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Chaos Storm Eagle

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I bought a Storm Eagle a while back and finally got around to finish building it because when I bought it off the guy, I didn't realize until I got it that it was a conversion kit =/ (my misunderstanding, but fortunately I didn't pay that much for it!) So I used some plasticard and GS to fill in the gaps, although I'm no master at it. lol I'm just missing a few bits from the front and rear engines.


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Chaos Storm Eagle


Because of the deformed look of the GS I'm just gonna go with the story that it's armor has been "warped" in the Warp! =P


EDIT: I do realize that the hooks are backwards, I was pretty tired around the time I started putting them on and it wasn't until after I had one wing done that I realized my error, but my laziness kept me from correcting them... at least I made both wings symmetrical! lol

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