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Had my first tournament in 7th Edition!

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So my local game store had a small 1500 point tournament (normally they're 1850pts), which was the only one I was actually able to attend, so I was very excited to participate! I generally don't play in tournaments, but I decided I'd give it a go and see how I do, though I had no expectation of winning. This isn't so much of a batrep as it is just a recall of the highlights of my enjoyment of the tournament =]

Here was my list:


Sorcerer (Warlord): ML3, Burning Brand, Gift of Mutation, Spell Familiar, VOTLW, Bike*, Force Sword. 170pts

*Didn't realize until after the tournament I never paid the points for the Bike, however I never got the chance to use the Burning Brand, so since it's 10 more points than a Bike I think it makes up for it point wise.


Helbrute: Plasma Cannon. 110pts


Marine Squad x2: 4 Marines w/ 1 Meltagun, Champion w/ Melta Bombs, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades. 130pts (each)


Biker Squad x2: MoN, 3 Bikers w/ 2 Meltaguns, Champion w/ Power Fist. 159pts (each)

Storm Eagle: Twin Multi-Melta, 2 Twin Lascannons, Dirge Casters. 285pts


Relic Predator: Plasma Destroyer, Havoc Launcher, Dozer Blades. 127pts

Havoc Squad x2: 4 Havocs w/ 4 Autocannons, Champion. 115pts (each)

So when we started the tournament I had to sit out for the first round because they other player wasn't there until after the first game, so me and him got half of the total points (5/10) for being required to sit out, which sucked because I didn't get to play but not that big of a deal since I got 5 points.

My first game I played the guy who showed up late. He had IG with 1 bare bones infantry platoon, 3 Chimera veteran squads w/ 2 Meltaguns, 2 lascannon heavy weapon squads of 3 bases, 1 Russ Demolisher, Pask in a Russ Punisher and 1 more Punisher in his unit, all Russes had a hull Lascannon and multi-melta sponsons. Basically, I rushed my bikes forward through a gap between these high castle walls in the middle of the table, he shot up the front squad leaving only the Champion left, one of his throw-away guard unit charged him to block the gap from my other bikes from passing, however my champion won the assault and overran them! The Bikes came through the opening, melta'd the regular Punisher for 2HPs, the lone champion beat Pask like a crushed soda can, while the Storm Eagle blew up the Demolisher. At this point (the 2nd turn) he conceded the game as he saw he could not deal with my army any longer without his tanks (my Havocs and Relic Predator also reduced his Lascannon teams to one base each). So that scored me 10 points! So far at 15 points!

My second game (which was the last game of the tournament, only 3 games in total) was against a Space Wolf player who had the Melta Knight (can't remember its name, the one with the 3++), 15 Blood Claws with a Priest, 10 Grey Hunters with a Wolf Lord and each unit had the Stormwolf. I threw the Bikes at the Knight, one unit got ate through two assault phases, it charged my Sorcerer's unit who cause 1HP through Metagun overwatch(!) and another with the Champion's PF, lost combat by 1 and fell back. They rallied and cast Inivisibility on the Helbrute who charged the Knight, put 1 more HP on it (at this point at 1HP, removed 1 earlier from shooting), then finally as a last hurrah destroyed the Knight without taking any damage in return! Since this was a Relic mission, my last remaining Marine Squad nabbed it but then his Blood Claw unit hopped out of the Stormwolf, but amazingly, after all the dust settled, my Champion stood tall in defiance to their False Emperor and took great glory for the Dark Gods by holding that Relic at the call of time! This was a close game ending in a draw! So, 19 points in total!

I came out as finishing in 2nd place out of 6 and was able to score enough store credit to get myself a squad of Raptors/Warp Talons! Even though I only played 2 games, I had a lot of fun and hope to try it again next time! biggrin.png

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Nicely done, always good to see the forces of the false emperor get squashed. msn-wink.gif

Also find that odd, normally late shows get penalized, not gifted half points.

I'm curios on how the storm eagle did. I feel like it's a little expensive for what it can do, and if you don't end up using its transport capacity that's essentially pts you payed for that you're not using. On the other hand, using it as a transport could get it killed (though armored ceramite helps), or waste a turn of its firepower. Just feel like the fire raptor is better but it doesn't have the option of good anti tank weapons like the storm eagle.

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I didn't run it as a transport, just for anti-tank purposes, which it did a pretty good job at (blowing up a Russ and hurting a Stormwolf). It definitely is expensive, but the only other flyer I had was a Heldrake and I wanted something that could punch harder. It's Vengeance Missiles had some good pie plate action on the Space Wolf player's Grey Hunters.


I think if I had the choice of bringing that or a Fire Raptor (that I don't have), I'd bring the Raptor just because it's bristling with guns! Lol but the Storm Eagle did do a great job (hurray for Armored Ceremite!).

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I didn't run it as a transport, just for anti-tank purposes, which it did a pretty good job at (blowing up a Russ and hurting a Stormwolf). It definitely is expensive, but the only other flyer I had was a Heldrake and I wanted something that could punch harder. It's Vengeance Missiles had some good pie plate action on the Space Wolf player's Grey Hunters.


I think if I had the choice of bringing that or a Fire Raptor (that I don't have), I'd bring the Raptor just because it's bristling with guns! Lol but the Storm Eagle did do a great job (hurray for Armored Ceremite!).


Well that's good to hear, certainly can't go wrong with 2 las cannons and a multi melta, just feels like as you said the fire raptor is better since you're getting more firepower for the same pts value. 

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