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BA image, how do you want them represented?


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I want the Blood Angels to be representation the struggle against the evil in oneself in 40k. They represent both the best and the worst of the humanity. The angelic visage that Dante and the Sanguinary exemplify next to the dark bestial power of the Death Company and Mephiston represent. The rest of the chapter a constant pull between the two of these deep natures. The Blood Angels represent the constant struggle in everyone between light and dark, good and evil. They are flawed and as such make it so they should be more prone to falling victim the temptations of Chaos, and yet because of their will are able to walk the knife edge between salvation and damnation. They are the most human because of this, and a chapter that can be looked up to because of it.


I personally would like to see the Blood Angels pushed against the wall by the overwhelming forces they are supposed to face in the Darkest Hour. Only against crucible can true greatness be forged. (Be warned: a bit of heresy to follow) I think having Baal being destroyed and the Blood Angels and their various successors having to flee taking with them remainsd of Sanguinius and having to become a fleet based chapter instead would be a very interesting turn for the Blood Angels.


heresy indeed, but if written correctly has the making of something special. 

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I want the Blood Angels to be representation the struggle against the evil in oneself in 40k. They represent both the best and the worst of the humanity. The angelic visage that Dante and the Sanguinary exemplify next to the dark bestial power of the Death Company and Mephiston represent. The rest of the chapter a constant pull between the two of these deep natures. The Blood Angels represent the constant struggle in everyone between light and dark, good and evil. They are flawed and as such make it so they should be more prone to falling victim the temptations of Chaos, and yet because of their will are able to walk the knife edge between salvation and damnation. They are the most human because of this, and a chapter that can be looked up to because of it.


I personally would like to see the Blood Angels pushed against the wall by the overwhelming forces they are supposed to face in the Darkest Hour. Only against crucible can true greatness be forged. (Be warned: a bit of heresy to follow) I think having Baal being destroyed and the Blood Angels and their various successors having to flee taking with them remainsd of Sanguinius and having to become a fleet based chapter instead would be a very interesting turn for the Blood Angels.


heresy indeed, but if written correctly has the making of something special. 


i agree with you, but i'd prefer they just not try, because the balance of tragedy and triumph, would be too delicate for them to actually achieve a good bit of fluff...i'd prefer if the chapter just took heavy losses, and was only able to save the planet by releasing the inhabitants of the tower of amero(sp?) i think that and a massive DC charge would satisfy my desire for the darker side to be a bit more prevalant in the fluff.

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james swallow

Who? Never heard of him. Just like I've never heard of a 4th Alien movie tongue.png

Well, it was better than the third (not saying much, I know)...

Common guys, everyone knows theres only 2 Alien films ;)

Not too keen on the Baal destruction idea, in my eyes our chapter would rather death to the last astartes than the shame of allowing our Fathers planet to be lost, its not in our nature.

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I can't say that I want the Blood Angels to be seen as the vampire-themed Space Marines, such as the Space Wolves are the Vikings, the RG are the emos, templars are knights, and so on. Their nature is waaaay to complex to describe it that way, their "thing" is not that simple to catch, and certainly not in one word, especially if it's something that's been interpreted very differently in modern pop and film culture. Parallels, yes, inspiration taken from, yes, but fully "just vampire"? No.

The Blood Angels are cursed, and their curse is one that befalls both mind and body. In fact, it is so deeply embedded in their DNA that it can turn the most honourable marine into a howling whirlwind of murder, violence and evisceration who storms over the battlefield lashing out left and right, leaving a thick, red mist in his wake. While this may sound handy for the Emperor's Chosen warriors, the Blood Angels know better.

They know that this curse is their heritage, passed on to them by the brutal death of their beloved Father, and that there can only be resistance to the Flaw, lest they'd fall into darkness. This has brought a deep understanding humility to the Sons of the Angel, one that lesser chapters cannot hope to acquire. This is what's making them strengthen their spirits each moment of their lives, this is what makes them strive to perfection in everything they do, and this is also what causes their terrible lust to shed the blood of the enemies of mankind. It's not zeal. It's not just hate. This is congenital.

All of this makes the Blood Angels proud, noble and truly fearsome to stand against for their utter defiance of death. How can death scare someone who's been training his mind even more than your "regular" Astartes and who knows the consequences that lurk in the back of it?

So how should GW portray the Blood Angels? Many others here have made some excellent points, some that I agree with wholeheartedly.

IMHO, take the whole angel- and blood-themes down a small notch, make them a little bit closer to the regular Astartes they once derived from, and leave the Black Rage lurking in the back. The Rage's not supposed to break out all the time, mentioning that each marine is strengthening his mind in each second of his live should do the trick to make it work. Having references to Sanguinius is cool, as is adorned armour, swords, jump packs etc. but I'm growing weary by the fact that all GW could to give some background to one of the most interesting chapters in a long anticipated codex(back in 2010) was to put the words "blood" or some form of "angel" in front of every item, piece of wargear, etc. We're not the Space Wolves. No need for ridiculing the theme we've got going.

Other than that, we're good. That's why I fear GW is gonna totally screw up this time.

Oh and please get rid of those two ridiculous ccensored.gif that are called the Sanguinor and Astorath. And erase any remarks of their existence. And mind-wipe the guy who came up with the whole idea.


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I like the Sanguinor. He's mysterious. I don't really care about Astorath, one way or the other.

the mystery is just GW's way of not having to think up and write any real fluff for him.

he's just the guy in the gold suit of armor that swoops in and leaves.  it's a terrible 'super hero' cliche


look, it's a bird, it's an assault marine, no. it's the sanguinor....

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