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Aircraft - how are they?


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The 30K flyers are very optimised for their roles, the Lightning probably the least out of them, only because they are VERY expensive for a fully decked out Anti Tank platform and remain quite fragile and easy to knock out of the air.


The Fire Raptor however is a slaughterhouse when armed with autocannons, the ability to enter the board and fire at FOUR seperate targets is insane.


A couple of those escorting a couple of Storm Eagles and you have a truly powerful air cav delivery unit. A very potent element in an Orbital Assault list, couple that with some drop podding tact squads and dreadnoughts plus a Dreadclaw with another assault unit and you have a pretty versatile and fun army.



The Thunderbolt is pretty much the same as it was in 40K, a little more robust than the Lightning, but far less customisable now.

The Avenger is an excellent dog fighter and ground support unit, capable of carrying more weapons than it can fire!



However, all of this completely and utterly depends on what sort of list you are building

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I use my Lightning with Kraken to kill very specific large vehicles - like Spartan, Archilles, Ad Mech Knights, etc. Usually I'll fire all 4 missiles at one go which may be overkill but that's what I use when I want a guranteed armor kill. If it lives, then I'll use the remaining 2 Missiles and LasCannon on something else after.


Fire Raptor - flies in, fires VMB and AC at various Heavy Infantry or Light Vehicle. I even risk putting it into Hover every now and then to keep it shooting.


Storm Eagle - primarily there to fly my 2nd Terminator Squad in. Then it'll go after vehicles. If I didn't need a Transport, I'd use the Lightning or Fire Raptor instead.

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My list is something like:


Alpha Legion:

Master of Signal


2x Apothecaries


2 x 20 man tac squads


5 man Terminator squad


5 man Missile Launcher Heavy Support Squad 


^All of these are infiltrating.


Supporting them are:


Kheres Contemptor Mortis


2x Sicarans with Heavy Bolters


Aircraft - I was thinking Fire Raptor here since I really don't need a Storm Eagle due to infiltration, but perhaps maybe a Lightning due to AT? Though I'm really liking the Fire Raptor. Perhaps I should give the Sicarans lascannons for AT?

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I wouldnt bother giving the Sicarans Lascannons, they will be target number one for your opponents anti armour weaponary for the first round or two because the Contemptor will take that long to get into effective range so wont be an immediate threat. Sadly that will mean you will probably lose one if not both of the Tanks very early, because they go boom just as easy as a Rhino once a Pen gets through (I swear the dice know when they are rolling for Pen damage for a Sicaran and ALWAYS come up 6).


Hard decision, the lightning is a far better anti armour platform if kitted out correctly, but is fragile, and with not much target saturation your opponents anti armour will be able to focus on vehicles one at a time. Autocannons will drop the Lightning without too much effort, where as they would struggle against a Fire Raptor and the rest of your vehicles.


I would probably go the Fire Raptor, even though that reduces your potential anti armour.


What are your terminators equipped with? (you're going to say at least 2 or 3 chainfists right?)


Also consider throwing a Melta bomb on every infantry model you can to increase their threat.

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What are your termies armed with? (this time dont say Thunderhammers)


It would probably be worth trying to squeeze the points for a couple of chainfists, they really do tear apart vehicles, and when the owner has paid the extra points for Armoured Ceramite it is even more gratifying. Though I probably wouldnt do it by dropping the Apoths, they are pretty vital to the 20 man foot sloggers.


Possibly just shave one Marine off each 20 man blob, or drop the Heavy Bolter Sponsons off the sicarans and move them 12" every turn (allowing to fire your main gun still). Its a pretty tight list.

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Seems like every 30K game I play always has an opposing Spartan.


So, with no other heavy anti-armor in your list; I'd actually just go with the Lightning instead. Fire all 4 missiles (w/Missile Barrage) the very turn it comes in to blow up that Spartan and you've already more than paid for its cost even if it gets shot down after.


Kraken has a 36" range so it should still be outside of an Apothecary's 18" Augury Intercept as well as out of a Kheres Mortis Contemptor's Intercept (though not out of an AC Mortis Contemptor's Intercept - which is the thing you should be wary of).



Edit - Bonus if the Spartan you kill is actually carrying anything.

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Seems like every 30K game I play always has an opposing Spartan.


So, with no other heavy anti-armor in your list; I'd actually just go with the Lightning instead. Fire all 4 missiles (w/Missile Barrage) the very turn it comes in to blow up that Spartan and you've already more than paid for its cost even if it gets shot down after.


Kraken has a 36" range so it should still be outside of an Apothecary's 18" Augury Intercept as well as out of a Kheres Mortis Contemptor's Intercept (though not out of an AC Mortis Contemptor's Intercept - which is the thing you should be wary of).



Edit - Bonus if the Spartan you kill is actually carrying anything.


While I agree on the ability of a Xerxes Lightning to drop a Spartan, and the (sad) fact that nearly every list is starting to appear with Spartans in them, I am a little confused by the assumptions on the Apothecaries and Mortis Contemptors. Its making the assumption that all such units are located next to the intended target? Any supporting anti air (with intercept) should be scattered away from the intended escorted unit (being the spartan most times) giving a nice wide bubble of protection and to counter that exact draw back; the anti air having shorter range than the intended aircrafts attack range.


Also just keep in mind that the Apothecaries Intercept is only for Deep Striking units, not units which have come in from reserve normally, so if your opponent has such a build (Apoth with Aug) it is best fly in from your table edge or make sure that you deep strike a distance away from the Apoth.

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Here's my list now:


Master of Signal 85pts


Apothecary 45 pts


Apothecary 45 pts


Legion Terminator Squad 195 pts

-5 members

-Cataphractii Terminator Armor

-2x Chainfists


Legion Tactical Squad 255 pts

-19 members

-Legion Vexilia

-Melta Bombs


Legion Tactical Squad 255 pts

-19 members

-Legion Vexilia

-Melta Bombs


Contemptor Mortis 185 pts

-Two Kheres Assault Cannons


Legion Heavy Support Squad 160pts

-Missile Launchers


Sicaran Battle Tank 155 pts

-Heavy Bolters


Sicaran Battle Tank 155 pts

-Heavy Bolters


Legion Fire Raptor 220 pts

-2x Reaper Autocannon Battery


Total: 1755 pts 


Also question, when you replace the Fire Raptor's Heavy Bolters with the Reaper Battery do you pay the listed cost once or twice (for two batteries)?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Now I didn't coin the name but you should take a Xerxes pattern lightning.

4 kraken penetrator missiles

Battle servitor controls

...it's called the Xerxes because it :cuss s up Spartans ;)



lol I named that over on Warseer.  I wonder how it got over here?

I think I got it from someone over on 30k or it could've been you lol I didn't claim to name it, so I just used the term haha

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I love the Lightning. Its my go to aircraft for my Night Lords. I use it for anti-air with a little bit of anti-armor due to my meta. Usually two TL autocannons with a side of kraken missiles, perfect for shooting down other normal aircraft. Always pays for itself. Killed Lysander last time I used it.


The Fire Raptor is a beast for sure. Mine has not been shot down yet but usually comes close to paying for itself every game. Just a great bird for shooting things.


Never tried a Storm Eagle.


The Caestus Ram is an excellent ship too. Very heavy damage on its main gun, carries 10 guys no matter what armor they are wearing 13 front armor and I think a front invul save. And it rams things :) I miss the old days where speed actually mattered on a ram attack.

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