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The Harbringer of Pestilence a Angels of Pestilence story


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Hey guys so decided to start writing some fluff for my Nurgle army the Angels of Pestilence legion. Hope you enjoy


Chapter 1

Visons flashed all around him. Confusing and multi coloured Valazar stood there his sickly green tactical dreadnought armour visable in the green light. It was a baroque suit of armour however he chose not to wear his helmet for he wanted the enemy to look upon his dark grey skin. He stared at the rusted and carroded walls trying to make sense of what he had just scried when the vox rune on his armours interface began to glow. "What do you wannnt" Valazar said his voice no louder than a deathy rasp. "The Legion Master Ghorbarath has sent me to inform you that you are needed in the hall of pestilence" said the Astartes.


Valazar sighed why could Ghorbarath not just leave him in peace. As a imp like creature walked out of the darkness he recognised it as his familiar ku'kar'buh. While most sorcerors would keep their familiars close he was willing to send his off to achieve other tasks.


"What issss it massster" said Ku'kar'buh clearly fidigitting with excitement. Valazar picked up his force axe flowing through it the power of Nurgle. "I have to go to the hall of pestilence however i have a different task for you, i want you to traverse the warp and find out why im having the visons ive been having. Do not return to me til i call for you" said Valazar with a sneer on his face as the familiar just disappeared in the darkness


"He is a good servant" thought Valazar "i really should treat him better"

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