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Auspex and Jink Saves


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So the Auspex says that you can target a unit and reduce it's cover saves by 1 until the end of the phase. Since Jink grants a cover save this will reduce it by one. But what if that unit has not jinked yet and is not currently in cover? If you use the auspex and then target it with another unit which the opponent would like to jink from does it still drop to a 5+?

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By the wording of the Auspex's rules, you may target a unit in range and it's cover saves are reduced by 1 until the end of the phase.  The fact that it says "saves" and "until the end of the phase" would lead me to believe that a subsequent jink will be affected by the auspex.


The decision to jink offers a cover save to the unit, the auspex reduces that unit's cover saves by 1 for the entirety of that (shooting) phase.  So the unit's jink save is reduced, even if the auspex is used before the unit elects to jink later in that same shooting phase (as the effect of the auspex is still in operation).

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Excellent, that's what I was thinking as well. I was thinking of adding one to my chaplain in my BT/AM list to make enemy skimmers easier to kill with the hordes of fire the AM can bring :D

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