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Dimensional Key


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I know most Chaos players don't like the Dimensional Key, but I just wanted a rule clarification. The rule states that, after the bearer of the Key kills something in the Fight sub-phase, "Furthermore any friendly units from this Codex that arrive by Deep Strike after the Key's power has been unlocked do not scatter." Before that it states after killing something the followings rules are in effect "From that point on". So, if I'm understanding this correctly: once the bearer kills an enemy model in the Fight sub-phase, from that point on, all your DSing models don't scatter?
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The reason it's lamented has been covered numerous times before, namely that your reserves are most likely going to arrive before the character (with the key) will get into combat, so the key will then have no effect whatsoever.

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Well, unless you keep most (90%) of your army in reserves, composed exclusively of Deep Striking eraser units with 2 squads of cultists as Troops and a nasty HQ in a cheapish Biker squadron as sacrificial wounds. Throw him in assault Turn 2 and your reserve rolls in Turn 3 can then arrive precisely where you want in order to deal with the enemy units.


You have to make sure you don't get any of your reserves first though !


... That's just wrong for an item, this is really a bad artefact.

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What about on a character in a Dreadclaw? Comms Relay Aegis would help too.


That's true. With the addition with Dreadclaws it could make the Key more usable since you could be in their face Turn 1, you'd still have to wait a turn for the charge, but the Comms Array definitely would help with the re-rolls. Do you have to have the Aegis Defense Line to get that or can you get it separately?

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