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Are ML1 Libbies worth it ?


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Hey guys, I was trying to see if I could squeeze out some points for 1k points games, and removing the Captain to put in a Libby instead seemed like a good option at the moment.


I was just wondering if a ML1 Libby was really interesting or if it was better forgetting about it. It's going to be a Libby in the frontlines, so I see ML2 being worth it for buffing up the line, but whether ML1 is worth it or not, I have no idea because I have ran none so far.


What's your take on that ?

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ML1 Librarians are great if you want a cheap HQ choice that doesn't require any upgrades.  Perfect for games below 1000 points, where marines often suffer from having to spend a huge percentage of their points on their HQ.  At 1000 points and beyond it depends what you want him for, personally mine is often used as my cheap HQ choice/ psychic shriek addition to my sternguard. 

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It really depends on your meta and the kind of game you want. If you're playing a game against fairly middle-of-the-road kinds of lists, you're going to do fine. Your opponent will only have one or two MLs on you - maybe more if you're playing against Daemons or Grey Knights - but not so many that you will never get a power off, or never hope to cancel one of your opponent's. If you're playing against super hard tournament lists, your opponent is going to either go all-out in the psychic phase, in which case you will be completely shut out and shouldn't waste your time, or your opponent is going to have no psykers at all.

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ML1 Librarians are great if you want a cheap HQ choice that doesn't require any upgrades.  Perfect for games below 1000 points, where marines often suffer from having to spend a huge percentage of their points on their HQ.  At 1000 points and beyond it depends what you want him for, personally mine is often used as my cheap HQ choice/ psychic shriek addition to my sternguard. 


That's basically it to be honest. The Captain I usually run with costs 140 points, and I feel that's going to be way too expensive for 1000 points (14% !) and prevent me from getting more dakka on the table. Also a regular 65 points Librarian will free up enough points so I can fit in a second Typhoon which is going to help a lot better.

Basically, just play the Libby for the Primaris of the discipline you pick for the battle and hope to get a good roll on the powers table ?

(On a side note, for Psychic shriek, do you roll to hit ? It's a witchfire, but there's no weapon profile, so my club and I have no definite answer about that)


It really depends on your meta and the kind of game you want. If you're playing a game against fairly middle-of-the-road kinds of lists, you're going to do fine. Your opponent will only have one or two MLs on you - maybe more if you're playing against Daemons or Grey Knights - but not so many that you will never get a power off, or never hope to cancel one of your opponent's. If you're playing against super hard tournament lists, your opponent is going to either go all-out in the psychic phase, in which case you will be completely shut out and shouldn't waste your time, or your opponent is going to have no psykers at all.


Yeah, I see ! My meta has a bit of both to be honest, so I should not expect much prowess from the Libby and just throw all my dice into the power I really want to cast :p

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