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My first WH40k and BA Army ... LF feedback


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Hi all. I'm new to the miniature wargaming side of WH40k. I finally decided on my chapter, I bought some miniatures and models, I've been painting them and getting ready for the tabletop.


I went Blood Angels (it was a tough choice between them and the Ultramarines, I flip flopped several times over the last couple months). I bought the Blood Angels Battleforce boxed set, Tycho, Corbulo, and an extra set of Death Company. Funny thing is currently my bill for my supplies is far bigger than how much I've spent on models so far LOL.


So anyways here is my first WH40k Army and my first Blood Angel Force. I'm playing, at least for now to learn and have fun. I don't want to field a chump army but I don't need a min-maxed one yet when I still don't fully know the rules well. I'm looking for some tactical guidance, feedback, etc. Thanks Brothers.



850 points.


(HQ) Captain Tycho


(Elites) Brother Corbulo


(Troops) 1 10 man Tactical Squad, flamer, missile launcher, sergeant has plasma pistol.

(Troops) 1 10 man Death Company, infernus pistol, powerfist

(Troops) 1 5 man Assault Company, hand flamer, powersword


(Transport) Rhino with stormbolter



Tactics right now I know my DC will ride in the Rhino and strike fast, Assault will be used to back up the DC or to exploit a weak spot. My tactical will just dakka dakka dakka.


Who should Tycho and Corbulo be with?


Thanks all.



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I don't know how to say this... you need to reread the rules and make sure you understand how armies are built. For example, dedicated transports are written into the game as belonging to a specific squad. That is, the rhino is bought as part of a package with, say, the death company.


Also, you don't want to put the death company in a rhino. You can't assault out of a vehicle, unless it's got the Assault Vehicle special rule. You'll be forced to stand there like dofuses while your opponent shoots you up for a turn.


You definitely need to invest in some more vehicles. Or somthing. Tactical squads hoofing it across the board are rarely a good idea. Maybe you could assemble your death company with jump packs and have them rush your opponent while your tacticals ride in the rhino to get to objectives?


Like all Space Marine armies, the Blood Angels suffer from this problem where  a bunch of their transports hold only a "full" squad, which leaves you with nowhere to put independent characters like Captain Tycho or Brother C. I'd recommend investing in a land raider or stormraven as soon as possible.


Also, I'm not sure that Captain T or Brother C are worth it at this points level. They're great, sure, but they're also pretty pricey. In most Space Marine armies - the Blood Angels included -  it's your boots on the table who will win you the game, not loading up in shiny toys.

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Agree with the comments above. I would also double check your point total. I think you're over 850. 


Given your limited models, here is what I would recommend:


1) Proxy Tycho as a librarian or regular captain w/ a jump pack (joins DC or assault marines)- Save 50 points

2) Ditch Corbolu...he's too pricey and has no transport. - save 105 points

3) Ditch the tac sergeant plasma pistol upgrade, too expensive - save 15 points

4) Ditch the DC infernus pistol upgrade, too expensive - save 15 points

5) Ditch the assault squad hand flamer and add a meltagun - point neutral, but adds melta 

6) Add a melta bomb upgrade to the assault marine sergeant - costs 5 points

7) Add jump packs to the DC - costs 150 points

8) Make rhino a dedicated transport for the tac marines


These adjustments address your transport problems (all models would either have a transport or a jump pack) and keep you at the 850 point limit. 

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If I may offer a different view on Corbulo.


He seems pricey, but actually at lower point levels his effect is even more influential on the game. This is because he has, on top of his armour save, a 2+ Feel No Pain (FNP) roll. So you put him at the front of a key squad, one which will be getting shot at or assaulting / assaulted, and you let him take all the wounds for anything less than strength 8. We call this 'tanking'.


Corbulo can tank a HELLUVA LOT of wounds. Seriously I use him every game, on average he soaks up 50+ wounds and I've seen him tank almost 70. In smaller games, what this means is your opponent will have to fire everything he has at Corbulo's squad, and chances are he still won't hurt him, as Corbulo's once per game reroll and two wounds can keep him tanking some more. Just Look Out Sir anything S8 or higher.


Seriously, don't drop him. By all means alter your list, but keep corbs and learn how to use him properly.

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Corbulo has no ride in this list. Footslogging him is a bad idea. Putting him in the rhino and footslogging tacticals is also a bad idea. 


Also, if you pay for Corbulo, then OP has to drop half his DC or the DC jump packs....which means his DC then also have no ride. Options are limited when you only have one transport model in your army. Real solution is to acquire some more transport options. 

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I dunno, corbulo can take far more S7 or lower wounds than a rhino has hit points so if I was footslogging it, he would lead the way. DC jump packs are just too expensive for me personally.


Not sure if tycho fits in, as there are only 2 units making use of his LD boost. For 50 points less a ML2 librarian would bring more to the game.

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Transports. I'm thinking a Stormraven, a Land Raider, or some drop pods. 


After transports...more assault marines, a furioso dreadnought, and stern guard veterans, not necessarily in that order. 


I agree, absolutely.


I would also consider more razorbacks, which I would assemble (magnetize if you like - it's not really necessary) so they could be fielded as razorbacks or rhinos.

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Awesome ... as a newbie this is the advice I need.


Now I admit I really have a fondness for Brother Corbulo. But what if my HQ was a Librarian? Or another suggestion for a HQ?

