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For the Glory of Chaos...........

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Hi everyone

Have you ever had games where a models in your Chaos army doing really well...... only for the Chaos gods to turn there back on them, lossing them to say - overwatch from a unit of Grots. Or made it against all odds?

This topic just for fun & hear old war stories.

For me

So close yet so far: Battle against my friend Eldar that the wargaming club I go to.

Pretty much I was getting a game against my friend Eldar & his Writhknight was in combat with my Chaos Lord Narach & his unit of Terminator bodyguards.

The Terminators where all wipe out. It was just down to Narach & he was winning. For three round of close combat:

- Terminator unit was wipe out. The knight does suffer wounds from Axe of Blind fury from my lord.

- The Knight suffer a few more wounds. It failed to cause any wounds to Lord Narach

- The Knight suffer more wounds, mean it just got one left. This time, the knight does cause two wounds on Lord Narach, but I past both Inv saves.

It was looking pretty good & really cool bit of history for Lord Narach. I could possible win this. I went to roll the dice....... it land funny on a bit of terrain sad.png Was close to being a 6 as well for the amount of attacks. But I re-roll it as I always do when dice land funny on terrain. I get a 1, The Knight win combat.
I've never felt so gutted in a game before. It was a great game. It just the image of that combat.

But same time - My Chaos Lord, Narach has went against a Imperial Knight that Throne of Skulls Marach earily this year & lived, it was like Storm of Iron with Forrix biggrin.png


Hardest games fought - Space Wolves from Throne of Skulls Nov 2012, round 4


Just this has been a game where you where really focuse, a game on the wire. Each counter was met with our own counter.

By turn 5? All I had was a single Iron Warrior, Obliterator on a wound & Lord Narach who'd deep strike on there side of the table & my Heldrake. My oppent had Grey Hunter that where just two or three models? & a unit of Long Fangs, with the mission being big gun never tired.

The game ended on turn 7. In the end my lone IW Champion Uzas Vel with the Obliterators w/single wound where holding onto a object.
While Lord Narach had just made it into close combat with the unit of Long Fangs & wipe them out. While the Space Wolves, the two Grey Hunter where holding onto there object. My Heldrake went off the table.

But it could easily have change, Long fangs did cause a hit & a wound with overwatch & one failed save would get them slay the warlord & I'd loss line breaker, then following turn could have took out my Obliterator to get a point for Heavy Support.

Other key moment was when my Champion Bronn had slay a Wolf Priest in close combat & became a Daemon Prince. Only to be counter by the Wold Lord on Thunder Wolf arm with a Power Fist? which ended Champion Bronn glory.

Few other photos from that game

There was 20 Space Wolves from those drop pods.




Champion Bronn Tal now become a Daemon Prince...............




Just I've fought a lot of great games over the year & thankful only a small amount of terrible games (due to oppent, if people act that way, they should really take a look into there life).

But this has been my top game just because of the challenge & how it was down to the wire with so few models left on the table. Just remember people who'd watch the game saying how it was not easy to tell how it was going to end & how set thing could change the game as commented there & just how few models both of us had in our armies.

So any great war stories from our Veteran's of the Long War? Moment of glory or great games you've fought?


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That Knight you fought in the first game (and the whole Space Wolf army) belongs to my doubles partner and frequent gaming buddy/rival. Small world! Really enjoyed reading this, I can't participate (loyalist and proud) but nice pics and some cool stories here.


Yes  (sorry not really great with names, but I rememeber people face, just with autism).  It was a really great game & he a really good oppent, the Space Wolves Knight was really cool.  Just it reminded me of Storm of Iron novel, when Forrix goes after a Warhound Titian.


Just though be cool to see war stories as it where.  I said in my IW topic how the games have help toward my Iron Warriors & the history to those units thanks to really great games.



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My Aspiring Champion fighting two Hellbrutes and winning. That was unbelievable.


And from the other game - my buddy's/opponent's Khârn is the last man standing. I shoot him with entire army. Not a single wound taken. He charges a CSM squad....

and dies in close combat. 

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