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How many of you have gone Mono-Chaos?


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I build a lot of different gods and my favorites are probably Nurgle dedicated, but.....
I have been running an army consisting of juggerlord+spawn and 4 squad of 8 berzerkers plus change. I picked up some khorne daemons to bulk it out and have started some khorne eldar too.

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Well I've laboured on my Death Guard army for about six years. Still run squads of seven but that's just sensible for plague marines in terms of squad size versus points cost.


I don't give everything Mark of Nurgle though - no point. As long as my models look Death Guard then it's fine to run them unmarked. Mark of Nurgle is way over-costed and it kinda ruins my level three sorcerer. Once I realised unmarked independent characters can join marked units I was happy :)

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