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Disc of Tzeentch

Lord Asvaldir

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Working on making a disc lord, however I'd like to not use the classic disc like the herald of Tzeentch has. I was thinking of using dark eldar hellion's skyboards which look pretty cool, however I'm not sure how I'm going to fit a marine on one of those and make it look natural. Any ideas? 

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You'd have to reposition some legs to get it to look right I think.  I thought about using a helion but I ended up going for a Landspeeder though.  TBH it just seemed easier and I got to put a slave in the drivers seat.

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Hellion boards are too small. ^^;


Absolute best model to use for making a model on a Disc - especially a Marine on a disc - is the Blue Scribes. Their Disc is not only awesome, it's covered in books and arcane implements.

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Hellion boards are too small. ^^;



That's a shame. 


I like some of the disc models, I've used a bunch for my warriors of chaos, however I'd like something a little more 40k oriented representing some sort of forbidden, dark mekanicum/xeno tech gifted to my lord by Tzeentch.  Horus heresy jetbike sounds like my best bet unless someone else has a better idea. Maybe an eldar jetbike? I imagine that's too small. 

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Floating rocks is cool, but I'm going more for the jetbike look. 


@totgeboren: yours came out very nice, shame those DE jetbikes are not around anymore though perhaps I can grab one off Ebay. 


@Excessus: very nice big as well, I see bike, defiler and raptor bits but what else did you use?

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