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Best Psychic Powers for Blood Angels (in Apocalypse)?

Chaplain Gunzhard

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I've been fielding exclusively Tyranids in 7th edition but I'll be dusting off an enormous Blood Angel army for an Apocalypse game soon.

1 Librarian with jumppack attached to Sanguinary Guard (with Dante and Priest), 1 Librarian in rhino attached to Death Company (with Chaplain), and 1 Librarian Dreadnought.

We decided to make Invisibility - BS1, but other than that I don't really know much about the non-Hive-Mind powers anymore. Any thoughts? - Thanks.


BTW - we will be playing against 12,000 points of Eldar and Dark Eldar...

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With only three you can't use the Librarius formation. Therefore, just stick with the regular ones.


In your examples above:

  • Jump Pack - Telepathy/Divination (For Invisibility or Prescience)
  • Rhino -Telepathy/Biomancy (For Invisibility or combat buffs)
  • Furioso - Telepathy/Telekinesis (For Invisibility & Psychic Shriek/or something fun/useful off the Telekinesis table)

For what it's worth, in my next Apocalypse game I'll likely* be fielding the following:

  • Mephiston - Biomancy
  • Barebones Librarian - Divination (attached to Devastators)
  • Barebones Librarian - Telepathy/Telekinesis
  • TDA Librarian - Divination/Telepathy

* Comment is subject to us getting our own Psychic table or not

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