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How ornate should our terminators be?


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Hey guys,


Im working on some terminators with forgeworld shoulderpads and I really want to do the models justice. The shoulderpads already make a big improvement but I want to show that these suits have "been around" if you will :p theyre centuries old after all ;)


Im just kind of at a loss how I can represent that on the models... I have thought of adding small gems and the like; like the ones on the space hulk minis but I think im nowhere good enough with GS to do that...


Anyone have any ideas how I can show age on the armor?

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Gems and such should be no worries wit a little practice. Start on a spare piece of plastic (an old rhino door, for example) and work in stages. First step would be to do a basic 2D Blood-drop or circle to act as the base of the gem. Allow it to dry, 12hrs minimum. Then add on top the 3D blood drop or gem. 


With GS the more yellow = softer, longer working time. About a 70-30 Yellow-Blue would be fine. Keep your tools well lubricated (water is fine). 


I'd be surprised if it took more than 3 attempts before you're game enough to try it on a model.



As for how much Bling/Damage, as stated, the Space Hulk models are an excellent point of reference. I've also seen some very cool conversions using the Honour Guard torsos.




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"How ornate should our terminators be?"


Is that even a valid question?


Slap some wings on the armor and paint some gold trim here and there :D


As for showing age, I like to paint chinks, scratches, and nicks on the armor.  Scratches are actually pretty easy and there's some great tutorials and pictures online if my explanation isn't good enough.  Basically find a part of the armor you want damaged, paint a short line with black, then outline just the bottom portion of the black part with a think silver/metallic line.

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If youre not confident with sculpting them you can use Death Company accessories to add gems. Obviously, there's the two winged blood drops and you could leave them as they are or trim the wings off so you've just got blood drops. There're also a remarkable number of blood drops on the hilts of chainswords or dangling off back packs that you could carefully carve off and file down.

Alternatively a feth-load of purity seals plus some of the other stuff like the little reliquaries from the Grey Knights kits could do the trick. Maybe mix in some of the Dark Angel Deathwing Command squad legs where you can as they already have a lot more sculpted detail on them than regular terminator legs and some of that iconography is generic enough to be used with BA.

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Thanks for the replies so far guys :)

Sadly my termies are already assembled and almost done in fact.... Guess my question should have been "how do I make them ornate with a paintjob"...

I cant make them from the ground up anymore (maybe a project for the future) but I can add things like blood drops, scrollworks etc... Im just wondering when they will have enough and I should stop before they start looking silly? blush.png

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I thought Space Hulk termintors, while beautiful, were way too overdressed for something that's going to war..


My thoughts as well. I think they are over-blinged. I find it hilarious that the heavy flamer dude is covered in parchment and scrolls, wonder how often they need replacing? :p

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I thought Space Hulk termintors, while beautiful, were way too overdressed for something that's going to war..

My thoughts as well. I think they are over-blinged. I find it hilarious that the heavy flamer dude is covered in parchment and scrolls, wonder how often they need replacing? tongue.png

Probably as often as scrollwork on assault marines :P

I thought that in the 40k universe there was no thing as "to much bling" though? Specialy on veterans who mostly display that they ARE veterans by said bling? rolleyes.gif

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I thought Space Hulk termintors, while beautiful, were way too overdressed for something that's going to war..

My thoughts as well. I think they are over-blinged. I find it hilarious that the heavy flamer dude is covered in parchment and scrolls, wonder how often they need replacing? tongue.png

Probably as often as scrollwork on assault marines tongue.png

I thought that in the 40k universe there was no thing as "to much bling" though? Specialy on veterans who mostly display that they ARE veterans by said bling? rolleyes.gif

That's what our droves of Chapter Serfs are for, guys. tongue.png

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Sometimes the whole Rennaisance thing is a bit too much but the Sergeant Gabriel model has it about right I think, and the Calistarius model is one of my fave models ever. There's not really a lot of bling on him, but the pose, the prominent eyes and the base make up for it.
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