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a couple of questions on charging.


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Hi, a couple of quick questions from someone trying to get back into the hobby after too many years out.

1. If I shoot at a unit and it flees or is destroyed, I can't charge another unit, right?

2. A unit with relentless can move, shoot and charge no matter what weapons they are shooting with, correct?

3. A unit with relentless that doesn't have a pistol and a ccw does not gain an extra attack when charging, correct?

Thank you.

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1 - correct, although if it flees and is still within charge range then you may still declare a charge against that unit.

2 - correct, although there are some (forgeworld only) weapons that are an exception.

3 - incorrect, any model that charges will gain +1 Attack (+2 if they have Rage) for doing so unless they perform a disordered charge (eg charge multiple enemy units) or assault a unit with Defensive Grenades, in which case they get no charge bonus.  The +1 Attack for 2 melee (or specialist) weapons is a different attack bonus.  Relentless has no effect on the number of attacks a model has or can have.

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1 - correct, although if it flees and is still within charge range then you may still declare a charge against that unit.


One caveat to this, if you destroy a Transport, you can Charge the unit that was Disembarked from the Wreck, provided you can Charge in the first place, of course.

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