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Reorganizing my Warband Vehicles


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I currently have 3 factions to my Chaos Warband :


  • Emperor's Children sub-faction
  • Death Guard sub-faction
  • Word Bearers sub-faction


And my vehicles are disributed across them, like I have an EC Vindicator, a DG Vindicator, an EC Heldrake, a WB Heldrake, etc.


I was thinking of consolidating and reorganizing (and replainting color schemes to match) my vehicles to each sub-faction as follows:


  • Rhinos - 1 to EC, 1 to WB, 2 to DG
  • Land Raider - 1 for each faction above (DG gets the Spartan)


  • 2 Predators - to EC
  • 3 Helbrute Mayhem Pack + SonicDread - to EC
  • StormEagle - to EC
  • Sicaran - to EC


  • Kharybdis - to DG
  • 2 Vindicators - to DG
  • 1 Relic Plasma Predator - to DG
  • Maulerfiends - to DG (should really be WB since they are Daemon Engines but I'm keeping them DG because I've made them tentacle'y with their lasher, etc.)
  • 1 Contemptor - to DG


  • 1 Helcult - to WB
  • Daemon Engines - 2 Decimator, 2 ForgeFiend, 2 Defilers, 3 Heldrakes - to WB
  • 1 HellTalon - to WB


Does the above look appropriate in terms of the type of vehicle that would match the 'character' of the sub-faction?




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All Slaanesh. Nothing like a bit of excess.


Whenever I think of Slaanesh, my thoughts go to Rockso the Rock N Roll clown from Dethklock.


"I do cocaine, and heroin, and Oxycontin...I do it all baby! GE-GE-GE YEEEEEEEEAH"


I'm in a similar mode for my Chaos armies.  My world eaters are getting two land raiders, and the Helbrutes and Defiler-also the Bikers and Spawn.


My Black Legion are getting the Rhinos and Predators, with the Raptors.  I don't have my Rhinos Magnetized (with the options) but I do have them pinned so that I can swap the Havoc launchers out if I don't want them.  For me Chaos Rhinos start at 40 points (Dirge Caster).  I have something that can negate a (admittedly small) phase of the opponent's game, 5 points is a STEAL.


I kinda want a Chaos Contemptor for my World Eaters to "lead" my Helbrutes.

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