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Command Squad with wings


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Going over the FW tactics I am beggining to like the Fire Hawks (Thanks Deus). If I take the named character it gives jump packs to the command squad for 35 points. Now if I do this (which I am excited to do LOL) what to arm them with. For 260 I can give them JP SS MG and Flamer. Thats all kinds of harrasing joy. I could leave the Character with them and it gives them hit and run which would give me a reason to assault and take advantage of the +1 STR on the HoW attack.


So what to do what to do? any suggestions LOL just thought this would be interesting.

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I'm assuming you mean the Fire Hawks, since Fire Warriors are a Tau troop type and thus banned from discussion on this board.  As for the specifics, I'll leave that to someone else; I'm not so familiar with their character and Chapter Tactics.

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Going over the FW tactics I am beggining to like the Fire Hawks (Thanks Deus). If I take the named character it gives jump packs to the command squad for 35 points. Now if I do this (which I am excited to do LOL) what to arm them with. For 260 I can give them JP SS MG and Flamer. Thats all kinds of harrasing joy. I could leave the Character with them and it gives them hit and run which would give me a reason to assault and take advantage of the +1 STR on the HoW attack.


So what to do what to do? any suggestions LOL just thought this would be interesting.


Are you taking an apothecary? I'd highly recommend it as otherwise they will be way to easy to kill. Even then I'm not sure that they will be that effective as your opponent will certainly focus on them.  I'd consider running a character of some kind to help tank wounds if you want to stick with the Jump Packs

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with the SS they will have 3+/++ so thats not too shabby for survivability.  Plus like all good list the enemy will have to choose what target he is going to engage. armor saturation is not the only type of saturation.

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They will die like any other Marine squad with Bolter fire ;) That's how you counter the 3++, and there are only 5 of them. Having ran a MG/F Command squad with all the vets having the 2 weapons, it's a waste of points : you do have a generalist unit, but it'll die before it gets the chance to do both his stuff.


Just to have comparison elements : 260 points is more than a Terminator squad, a fully equipped stomraven and more than Marneus Calgar. It's also the price of 2 full scout squads with no upgrades but camo cloaks. At 1850points, they account for 14% points of your army !


I'm really not sure that they'll be effective on the table... Command squads are in an odd spot in that in the current meta, you want to keep the gear expenditures as low as possible and bring as many bodies as possible. Because we already pay a premium point count for premium stats, and compared to the base cost of a Marine, upgrades become extremely costly extremely fast, and change the game less than a high body count.

Command squads already have a very high base cost : we pay a Tactical sergeant with the Veteran upgrade at a 4 points discount, and that's basically it. Then we have to buy upgrades to make them more effective on the battlefield.


With the Fire Hawks chapter Tactics, you can have them take jump packs, which bring the cost at 5 point a model more than the Vanguard Veterans for the same statline. The only difference they have is that they can take special weapons, and a fast moving melta squad on jump packs is quite awesome. But, going for 3 meltas, this would cost 165 points and for the exact same, you get 3 Attack Bikes with multi-meltas, which have many advantages over a melta jump pack command squad (Jink, T5, twice the melta range, flat out, 2W per melta, Relentless, etc...)


Just ask yourself what you really want them to bring on the table, then gear them for that. I really believe Command squads are more melee oriented based on their profile than shooting oriented, and also have unique upgrades like the Company Champion, the Apotheticary and the Company Banner. What that screams to me is that it'll synergize very well in entirely foot slogging Marine armies that have many large squads on the board, and that will take casualties while advancing or defending.


That said, there's much cool in your squad and while I don't believe it will be competitive, it will be sure as hell cool to field :)

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Thanks Grey,


Well another thought to incorprate into this is to use a promethean pipeline and add hand flamers and Power Weapons to my Command Squad and jump back and forth with 5 heavy flamers that can add an extra attack in CC as well.

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What's QRF ? ^^


The Plasmagun squad sounds like a nice idea, but I wouldn't invest in the Stormshields. They have 24" range and can move from cover to cover to get a 4+ cover save so to me that's a cheaper bet !


You could definitely go for the Hand Flamers, I forgot about that part of the Chapter Tactics ! I wouldn't try to Deep Strike unless you have an abundance of Locator Beacons, but you could always go for regular flamers if you don't equip any power weapons. The amount of wounds you'll put is going to be ridiculous and you will purge many aliens !

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