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Legacies, Raiders, Units


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So I've been looking a little at the legacies....and I really really think that they can make our land raiders worth it. I dont have too wide access to pts costs but a lot of the legacies act as some truely potentially sickening force multipliers for our units.



For example, lets look at possesed, generally pretty meh, but with Mok, IoK, and in a raider with AtPI....their statistically tough as Nurgle marines (not plagues) can hit a unit a truely sickening distance away (raider move, their disembark, charge with a re-roll) and hit like an absolute hammer




Mutilators or possessed with, MoT, Raider, 1WoA. 3++ units....kinda gives the T5 versions a run for their money.


Even the rending Nurgle Legacy is making me think about terminators with Lightning claws or mauls charging out of it.....


Anyone else got any combos of raider, unit and Legacy that give a new way of using a unit or allow us to stack bonuses?


I also like the SoL, 12' Dirge caster...my tau playing mate is going to despise that one

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the problem is our units size. If we could run 4-5 oblits or 4-5 mutas, it may actualy work.

The possessed could work too,if the cost of LR+unit wasn't bordering on bikers/spawn+HQ[with better utililty].

But in general something cheap maybe better. Khârn+Sorc/tanklord+8 cultists/csm, even if it is very situational

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I dunno jeske. I see these auraus (on a platform as tough as the raider) opening up a lot o build options. Ive just listed single unit effects.

Now think of a list where every engine/unit is rocking a 4++ backed up by oblits and summoning daemons.

Or a WE horde that is either disallowing Overwatch or rocking FnP
A slaanesh list with atleast 3 units outflanking (3 flanking raiders could be hilarious)

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The cost is huge. Its ~500pts per unit. This means 2 units of possesed and two HQs to support them at 1500. A high AV wall to work would require 5-6 targets.


So probly something like Multi cad 4HQs, maybe 5 using ally.

cheap troops . A LR buffer and predators/mauler fiends as support, maulers would probably better [as our preds aren't fast or lack good close range/use while moving weapons]. But again the same thing can be done with 1 death star build around bikes/spawn.



Maybe a gunline on a landing pad, but only for non objective missions.

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I think a lot of them are decent, they just require a very particular list that fits with them to make them worth taking. For example the legacies that enhance units with icons of wrath-very handy, but only really useful if you're running 2-3 khorne units, which you rarely are. Dringe caster increased range has to be the best overall, very useful, though for the most part I feel like the legacies enhance assault armies which usually are not going to be as good as more versatile lists. 

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You're going to need to get a better summary of the actual rules (or hell, pick up the rules yourself), because some of the combos you want won't work. First War of Armageddon only works on Daemons of Khorne, for example - so no improving Possessed etc.


But that said, there still are a lot of cool force modifiers that can come out of this list. I'm liking the idea of First War with some Grimoire'd Flesh Hounds, for example. And the Dirge Caster one is just awesome.

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You're going to need to get a better summary of the actual rules (or hell, pick up the rules yourself), because some of the combos you want won't work. First War of Armageddon only works on Daemons of Khorne, for example - so no improving Possessed etc.


But that said, there still are a lot of cool force modifiers that can come out of this list. I'm liking the idea of First War with some Grimoire'd Flesh Hounds, for example. And the Dirge Caster one is just awesome.

Aww :cuss, yeah just re-read it. Cheers FW, :cuss
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I'm a bit disappointed by the legacies. We have some nice Khoren and Nurgle themed Legacies but the Slaanesh and Tzeetch one really suck. For the Slaanesh one I could see some use, but IIRC Niose Marines are fearless so its ok-ish. But some of the general ones are nice but not necessarily thematic for mono-NON-nurgel/khoren. 

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The nastiest thing i can think of is a Reaver Titan of Khorne with the 1. War for Armageddon legacy, backed by 2 Khorne Warhounds and Angron + 12 Bloodthirsters (including Anggrath) at his feet. Chaos Titans rock so much - it's really rare that we get something that is better than the imperial version.


Death of Kasr Luthien in a Tzeentch Daemon factory list is nuts. Spell Familiars for everyone!


4th Quadrant Rebellion amidst hordes of cultists, but even with 4++, it's too easy to get singled out, better get the helcult formation instead.


Maelstrom Raider might be good for a Relic Predator with flamestorm/hvy flamer, but that's just an overcosted Baal Pred.


Any of the Pref enemy (X) legacies might come in handy for Plasma Relic Preds, but that would border on list tailoring.


The rest is pretty :cussty, you can tell from how many legacies provide fear.

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The nastiest thing i can think of is a Reaver Titan of Khorne with the 1. War for Armageddon legacy, backed by 2 Khorne Warhounds and Angron + 12 Bloodthirsters (including Anggrath) at his feet. Chaos Titans rock so much - it's really rare that we get something that is better than the imperial version.


Death of Kasr Luthien in a Tzeentch Daemon factory list is nuts. Spell Familiars for everyone!


4th Quadrant Rebellion amidst hordes of cultists, but even with 4++, it's too easy to get singled out, better get the helcult formation instead.


Maelstrom Raider might be good for a Relic Predator with flamestorm/hvy flamer, but that's just an overcosted Baal Pred.


Any of the Pref enemy (X) legacies might come in handy for Plasma Relic Preds, but that would border on list tailoring.


The rest is pretty :cussty, you can tell from how many legacies provide fear.



TBH regarding tailoring, when facing Eldar and Tau my attitudes to tailoring go out the window, if we didn't we'd get blown off the board by the end of Turn 2 when using a pure CSM force. 

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Outflanking vehicles and re-rolls on seize are the ones I've been eyeing the most.
What could the Maelstrom raider be good for? I would have liked to outflank my decimator or even a defiler, but it is only available to vehicles and super-heavies.
I was thinking of outflanking a vindicator with the legacy, and then a bunch of cultists with a chaos lord on steed, to bubblewrap and protect it.

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Outflanking vehicles and re-rolls on seize are the ones I've been eyeing the most.

What could the Maelstrom raider be good for? I would have liked to outflank my decimator or even a defiler, but it is only available to vehicles and super-heavies.

I was thinking of outflanking a vindicator with the legacy, and then a bunch of cultists with a chaos lord on steed, to bubblewrap and protect it.

Walkers are vehicles, so would be able to take the Maelstrom legacy.


But you can't give it to Decimators or Defilers anyway, because they have Daemonic Possession/Resilience.

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Oh, the daemonic possession/resillience part is true, but most of the legacies mention tanks and walkers specifically. Is it just because the bonus is the exact same then, that it's listed as "vehicles"? If so, that's nice.

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