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Well... It's been a long time since i posted on this forum... After a long hiatus about mini and wargaming in general i've decided to start from zero with a new army. So here comes the sons of Lorgar! ( And again sorry for my English, grammar and co... I'm french ^^" )

Here some pic of the first conversion : The Terminator Lord, the Helldrake, dreadnought and a Demon Prince of Khorne^^ ( I want my army list to be flexible, so i converted a several number of HQ for each configuration. )

Terminator Lord







Demon Prince



Edited by Agraorth

Thanks for the comments :) Yeah i took my inspiration from many games and movies for converting this one, Doom and Lord of Shadow in particular, well see :P


Some awesome looking conversions! Can I ask where the greenstuffed bat wings came from? Did you press mould them, or sculpt them?

Mold from a bretonian knight helm ^^


Those are some seriously stunning conversions! The Heldrake has all the hallmarks of a dragon end boss in a Yasumi Matsuno game (and I mean that in the most positive sense), the Dreadnought seems like a missing link between Helbrute and Centurion, and the Daemon Prince is just ingenious -- very, very interested to see where this is going! :)

Thanks all for the comment, that's motivate me a lot ^^

Those are some seriously stunning conversions! The Heldrake has all the hallmarks of a dragon end boss in a Yasumi Matsuno game (and I mean that in the most positive sense), the Dreadnought seems like a missing link between Helbrute and Centurion, and the Daemon Prince is just ingenious -- very, very interested to see where this is going! :smile.:


Wow! A word from the master himself, very honored sir^^ Your work on your eternal hunt really inspired me for my conversion work and gave me the motivation to take my decision to return to the hobby few weeks ago :smile.: ( And yes, for the dreadnought i've initialy planned to make three of them for a chaos centurion squad, but as you see the final result was to big, so i used him as a good old Dread^^ )


Cheers, I thought it might be graveguard.


You're welcome^^

Edited by Agraorth

Dude... these are brilliant. Why is it that the French are so good at this? Every time I think I've got something - hey everyone, check it out, I put a robot arm on a Hararadrim warrior and an Inquisition seal on the shield and now he's a halfway decent crusader! - you freaking Frenchies come along and blow me away. It must be something they put in the water... and the saddest thing is, I'll never have the privilege of playing against your armies... because you're all in France.


I know this is true, because not only does the Internet tell me, but I once got to visit a Games Workshop in Versailles, and I have never been around that many folks casually playing with gorgeous armies...


It's just not fair.


Anyway, your army is shaping up to be particularly gorgeous even for the French, which is saying something.

Ah ah, thank you very much for the compliments :) But for having lived a few month in Montreal i can say Canadian are serious about modeling :P ( Unfortunatly i didn't spend so much time for playing and meeting other players then,  but i remember a demon of tzeentch army that let me completly stunned when i visited an independant shop there^^ )

So in an other subject i've decided to diversificate a little my WB force by adding some fallen Terminator, i have especially intented to gave her an "heresy era" look, so hope you like it ^^ :



These almost make me want to shun the immortal emperor... Almost.


I just know I couldn't afford the bitz to make them all :laugh.:


But seriously, awesome work, especially the Dread and Drake. What pieces/ kits did you use for them mainly?

Thanks again for the positive comment evryone :)

These almost make me want to shun the immortal emperor... Almost.


I just know I couldn't afford the bitz to make them all :laugh.:


But seriously, awesome work, especially the Dread and Drake. What pieces/ kits did you use for them mainly?

Yes my friend, come to chaos, we have Demonette :wink:
So, for the bits used on the two :

Helldrake :
-Cerberite/Forgefiend body.
-Zombie Dragon head and legs.
-Mutalithe portal ( For the "collar" ) and tentacles.

Dreadnought :
-Contempotor Dreadnought waist and backpack
-Chaos warrior head
-Cerberite tentacles, legs and shoulder pads
-Slaughterbrute tiny arms
-Dreadnought furioso feet and canon.

Hope i won't forget anything, but i think that's all^^

Merci du commentaire compadre, gloire au maitre de guerre! ^^ Décidément ce Helldrake à beaucoup de succè XD Je vais me dépêcher de le finir :tongue.:
( For the non-french i just say i will hurry to finish the Helldrake, still miss the wing i have purchasse on ebay, hope they will arrive soon. ^^ )

Edited by Agraorth

Well... As i said in one of my post it's been a long time since i have paint or built anything... And if convert and sculpt don't gave me so much trouble it's seem's i've lost many of my already poor painting skill... So i made a few test on my first unit of Noise Marines and i want some criticisms/advices about what i can ameliorate before i will touch the big pieces of my army^^

So, as you can see i only finish the red of the armor and that's is the only point i want to improve on my futurs units ( Hope my explication was enough clear, i know my english is terrible and i fear that was a little bit confuse ^^" ) :




  • 7 months later...

Well guys, long time no see  x) But you know, work, personal live and stuff... But well i wont give up that easy on this army, so there is some progress for the moment :)

My first two possessed of Khorne :

The Chaos lord :


And then i have finally found some decent wings for my Heldrake^^ :




And that's all for the moment, nextime i will try to post some painted Berzerk, hope you like it folks :)

Well, well this thread not exciting peopole that much :P But with my really wide espaced update that's not really a surprise i think x) So, Possessed squad finished, and the chaos lord need only some green before being ready for paint too^^




And then started the optional scenery who goes with every Horus Heresy character ( A Space Wolf Will go instead of the Elves :P )


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