Transports. I'm thinking a Stormraven, a Land Raider, or some drop pods. 


After transports...more assault marines, a furioso dreadnought, and stern guard veterans, not necessarily in that order. 


I'm on it. The only thing that has held me back in pursuing this hobby has been money, LOL, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has uttered those words ;)   ... as a decent salaried professional this is still pretty costly and slow to get into.

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Ok how's this for future purchases to finalize this force?

Librarian for HQ and attached to Assault Squad (so I'll give him jump pack)

5 man assault squad boxed set to bring my jump packed assault squad up to 10

Stormraven transport/gunship- dedicated transport for my Death Company (because I built them w/o jetpacks sadly sad.png ...)

Furioso Dreadnaught

Corbulo will be attached to tactical squad and the Rhino will be their dedicated transport.

For a finalized army of:

1 10 man tac squad

Brother Corbulo w/ assault squad

Rhino APC dedicated transport for Tac squad

1 10 man assault squad

Librarian w/jet pack leading assault squad and HQ for army

1 10 man death company riding in Stormraven

1 Furioso Dreadnaught riding in Stormraven with DC

Hows that for a starting BA Army?

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9 tacticals and Corbulo msn-wink.gif

Yes, BUUT, if you only take 9 tacticals, you can't take a heavy or special weapon, and now the squad is like nine times more useless.

Best advice: special dudes ride in large transports (stormraven/landraider) with smaller but harder-hitting squads. Or you can put a demi-squad (five dudes) in a razorback, which has a room for a sixth dude. And gives you a price break on the razorback. And you can take a single special weapon with only five assault marines. And they hold objectives just fine.

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All part of the fun :)


While you're getting used to things don't be afraid to use ebay. That way you're not forking out top dollar for things and having to assemble and paint them only to use them once and find you don't really like them. Then when you get the hang of things and have a good idea of what you want, you can really go to town!

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Pfft. I see a lot of 'dont take this' and 'don't do that' and 'you need one of these'


Tish tosh.


The army looks good!


Corbs and Tycho may be a lot of points at this level, but some people take Meph at 1000. So what.


I'd drop the death Co to 8men, then put Tycho and Corbulo in the rhino with then, and shoot them forwards asap. They should put out 16 bolt shots, or the 2 melta shots when they disembark, plus whatever the rhino has to offer.


Assault squad is OK. I'd have gone for the flamer (5pts, S4 AP5) over the hand flamer (10 pts, S3, SP6) as it's better in every way. Add the flamer anyway, and you have a small sqad that can dish out 2 templates, which will surprise people!


What your army lacks is anti tank to open up transports for your troops to murder the contents.


This can be in the form of fast moving short range weapons, like MM attack bike squads (one of my favourite units) or assault squads with meltas, landspeeders with meltas or a melta-toting, deep striking honour guard. Alternatively, it can be slower/static, but long ranged, like a devastator squad, auto/las predator, las/lissile dread, maybe a stormraven.


I agree that the tactical squad needs some kind of transport. I'd say that the thing that will benefit your army, and game the most would be a drop pod. you can either give it to the tacticals, and have them take an objective T1, or the death company, and have them in your opponent's face T1.


The rules. You also need the rules!


Keep painting them red, TK!

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Might be an idea to get a battleforce if your starting up. You get 10 assault marines (if you turn the death company marines into assault marines) and get plenty of items to kit them out. You also get an extra rhino and pay 90 bucks for 116 bucks of stuff (if you would buy the same items independantly)

You can also just buy death company boxes and sanguinary guard boxes to make sure your marines are nice and ornatey :)

The nice thing about death company marine boxes are that you can turn them into multiple units. You can turn them into regular DC, tacticals or assault marines :D

Sanguinary guard on the other hand you cant turn into much else. You can use the power weapons to tool veterans and use the shoulder pads and bodies for extra ornate marines but....if your not making sanguinary guard you will probably have alot of parts you cant use dry.png

Best of luck with your army mate, and welcome to the forums thumbsup.gif

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Put them in a drop pod and they are one of the scariest things you might have in your deployment zone if you are playing against them. I once ran them with a librarian in a pod just to for the hell of it and they pretty much won the game for me. Librarian had 4+ invul power which made the unit kinda broken. Since they are relentless they can shoot and charge and for 20pts each they are preferable to a 10 man tactical squad with the stats they are rockin'. Don't give them anything unnecessary since they are already plenty brutal already. You might want to give them a single powerfist/thunder hammer incase they come face to face with a MC or a walker. 

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Put them in a drop pod and they are one of the scariest things you might have in your deployment zone if you are playing against them. I once ran them with a librarian in a pod just to for the hell of it and they pretty much won the game for me. Librarian had 4+ invul power which made the unit kinda broken. Since they are relentless they can shoot and charge and for 20pts each they are preferable to a 10 man tactical squad with the stats they are rockin'. Don't give them anything unnecessary since they are already plenty brutal already. You might want to give them a single powerfist/thunder hammer incase they come face to face with a MC or a walker. 


They all have bolters except for one guy, who fluff-wise I'm playing as a former veteran sergeant who recently was inducted into the death company. He got to keep his old weaponry which was a powerfist and a infernus pistol ... so yeah he can deal with MC or a walker. Hope he works out well. I made him my new avatar for the boards.

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