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Viable lists WITHOUT dreadknights?

Captain Coolpants

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it's not possible. They're better than every other unit in our codex, bar none. The only reason you don't see lists with 6 of them is because of Strikes+Libby tax. 


2 I think are mandatory in most lists. 3-4 is doable above 1500 points. 

Well, if I really had to, I'd try:




Libby ML 3

10 termies (2 psycannons, 1 hammer)

10 purifiers (2 psycannons, 1 hammer) in a SR (TLLC-TLMM)

10 purifiers (2 psycannons, 1 hammer) in a SR (TLLC-TLMM)


Hope for invisibility on the libby and good reserve rolls.

I'd say it depends on the people you play against and the meta of the group. I'd say if the group only uses their best units then not using a dk would be unwise. But on the other hand, if they take a friendly list then there are plenty of units that well arnt as good as the dk, but could still be good in a friendly environment

Only the irrational phobia towards facing unbound armies.

The only reason you don't see lists with 6 of them is because of Strikes+Libby tax.

The only reason I don't field that is I only have 2 NDKs. And can only scrounge up two more 'oval' bases to counts-as. msn-wink.gif



Spoken like someone who's never played it~




My NDK romp all over my mates.  They have a seriosuly bad time trying to stop them.


If I fielded nothing by NDK, they would probably give up turn 1.


I'd still do it, for a game or two, just to prove the point to them.

Spoken like someone who's never played it~
My one loss so far was to a conventional army. 


Because you're using Knights as your 'along for Mr Titan's Wild Ride' force. Also, you're not spamming VSG's to protect it, you're just fielding it naked. You're not really building your list around the Titan (which is how Escalation works), you're just taking it along. 


I really don't see the point of 3+ NDK. If you're looking for a hypercompetitive build T6 W4 spam is garbage, and if you're looking to have fun you should be diversifying.



WIth 2+ armour and 4+ invulnerable saves. And your enemy only gets typically one shooting phase before they're in melee combat. Plus they carry heavy psycannons and incinerators into their backline Turn 1 with their shunt move. I field two and they're typically killing half an opponents army before dying. They do more work than the rest of my army combined. 
I guess you could do something similar to Deathwing. Spam Terminators in dedicated Land Raiders. Lots of units with Objective secured. 


Not really. More like 3 or 4 easily focused units. 

You can make lists without NDKs.  All Purifier / Razor MSU.  Or Stormraven heavy.


But you're weaker without them.


NDKs are the best unit in our entire codex.  And if you can use them (and are looking at your lists effectiveness and not a fluff/artistic/masochistic pov), why wouldn't you?  As such, why wouldn't you use as many of them as you can?


GKT are now great.  Everyone takes them. That 165 points.


An NDK with just a Gattling Psilencer (Strombolter equivalent, not that it's really anything good...) is 160.  5 points cheaper.  You lose a wound, but gain T6 (so much better) access to 4++ save, and S10 in CC.


Our GKT are great.  Everyone takes them.


NDKs are *better*.


Would you love it if you could purchase a Personal Teleporter for your GKT unit?


An NDK (which is cheaper then the GKT and *better*) can.


/thread discussing how good the NDK is




For lists without NDKs you're looking at allies.


You don't take NDKs becuase you're using Grav Cents.  Or Grav Bikes.  Or Stormtalons.  Or Special Formations.


Spoken like someone who's never played it~


My one loss so far was to a conventional army.


Because you're using Knights as your 'along for Mr Titan's Wild Ride' force. Also, you're not spamming VSG's to protect it, you're just fielding it naked. You're not really building your list around the Titan (which is how Escalation works), you're just taking it along.

Firstly, 'Mr. Titan's Wild Ride' is now the name of the list. So thanks for that. :P


Secondly, if I wanted an optimal force I still wouldn't have VSGs because the Adamantine Lance takes up the rest of my points.

Yeah, but with a Warhound and Adamantine Lance formation, you're basically going to have zero friends ;) . I'd hate to fight that list, even with 4+ DK's that's a lot of dakka to endure just to reach you. 

Yeah, but with a Warhound and Adamantine Lance formation, you're basically going to have zero friends msn-wink.gif . I'd hate to fight that list, even with 4+ DK's that's a lot of dakka to endure just to reach you.

The point is I'm trying to have fun game AND play my '89 vintage Warhound - and I think it succeeds without Dreadknights.


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