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Lemainus used the term "manic" for your kitbashing.


Absolutely apt, and describes it in a nutshell. Not really my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the great work !


Thanks :D Yeah i understand that^^ it's really heavy and not very subtle conversion work, not everyone like but i really want to have an unique army^^


I just read Talon of Horus as well, and I too kinda wanna do a Black Legion force now... I'm trying to stick with Heresy stuff from GW though, so I dunno what I'm gonna do about that yet. Maybe just a little warband as a modelling project or something, we'll see.


Anyway, I love your conversions. Amazing, all of them.


Again thanks :) Yeah i have really strugle before deciding to paint all of them in black instead of red finally, but im weak x) See the Nightlord some post before? Just because of a re-reading of the nightlord Omnibus x) Weak i say XD

So guys, time to finish some units and make that damn army playable at last x) So in honor of the VIII call of chaos and Khorne, i will try to complet my vow with my Daemonkin allies :


Well, you already know this guys^^


And the AOS cultist... No modification for once, except the champion of the unit based on the "Doom angel" of Tale of War miniature ^^ I found them already perfect and fireweapon didn't really suits some lower Khorne grunt for me :tongue.:



And my Lord in Terminator armour, don't ask about is Scorpion pet he have encounter a tragic destiny :/



They was finally here^^ Let's the fun begin!


Edited by Agraorth
  • 11 months later...

Annnnnddddddd back :D Yes almost a year after with absolutly none mini finished ^^ ( And a splendid faillure to my vow in the call of Chaos 8 :) ) Well, sound's like pitifull excuses but my life have been a real mess for years so i cannot give to my plastic little soldiers all the love they need -__- But i have managed to continue and after all thoses years i have decided to finished to build this damn army before moving in my new place in few week and who know... Maybe... Finally starting to paint x) ( Sorry for the confusing rant, my english have know better days... )

So here comes all the unit i hope finishing to build and primed before the end of the month :

Count as Decimator  :
Count as Soul Grinder :

Helldrake :


Sicaran :

Chaos Marines :

And Bonus, what is actually ready for paint. ( Without the dread and the first squad of possessed primed since a very long time x) )

Remember my project to make a chaos version of Sanguinius? Well not really satisfied of the final result so i used him to build my chaos Lord Zargothrax :


My second squad of possessed :


So from now time to work... Hope i will manage to finish in time before moving. Gods of chaos give me the strenght! Oh and as usual your comments and critics are more than welcome, sorry for the crapy cell phone picks by the way ^^'


Thanks :biggrin.: When it come to mini i have one golden rule : CONVERT EVERYTHING!!! :biggrin.:

So, for the Decimator : Most of the part came for the WB Slaughterbrute and the Forgefiend, for the base of the body i have simply used the legs and the optional head of the Slaughterbrute, shifting the nose with one of the Bloodthirster head for givin him a twisted look. The rear pipe are from the Forgefiend and the front shell too, i have just cute two of them in half and superposed them^^ For the armes i have used one shoulder of a classic loyalist dreadnought and one arm of the forgefiend, the gatling gun to came from him with the rear part from the imperial knight weapon. And for the last part the feet have been created with the weapon suport of the forgefiend and the finger of the imprial knight power fist^^ I hope i have been clear, i really need to practice english more often x)


EDIT : Oh yeah the crotch plate are from the varanguard and the front is the Hellbrute's gauntlet.

Edited by Agraorth

What kit is the smoking chaos star from on your lord? Ive been looking for something like that for about 8 years.

The chaos star is from the new Bloodthrister's wip :)



Niiiccceeee...I may have to put that on a to do list


Thanks budy^^ Really eager to see your version someday :)

  • 1 year later...

Well, seeing how many years have passed since i have opened this topic is almost depressing x) ( Almost as much at the number of mini only primed and waiting for paint of my desk... ) But you know, life, work and all... BUT! Overall i have slowly making time recently to continuing my little force again x) Meet the Caedus terminator squad :) What did you guys think of them and wich one did you prefer? :) ( I will finish it first^^ )

First of them the champion, brother Ajax


Second one, Kael'Sott the duelist


Aersula the big gun lover


Mahaar, the infidel. Icon bearer and lapdog of Erebus


And the last one Sulath ex primus medicae but still good at giving the final rest at thoses who fell in is hands :P


For the little fluff note their are all ex World Eaters who have leave their Legion to follow the Word Bearers after the heresy, having establishing more strong bond with Erebus and his fellow legionaries through their appartenance to an lodge.

Ah ah thanks, i have indeed used and fair amount of bits on them x) ( And by fair i mean ridiculous xD ) Except Ajax who is not based on an particular mini the other are the limited edition terminator Chapelain, the Cataphractii Primus Medicae and the AOS Skull Grinder of Khorne for the autocanon wielder :)

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