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Alpha Legion help


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Hey guys

Now i love the fluff of Alpha Legion and having read more up on them they seem perfect for what i want in a chaos force

Now i want to make my own warband and an idea ive had for them is

They will be a unknown company outside of the legion and even then no one can be sure of what they was up to

Now when their primarch "fell" they threw themselves head on into Chaos Worship while keeping the same armour colour they removed the Hydra symbol vowing they would rebuild the legion in their image

Now my thinking is i will have them turn to Tzeench as the whole no one knows what they are up to fits with Tzeench's mo pretty well

Now my plan is that by the time we get to the 40k era they will be close to legion size (ie 10000 marines)

My plan is their praetor/legion master will have ascended to Daemonhood

Now what i want to know is

Is this a stupid idea or can it actually work?

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Exactly what the frater said above. Chaos is by its very definition a fractious faction, more so in the Alpha Legion camp. When devising an Alpha Legion warband I suggest to try to represent the iconic things of the XXth legion, namely small units tactics, long term view, "regeneration", effectiveness, emotionless, change, constant change. 


The "legion" size is an anathema to any Alpha Legion warband worth its salt. Not only it is ineffective for their tactics and modus operandi but also draws a whole lot of attention to them, suddenly bailing them out from the comfortable shadows of the unknown. This and consider that any Alpha Legion operative worth its name and geneseed would enact a whole series of events which would somehow help him with "promotion" to the higher orders of the Splinter. 


A wiser, better and more Alpha Legion way to do things is to rather focusing on something material such as numbers (never an AL thing) you should better focus on the theme of immortality, regeneration, eternity. Have them command a state of art medical facility and training fortress which allows to quickly replace their losses, let them be extremely proficient at battlefield scavenging and geneseed recovery, allowing them to always have an edge when needed. 


The core concept of the alpha legion is that for every astartes out in the field, two more lie in shadows, three are trained and perhaps four legionaries of another Alpha Legion warband plot an event which would unknowingly be the demise of the first legionary, ofc. all for the benefit of the legion. 


This mindset is the iconic one of the Alpha Legion, to them numbers are simply that numbers. They have more, always but it is not that the legionaries are many in number, just that their recruiting program is so efficient that those 1000 astartes rarely drop below combat effective parameters, for there is always a new recruit somewhere, out there. 


An Alpha Legion warband would use this aspect to its fullest and with a smart Lord in command those say 1000 astartes really last long. 


Truth be told it is also very unlikely that life in the Eye and even very effective raids, would provide the necessary supplies to support more than 1000 astartes (and this is a very high figure for any warband). 

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