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Expansion Box for CS and DA


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Don't know if you guys saw this yet.....


Yes apparently for us Dark Angels there is a Dark Vengeance Expansion set @ $136 approx. No UK or Euro costs as yet.

It is to include a Ravenwing Command Squad, 5 Deathwing Knights and a Dark Talon.

Supposedly released this week !!

From here: http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/dark-vengeance-expansion-kits-this-week.html


Could all be lies of course ...







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I'm still pretty new to this but the GW sets don't really work from the point of view of building an army. Really what you need is 2 solid troop choices, and then either an Elite, Fast Attack or Heavy Support option.


Even taking into account model conversions from Dark Vengence I'd be hard pressed to use much more than the Land Raider from this set as 5 Raptors is all but useless, 5 Cultists is a fiver's worth and Terminators are nice but not a great Elite choice.

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Nids get 3 new Drop Pod variants and a bunch of new MCs. We get a box with 5 cultists, 5 raptors, 5 terminators and a land raider.


Excuse me while I feel pretty damn upset about this.


A plastic drop pod/dreadclaw variant for Chaos would sell well at xmas time and give us something to liven up a pretty sad codex.

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The only thing that draws me to the CS box set:


1. A GW discount! Since when? I dunno, but I'll take it.

2. I could use another Landraider for my CS.

3. Raptor models make me tingle in funny places.


5 raptors, with combi-melta & lightning claw champ, 2 melta guns and the mark of khorne, with VotLW make astartes cry

I always bring them when I'm playing the imperial scum

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5 raptors, with combi-melta & lightning claw champ, 2 melta guns and the mark of khorne, with VotLW make astartes cry

I always bring them when I'm playing the imperial scum


I don't tailor lists, and while that's not a bad option their FA slot is in competition with the drake, spawn, bikers and the hellblade..pretty much all better choices. 

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I keep saying to anyone who will listen around me... if... IF GW actually put out a stand alone box with 5 resculpt Chaos Marines, with a Drop Pod.... including rules, they would sell a TON of these units.


I keep waiting to see it... I was just listening to the Ascension of Balthasar and got to the point where Krannon drop pods his army down.... and all I do is grind my teeth and murmur.... It just seems like such an easy, no brainer to do.  Everyone wins.


I'll take this though.... for now. 

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Seriously, every time I see something like this it really gets my hopes up for a DV style chosen kit or something.

Have to agree with Prot though, a bio-daemon-mechanical Dreadclaw style drop pod would be awesome.

Here's hoping for a Chaos splash release early 2015!

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We just got IA13, I'm not feeling like CSM are getting side lined these days.

Not everyone is as positive about 13 or FW.



Well... Some people are always party poopers when it comes to FW. IA13 wasn't all that it could be, but it gives us some new stuff. I'm happy about the renegades list, it opens a lot of options for chaos. It isn't anything amazing, or new, but it does give some choice and flavor, while fixing a few problems.

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We just got IA13, I'm not feeling like CSM are getting side lined these days.

Well it is FW, there are places in the world where you can't use FW. making the IA13 a very painful thing to see[as everything that is in it will for a long time miss from any chaos codex].


Well... Some people are always party poopers when it comes to FW. IA13 wasn't all that it could be, but it gives us some new stuff. I'm happy about the renegades list, it opens a lot of options for chaos. It isn't anything amazing, or new, but it does give some choice and flavor, while fixing a few problems.


Why its is not core, and playing without FW is the same as playing without unbound or the house ruled MS objectives[which I think].




As the box goes 1 bad unit, 1 bad vehicles , 1 illegal unit and terminators which are kind of a meh. Not a very good buy specialy for someone that is starting. Even a second DV box would be a better expansion for a noob , and that says something about the new box.


The DA one isn't much better. The bikers are nice. But the flyer and terminators are bad. Both as a DV expansion or stand alone buy.

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I'm still pretty new to this but the GW sets don't really work from the point of view of building an army. Really what you need is 2 solid troop choices, and then either an Elite, Fast Attack or Heavy Support option.

So you have:

-Krannon (HQ)

-25 Cultists (2 cheap troops)

-5x Chosen (elite)

-Hellbrute (elite)

-Terminators (another elite possible LR transport)

-Raptors (fast)


So yes, not the greatest but legal. And also legal for unbound armies.


These gift bundles are rarely the greatest selections but I wouldn't start the calls for pitch forks as they're not really aimed at people who have been gaming for a while who know what they really want.

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I'm still pretty new to this but the GW sets don't really work from the point of view of building an army. Really what you need is 2 solid troop choices, and then either an Elite, Fast Attack or Heavy Support option.

So you have:

-Krannon (HQ)

-25 Cultists (2 cheap troops)

-5x Chosen (elite)

-Hellbrute (elite)

-Terminators (another elite possible LR transport)

-Raptors (fast)


So yes, not the greatest but legal. And also legal for unbound armies.


These gift bundles are rarely the greatest selections but I wouldn't start the calls for pitch forks as they're not really aimed at people who have been gaming for a while who know what they really want.


Here Timmy buy this for your CSM army because its NEW and SHINY!!! I love GW's cop out ideas, sure its an easy purchase for the family types, especially if its two brothers, get DV as a joint gift then aunty and uncle get the expansion boxes, I enjoyed talkin to customers when I was a GW staffer and actually helping them choose things, manager got arsey because I spent nearly 45 mins talkin Chaos with one guy, told me I should have just pointed him towards the new stuff and told him how amazing it was... 

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We just got IA13, I'm not feeling like CSM are getting side lined these days.

Not everyone is as positive about 13 or FW.



Well frankly they should be, it's a wide variety of new chaos options and you can't argue that some of them are rather good (the fire raptor comes to mind). 




We just got IA13, I'm not feeling like CSM are getting side lined these days.

Well it is FW, there are places in the world where you can't use FW. making the IA13 a very painful thing to see[as everything that is in it will for a long time miss from any chaos codex].



Fair enough, price is definitely an obstacle when it comes to FW, I myself don't even own any FW models yet plus some gaming communities don't allow it-even if it's completely within the rules. 

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Unfortunately the price of the book, comparative costs and uses to loyalist equivalents, and not potentially caring about LATD drags its heels and shows you can also live without anything the book offers. Pretty pictures and paragraphs about armies are always nice though.


The fault mainly lies in trying to polish the Chaos turd. Or to compare it as an expansion pack to a crappy game like Resident Evil 5/6.

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Provisional disagreement.


As an army, it's targeted at people just starting out. It's not good. It's not a bad start to a core if you intend to build a large collection, but it's not good.


However, considered as a pair, it does address the existing imbalance a bit. Existing DV is biased toward the DA player. The expansions are better for the Chaos player given that- Termies to address the DA termies, the DA termies can DS with the Ravenwing but the Chaos ones get a ride, raptors to counter-balance (a bit) the speed of the DA bikes.


It's not perfect, but those three sets in a vacuum are a little more balanced than DV alone.

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