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Terminators without Transport


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Been contemplating a list composed primarily of terminators. Here's the thing though, I don't want to just chuck them all in spartans and have done. 


The idea originally started while playing around with the Night Lords rite of war, and trying to include a full squad of deepstriking terminators in there, then running into a desire to have them come in on a homing beacon of some sort, Sevatar's chainglaive for example. Terror squads, which would seem an obvious choice don't have access to nuncio voxes though.

From there it turned into a no particular legion in mind thought exercise of, "If I were to run a bunch of terminators, without transports, what is the best way to get them where I want them?" Any rite of war, and legion, how best to go about it?


To me that seems to indicate pod, infiltrate, or scout something for them to deepstrike on? The means Orbital Assault with any legion, or Night Lords, Sons of Horus, or Imperial Fists for native deep strike. Alpha Legion can have infiltrating terminators. Raven Guard can infiltrate a lot of things most legions can't, which rather makes them a candidate in this thought process.


How would you all go about setting this sort of thing up? Recon squads for infiltrate? Something that can scout forward from your deployment zone and survive long enough for the rest of the list to deal with reserve rolls? 


I suspect Alpha Legion for a bunch of infiltrating terminators would be the most efficient way of accomplishing this, but would it be more fun than a couple Mor Deythan squads, using pods to get a beacon of some sort in on turn one, or running a Land Raider Proteus into midfield and then having a master of signal jump out and hide somewhere?


So, I thought I'd throw this out to the larger community and see what your thoughts are.

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I'm personally a big fan of Pride of the Legion Rite of War with Perturabo as the Warlord. Him and all the terminators can deep strike, and can start rolling to come in on turn one. Throw in something to modify reserve rolls and you'd have a nasty terminator deep strike list.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the suggestions. I hadn't thought of either Perturabo or Pollux.


My larger question though is, what would you use to modify reserve rolls, or use as the unit with the homing beacon(s)? For example, my first thought would be a unit with a nuncio vox, or a master of signal in a scouting land raider proteus. That accomplishes both tasks, by using the scout move to place the proteus somewhere near where you'd like your deepstrikers to come in, use the movement phase to get the nuncio vox or master of signal out of the raider, and then everything is in position for reserve rolls at the start of turn two.


Of course the obvious weaknesses would be the proteus surviving long enough to modify the reserve rolls, and whatever you're using for the homing beacon surviving long enough to be that beacon. We're also in the neighborhood of 400 points for that combination.


Infiltrating units seem like a less spendy option, but again there's the question of survivability. 


I think my issue comes down to, if we're to spend the bulk of the points on terminators, what options are there to make sure they come in where we want when we want that don't involve spending a bunch of points, and money, on transports? Are there particular legions that allow better options, or better varieties of the existing options every legion has? 


Do you think something along those lines is even necessary or advisable? Is the scatter simply the risk inherent in the army, and inbuilt balancing factor?

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Yeah, flamer weapons aren't really in my thought process. Autocannons and maybe some plasma blasters on a single squad make far more sense, to me, given lack of transport. 


I appreciate the suggestion of fortifications. They weren't really on my radar, and they're a good thought. Given either Iron Warriors or Imperial Fists they're a fairly thematic idea also, though the Fists have a bit better rule set to take advantage of them. 


May wind up doing something about this concept early in the coming year. I have some cataphractii that were originally planned for my World Eaters, but they really don't fit well with the rest of that army, and I like the idea of taking a break from white. 


Thanks for the help guys.

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