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nurgle termi lord vs typhus?

Lord Kallozar

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Plenty of discussions on-going over this - everything from run it cheap and bare to going for a Fisty-claws combo.


The main benefit of using either Typhus or Necrosius is for Plague Zombies - it depends on the rest of your build and the subsequent synergy with that. What does the rest of your army look like?

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Typhus isn't really bad, just expensive. He has 2 mastery levels on a Terminator Chaos lord of Nurgle with a Daemon Weapon. He also gives you zombies. Now lets say each mastery level is 25 point upgrade (like on a sorcerer) he would be 180 points without those mastery levels. Now he Sounds not bad right? Hmm terminator though... how to deliver him into close combat... and what to stick him with...


Lately with my new stronghold assault book I have been using a bastion with void shield and escape hatch. I then stick him with 3 Nurgle Oblits and a Malefic/Biomancy Sorc in the bastion and have him do a turn 1 18 inch move, set off some Malefic summoning to screen you (yay +2  dice from typhus) and have the Oblits assault cannon the hell out of some poor unit. Only thing I don't like doing that against is massive plasma gun spam or TWC but otherwise he is pretty darn durable. You pray the enemy assaults you so Typhus can mow them down. If they don't you can just oblit away ( I have at one time had Typhus tank 72 fire warrior shots to the face and come out with 1 wound taken).


Your Nurgle Spawn, bikers, and maulerfiends should of course be charging forward too!


Oh btw if you have enough points ally in Belakor with minimal nurgling troop to invisibility Typhus for fun!

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Typhus isn't really bad, just expensive.

You know that is like saying that the WS isn't that good it is just cheap for what it does.



Oh btw if you have enough points ally in Belakor with minimal nurgling troop to invisibility Typhus for fun!


you need at least 1 or 2 more sorc to be close to sure of getting invisbility off every turn. This drives the cost of the formation[as in unit set up, not a formation formation] astronomicly.

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True sometimes it can fail ( I usually 5 dice invis then 4 dice summoning with a spell familiar) however there is a new renegades and heretics army from that forgeworld IA13 I'm looking at which has a crazy relic type item that allows you to reroll any dice when summoning. Hmmmm how to incorporate this....

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