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How many of you have gone Mono-Chaos?


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Well. My Thousand Sons are Monogod. Other than them, I played unmarked IW until this book. I've taken the MoN on Obliteratorssometimes because it was stupid not to, but the other time they have MoT.


Never ever used a mark of Khorne or Slaanesh in my life. Although I am building some noise marines.


My Fantasy WoC are monogod Tzeentch. I have about 1500pts of Tzeentch daemons, then a random GUO and 12 plaguebearers as I liked the models.

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I have

A pretty much pure Tzeench Daemon army

A Tzeench Warriors of Chaos army

While my csm were meant to be going Mono Slaanesh im being tempted to just go Black Legion as im not very good at painting so its easy to make look good. Plus with Crimson Slaughter being the new poster boys i can not be accused of being a band wagoner and it enables me to pretty much use everything in the list. However

The core of the army would be unmarked aka undivided

Undivided lord and termie retinue

Unmarked sorceror

However i am also tempted by the word bearers route

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My Death Guard warband is wholly dedicated to Grandpa Nurgle. Is mono-god really 'old school'? I thought lots of folks would identify with one aspect of chaos over the others.

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My Death Guard warband is wholly dedicated to Grandpa Nurgle. Is mono-god really 'old school'? I thought lots of folks would identify with one aspect of chaos over the others.



Well I think it is. I mean waaaay back in this forum's infancy we played one Chaos army (perhaps not mono-god) or one god. There were always exceptions but this was in a time before GW and Black Legion authors were trying to tell us Legions don't exist anymore. Then the codex was written like 'pirate-dex' and people were a bit lost for a while trying to piece together their old 'pure' chaos armies, and they really just don't exist now.


So in that frame of thought I wondered who still did it? There's much more Black Legion now than ever, I see a lot of mixed marks, mixed armies, but fewer and fewer mono-gods as a result.

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I'm still a big fan of the original Realms of Chaos stuff so mono God's and sacred numbers just feel right to me. If I was to add another god it would have to be as a warband and either Nurgle or Tzeentch as I'll never put Khorne and Slaanesh on the table together.
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Yep, I play a mono-god list: Death Guard. I also have a rudimentary World Eaters list so that would be two mono-god lists. Though the real old-school list I run is Black Legion, but that's obviously not dedicated to a single power. Other than that, I've considered starting up a Violators army, and that would be a third single-power list.

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I run mono god lists for all four powers and an unmarked Word Bearers army

I'm still a big fan of the original Realms of Chaos stuff so mono God's and sacred numbers just feel right to me. If I was to add another god it would have to be as a warband and either Nurgle or Tzeentch as I'll never put Khorne and Slaanesh on the table together.

Nurgle, I dare you, I'll even get you some FW Plague Marines if you do. 

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I run mono god lists for all four powers and an unmarked Word Bearers army



I'm still a big fan of the original Realms of Chaos stuff so mono God's and sacred numbers just feel right to me. If I was to add another god it would have to be as a warband and either Nurgle or Tzeentch as I'll never put Khorne and Slaanesh on the table together.

Nurgle, I dare you, I'll even get you some FW Plague Marines if you do.

I may but the Flayers need more done first.

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My four mono-god lists are the obvious four. The other five I'll be throwing in whatever Marks make sense to theme them to that Legion/role. For example, my Alpha Legion Obliterators have Nurgle but the rest of the list is unmarked.



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The only reason my Deathguard have ten man units instead of seven is so I can run them in heresy games as well, thats also why my Word Bearers have weird weapon choices e.g. 20 strong squads with just bolters, as I started them before the heresy mins came out, yep I was dong heresy gaming before it was cool, when yo had to kitbash and sculpt everything

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So far, mono-God, though if I get back into gaming I probably won't be able to reeks making MoN Obliterators.


I may field some Khornate-marked models in the future as my former-chapter's 1st company, enslaved by the rest of the (Slaaneshi) warband.

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Die-hard Khorne all the way - sacred number squad sizes with everything.


Same here only with Slaanesh. Sacred number squad sizes are a must for me. 


I used to play Khorne focused Word Bearers back in the 3.5 days but over the years the Prince of Pleasures has won me over. 

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Die-hard Khorne all the way - sacred number squad sizes with everything.


Same here only with Slaanesh. Sacred number squad sizes are a must for me. 


I used to play Khorne focused Word Bearers back in the 3.5 days but over the years the Prince of Pleasures has won me over. 


Oh I'm sure. 




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