmet and charged forward with four companies at his back. He ran with his paragon blade held above his head and a storm shield gifted to him by Dorn in his other arm.


"Glory to the XI! None can withstand our wrath! The Way of Mando overcomes all!" Manda'lour let forth a primal roar and charged the nearest Shaldrak and knocked him aside with his massive storm shield. He quickly brought his shield back and slashed with his blade at the remaining defenders, felling three more in his onslaught.


Angron clicked into the vox channel "We strike at their heart now! The World Eaters assault the citadel now! Blood will flow from it's vile steps like a mighty river!" The channel immediately cut out.


Manda'lour could see his brother with two massive chain axes accompanied by a squad of despoilers charging the main bastion. When he was with five metres of it Manda'lour saw a massive explosion. Angron and his warriors had tripped multiple proximity mines. The smoke dissapated and Angron was taking back to his feet. The man's fury was astonishing.


"Squad Delta Nine, on me! We are taking the citadel!" Manda'lour and his ensemble followed on the heels of Angron's bloody wake. Upon entering the bastion they were met by defenders who were quickly dealt with. Manda'lour and Angron tore through the bastion's defenses with cold efficency and fury.


They had reached the throne room and had trapped the xenos' ruling council.


"Blood!" Roared Angron while charging the assembled council. He made short work of the xenos, seemingly killing all fourteen members with only three swings of his glaives.


The enemy had been decimated within an hour and a half. Manda'lour stood among the bloody mess of the former council. The scene was strangely satisfying.

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